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The next day Josephine decided to hate the entire world.

She scored high on several exams, half-cursing the fact that she relied on Camillo's answers to get such a good score, before coming to despise the life she had been accustomed to. Nearly half the year was over and she had spent the majority of the time chasing after two mafia heirs dealing with a murder with no progress whatsoever. Rather than sulk, she tried to distract herself with other things. Annoyingly, she couldn't dress for it. Today was game day and as captain, she was forced into her cheer uniform to set an example. The most she could do was gather her hair to a high sleek pony with a hot red lip then tie matching red ribbons down her mane. But she didn't look ready for change. She looked ready to run around and dance.

So she did. Though in the end, her heart and soul wasn't enough to distract her from anything. She was still simmering and sore—exhausted from having to process everything. Camillo had betrayed her, and she didn't know where their relationship stood. If it was still there, anyway.

In the locker rooms, Serenity was nitpicking every detail of their performance. "Ugh. Lexi we've already gone over this a thousand times. You're supposed to step left on the fourth beat, not the fifth."

"I did go on the fourth beat!" She quipped back, earning some snickers from the rest of the teammates. Josephine watched it all while sipping from her water bottle. "And speak for yourself. You rushed the first part."

"I did not." Serenity barked back.

"Did too."

"Did not. Right, Josephine?"

Annoying. She drained the rest of her water. "Ladies, we'll go over it when I rewatch the video. Then we can fix everything in practice."

Everyone nodded but both girls stuck out their tongues at each other. Josephine briskly rolled her eyes. Childish as usual.

The locker room was emptied in a matter of minutes. There was no new gossip to squabble over so they were left to clean themselves up and leave. Most girls left for smoothies and when asked, Josephine declined. She never ate food when grumpy. She normally went shopping. Though Lexi and Serenity stayed with her. Most days she would appreciate the action, and maybe let them tag along, but today wasn't just another day.

Out of nowhere, she heard Lexi grumble. "Hi, Lucia."

Josephine shot up.

There she was. In the frame of the door the red-headed imp whose face was tight. She looked tired as if she had been plowing through a crowd to get here. Now thinking about it, it must have been true. The student body always turned into a chaotic mass when it was full of sugary drinks and thrumming excitement. And today their football team had won. It must have explained the number they did on Lucia.

Somehow, it made Josephine feel warm inside.

"Who's she?" Serenity said in a tone that was not friendly.

"My boyfriend's sister," Lexi told her. Then in her sweetest version of a smile that welcomed in-laws, she turned to th imp. "If you need Luca—

Lucia snapped. "I'm not here for you. I'm here for Josephine."

Serenity lifted brow was the only sign of her confusion. Lexi turned, awaiting a response.

Josephine crossed her arms. "Is this important?" She wouldn't act like a child and outright ignore her. But after yesterday, after everything she had gone through, that familiar thump in her chest began hardening once more.

Lucia said, "What do you think?"

The girls exchanged looks.

Then realizing that Lucia would most definitely grouch and complain right here and then somehow mention her relationship with Camillo, one that Lexi had no knowledge about, Josephine gestured for both girls to leave. "Fire hydrant over here has some business to discuss with me. Sorry girls, but you can't stay. I'll see you both tomorrow."

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