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She hobbled through the wound for a few more hallways, before noticing that she was leaving a trail for them to follow as her blood caked the ground with it's thick remnants.

She bit her lip hard enough to draw blood as she tore through beyond classrooms, ripping down the floors trying to gain leverage. She was gaining ahead of them, zig-zagging through the spray of bullets at her wait. Her heart raced when she saw what she searched for.

Josephine pulled down the fire alarm.

The school was sent into a frenzy, the alarms beckoning loud and clear as a steady stream of water sprinkled down below. The students were drenched, some slipping because of their running and others falling through the slushed mixture of water and blood combing down the corridors.

In the midst of confusion, Josephine darted into a science classroom.

Fine. So they didn't let her have enough time to call the police, but she still could run to pull the fire alarm. The authorities would be contacted. They would be here any minute.

Her hands were trembling so hard she could barely grip her phone and hold it on straight. This was insane. She should have never come here.

It was her greed that plagued her. That led to her demise.

She slumped in the corner, barely hearing their voices across the piercing whistles that sliced its way across the school knowing no bounds. Cringing, she ripped away the cloth from her skirt, trying to wrap the wound tightly, wincing and swearing through the pain.

She tried to convince herself that the dressing wasn't too horrible. That her leg would be fine.

This would be a victory, Josephine decided at that moment. Anything that could cheer her up.

It was a small victory. But only a small one as Camillo appeared in the window, catching his wide eyes. They watched each other for a moment more, his face blinking in utter confusion towards her unruly state. Josephine heaved, opening her mouth to try to say something.

When Isla appeared. From behind.

Josephine didn't give Isla enough time to read her movements as she doubled over and lunged for her bare legs. Isla fell down with a thud, and from the windows, Josephine heard the sound of pure laughter.

They wrestled with each other, Isla trying hard to tear the phone out of her hands with Josephine's mangling it out of her reach. With a sudden thud, Josephine was out of her grasp and dashed  into open space.

She searched the entire room. Seconds were everything.

She tried to use anything available in the classroom as a weapon. She threw chairs, broke glass vials and projected them at her like a lance. Next was a fire extinguisher. Only to see Isla elude each object and in her own part, she threw lab coats over Josephine, blinding her vision to a crisp white, before shoving her aside into the tables. The fire extinguisher rolled to the other end at the door.

Josephine was persistent, but she was no fighter.

Isla was on her. Fast. Hard. The blows to her stomach left her seeing the world tilt, dimming her vision. When Josephine realized that she had lost her iron-claw grip on the phone, she threw it across the labs. When Isla's eyes followed the trail of her throw, Josephine dived onto Isla. She wouldn't let her win for that.

Josephine went back to hell for that, and she would come out with it.

Isla fell over once more. In the confusion, Josephine laid a backhanded slap to the face, so hard that her nails went right through thick skin. Exactly as her father had done to her.

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