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The inside doorway sprung out bustling bodies of hurried students trying to catch a quick ride home. School had ended for the day, and they wanted nothing else to do with it. Others entertained themselves as time progressed with their friends chattering about this or that. Josephine was leaning against a column, arms tucked across her chest, and felt quite stony.

It was simple, and then it was not. Lexi wanted Camillo. Josephine needed Camillo. Both sides couldn't be appeased. Lexi wanted that savoring warmth Camillo provided. But to her alone. On the other hand, Josephine needed to seem like she wanted it. In part, only to Dante. Who thought her lower than dirt, but still useful.

Something had to be done. Ignoring her Lexi problem wouldn't solve anything, and this was a flame fueled by time. Something like that didn't just disappear. She needed to make a decision.

She'd tell Dante. She'd—outright refuse him.

What a joke. Houston would laugh then throw her in the dungeon. Dante would watch with icy eyes, nothing within them changing as she took her last breaths. Beatriz would shake her head in disapproval without a word, but would do nothing. On the brighter side, she was sure Isla would put flowers at her grave. Perhaps forget-me-nots, or bluebells.

But that wasn't the point. If she told him the problem, his solution would be easy to imagine. He'd demand she get rid of Lexi. But Lexi was useful to her, in her own separate world where mobsters had no existence. Where she was just Josephine Williams, the popular girl in highschool. She couldn't just throw Lexi away like an abandoned puppy. She wasn't that cruel, and in reaction, what would Lexi do to her? It was more like throwing away a ragged hound. Josephine was sure to be bitten if that ever happened.

This was a problem that needed an immediate solution.

She'd... She'd figure it out later on.

It was frustrating to tame both sides. Who did she value more? Her freedom with Camillo or her friendship with Lexi? Well, that one was easy. But how far could her relationship go on with him until someone caught wind of it ? It was mere minutes before Lexi thundered, imagine the storm she'd be when they were together. Officially.

Josephine gagged at the idea. Camillo had only started flirting, but she thought of him as more a fantasy than solid flesh. He was something girls dreamt about in their bedrooms at night then forgot about the next morning. She couldn't imagine kissing after him like the many after they had tangled themselves up in bed then separated. Her shame would rise. Her pride would lower. She wouldn't be able to stand it.

Speak of the devil. The fantasy's sister stepped out from behind the column and peeked at her, uniform in tack. Then the typical glower from annoyance came through.

Josephine couldn't help the smile that bloomed. "Your hair is looking nice for once, Valentina. What was it this time? Horse shampoo?"

"Why are you here?" She demanded. Her nose scrunched in disgust just by being in her presence.

Josephine purred, "Camillo invited me."

"Can it, both of you. It hasn't even been five minutes." Lucia said, stalking through to meet with the hissing cat fight. She seemed taller than before, as if she had grown from their previous meeting. It was probably a new pair of shoes.

Josephine checked. Definitely the shoes.

Her twin came next, with vibrant red hair a bit frizzy by the heat. "What'd I miss?" Luca said by greeting.

"Nothing," Josephine turned. "Hey, Luca, are you interested in dating?"

Lucia choked. "Dear God,"

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