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Heels clacked across the floor. Clean uniforms swayed in the distance before familiar faces full of cosmetic creams with their lilac eyelids and leggy lips and blushed cheeks found themselves over to Josephine.

"I dare say that didn't go as planned," Lexi drawled, acrylic nails scraping down the blades of Josephine's back removing an speck of dust remaining. The useless Serenity watched Dante sauntered across the pavement, clearly embarrassed and ashamed as his strides were short and clipped.

Then she turned to Josephine, ushering them to walk away from the gogglers of students murmuring in their wake.

At center between the two ladies, strutting down the halls, Josephine said,"Oh Serenity, there no use in calling him a wild animal. That would mean he's untamable. And from what I saw, I don't think that's the case."

A sort of ferocity bubbled over Josephine that made her giggle. A healthy flush of blood rose to her cheeks as she darted blue eyes between dipped shoulders to catch a glimpse of Dante. Alas, he had already tucked his tail between his legs and scampered.

Josephine giggled again. Both Serenity and Lexi watched each other in a reign of confusion.

The classroom was brimming with students, no professor in sight to see. Normally on day like this, Josephine and her posse would find way to Rosella and her friends to jab a little. Push them around, only a bit. Insult her teeth, the panes of her belly, the size of her shoes, the shape of her head.

All fun and games and giggles and laugher and tears. Today Josephine felt mercy.

She passed them and on their way, smiled a bit brightly if only to remind them that today their peace was her gift. Not theirs. At front, emptied desks tittered to a roundabout of football players and energetic gossipers. Only the swarms of insecure, peasant Rosella's and her clones sat far, far beyond the rim of the whiteboard.

At their seat, Lexi stuck her nose up vainly. "I certainly don't like him. Camillo is much more of a gentleman than him."

Ah yes, Camillo Russo. He and Josephine did have their trysts but he hadn't slept with her yet. For that's all he was worth, anyways.

Serenity sneered, remembering the air of dream Lexi was in when it came in regard to Camillo.. "Ah, yes. The man who always can't help getting his fair slice-"

Lexi interjected. "I am not a fair slice-"

"Believe me," Josephine heard herself say. "the day you want to date someone worthy, I'll march up to his house and hand you over. But you're not going to see Camillo." A flurry of students beyond her laughed.

"Who are you to tell me no?" Lexi levied a stare.

Silence arose.

Josephine gave her a pretty smile. "The fact that I don't have to resort to fucking in the locker rooms with Camillo Russo like an animal." The smile was gone. "Have more dignity when you're with us."

Serenity shot Lexi a look, the chatty smiles of students all gone and grim. Josephines eyes darkened, blood ran black.

She could have laughed. Since when had Lexi gone from luming over from gossip and glee to making doe-eyes at lustful men unworthy of faith? It was as if it was poison to them, especially Camillo Russo.

Josephine's eyes almost seemed to whisper it.

Leave this. Leave us. Leave me.

See if she'd have a normal school life after this. See if anyone would want her. See if she'd ever be able to stand this tall on the hierarchy, if not for Josephine?

"We're in love," Lexi declared. Serenity coughed.

Josephine laid her palms flat on the desk as she stared her down. Lexi wouldn't relent, not for this.

It was this game between Camillo and Lexi. The same game played over and over again. Sex was one thing, pride was another. But it was that craving that Lexi loathed for.

The craving of being held. Being adored. Being special. As if Josephine knew what it felt like.

Josephine scraped the desk like a snake circling its prey. She said softly, "Love won't keep him binded to you, Lexi. But by all means, go and have your little fun. He's infatuated by you like men often are with new things."

Lexi swallowed. Serenity found herself to watch the floor.

"And once he uses you, he will tire of you. And then you'll be like all the others..." Josephine murmured through soft lips. Then widening her eyes, as if a memory came on sight. "Maybe that's why he hasn't stayed with you all these years. Who would want the old when he could have the new?"

The silence rang throughout the classroom. The students shifted and panted glances underneath leery breathes. But Josephine was all smiles and games.

Because that's all this was. A smile and a game.

"Maybe I'll stop meeting him," Lexi breathed. Like she'd stopped last year, and the year before, and before even that.

Josephine nodded and squeezed Lexi's shoulder. Serenity finally slumped in relaxation, and finally, the students began talking once more.

To Josephine, she sought the actions of watchers and onlookers as if it meant nothing, being able to stop idle talk, pause their attention and hold the whip of iron and forth around of will and secret at bay. But the girls and boys of St. John's Academy knew what it meant.

They all had a queen, and it was none other than Josephine Williams.

Long may she reign.

What do you guys think of Josephine? Do you like her wickedness?

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What do you guys think of Josephine? Do you like her wickedness?

I honestly am having so much fun writing a character that isn't a saint, but more of a demoness.

Thank you for the love, and I hope you enjoy the story!


Vote. Comment. Enjoy.

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