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If her antics held true, to which Josephine recalled her phone case being discarded while she was strapped to a chair, not the phone itself. If true, then her phone as well as the video of Camillo and Dante may very well still be in the school.

    "Rosella," Josephine crooned to the whimpering girl, the corners of her mouth lifting to a serpentine smile, her voice saying the name like a lullaby. Beside her, each female giggled with a vicious ferocity.

    "Please," Rosella said as Josephine neared her, covering her head. "Stop. I'm sorry. Stop."

    "Don't be predictable." Josephine whined, snapping her fingers for attention. Snap. Snap. Snap. Horrid glasses stained with tears met Josephine's gaze. "I need you to do something for me."

    Reaching her stride, Josephine was a few inches away from Rosella's position. She was a sight, swollen lips and a bloody nose dried down to her chin. Crouching down to her, so Josephine could find herself on the same level, she reached across and gripped her hair.

    Rosella revolted at her touch. The tight black coils cascaded in between the claws of Josephine, amusing her immensely. The contorted face of fear mingled with uncertainty festered pride into the deep depths of Josephine where she held raw emotion. All the emotion she would feed, with Rosella's cries and her friends laughter.

    Josephine released Rosella's hair and stood.

    Uncertain, unknowing, Rosella glimpsed upwards, meeting Josephine's wicked eyes. What a sight she was: not a girl, but a queen. A wrathful kind.

Josephine said."I need you to go to the courtyard and get my phone. If it's not there, find whoever took it and tell them that I sent you."

Either that or Dante had found it. Or Camillo. And if she was the one to scurry around to find it, given the idea that Dante would be keeping an eye on her, they would confiscate it. Punish her for what she was truly doing that night, filming them and all.

    The coming of a question creased Lexi's brow at Josephine's words and actions.While it did seem fun to continue with the girl's abuse, it was far too easy to scare Rosella to find it entertaining for so long. And Josephine was already bored.

    No more games. It was time she found Dante. She fixed on Rosella and said, "Give it to me or the girls when you find it."  Her gaze shifted to her friends and back. "Let's go. We're done here."

    Leaving the three victims alone, none noticed the gratifying sounds of relief in between wails as they left. Chatting about the usual charmed their gait.

Josephine's entourage was composed of the most envied, most vivacious, vicious, adored and despised girl in the school. They were lamented over, always the high topic of gossip, especially Josephine's popularity between boys, switching suit every week, throughout the corridors and hallways. It even found its teachers speaking of the beloved group secretly behind hushed classrooms.

    They were glamorous. They were envied.

    While she did enjoy some aspects of the characters around her life, and as Josephine watched them she did find them bright and unique, but she never felt them to be on equal grounds with her. However, she liked having friends not on par with her. It wasn't a debate of social class, and in that instance, Josephine would exceed them all, but a scale of intelligence and wit. Not of books, but of people.

    The Rileys were futile, if not generic with their criss-cross personality. Britney at most could be a tease, but she was always overshadowed by Kaitlyn and her rigid complex. Then came red-nosed Jessica, and Maddison who preferred Maddy on occasion. Above them trailed Serenity and Lexi. Josephine didn't bother to care for the other girls, only remembering their names when proven useful. But that was rarely the case.

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