Chapter 16: Spewing Blood Is Normal Right?

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More blood came out as I attempted to keep myself upright. My head was pounding as well. It felt like my body was trying to reject whatever those crazy people did to me.

"It's possible that her body is just rejecting whatever they gave her." Rose suggested, staring at me in worry. Well I guess that made two of us who thought that. I tried to speak but my throat just burned more. I managed to get a little squeak out.

"Either that or its uh...working." She bit her lip as her face contorted with concentration. I managed to whisper "water" and saw Jess snap out of her frozen trance. She swiftly moved toward the cabinet and grabbed a glass, filling it with water from the fridge. As she handed the glass of water to me, I saw her hands shaking. Was she scared...?

I quickly drank it all until there wasn't a single drop left. My throat felt better but it still slightly burned.

"I'm...fine now." I assured them, coughing in between words. They didn't look convinced. Jess was standing beside Rose with her hands on her hips, giving me a frustrated look.

"Chloe you're obviously not okay. Now shut up and drink some more water while we try to figure out what is wrong with you." I knew enough not to question Jess when she was stressed. It would not go over very well...

We heard the door suddenly slam shut, causing us all to tense up.

I grabbed one of the kitchen knives and held it up, ready to defend us. I was weak but that didn't mean I couldn't stab. Right as I was about to attack, Declan walked in. His eyes widened at the sight of us and he automatically froze. I giggled as his mouth dropped open, slowly raising his hands up in surrender as he saw us all ready for battle.

"Umm...well this is awkward." He said. I burst out laughing as we slowly lowered our weapons. He sighed in relief and strolled further into the room.

"Girls are hot when they get all badass." He smirked as we all gave him a threatening look. I was about to give him some type of "badass" comeback but all that came out was another wave of blood-throwup.

I hope that scarred him for life.

"Hot enough for you?" I stood up holding my stomach and gave a weak but playful wink. My voice was starting to get hoarse.

"That was incredibly nasty and all but please explain to me why Chloe's throwing up." He gave Rose an unsure look then glanced back at me.

"What the hell did I miss?"

I guess Rose, Jess, and I had a lot of explaining to do.

We gave him the full story from when Tyler got shot to now, and explained the reasons as to why I might be throwing up. I noticed he looked tired and worried. I'm sure he was as sick of it all as we were. I glanced around to see what everyone was thinking.

Jess looked like she was going to kill someone. That usually meant she was thinking extremely hard. Or she wanted to kill John. Or maybe just both. And Rose was just staring at Declan like nothing else was around but him.

"Rose." I said but got no hint of recognition.

"Rose." I said more firmly, trying not to laugh. She finally looked back at me, slightly blushing.

"Sorry I was just uh, you know...thinking." Rose suddenly found her nails very interesting.

"Right." I laughed softly and rolled my eyes.

"So what exactly are we going to do about John?" I held down another threatening wave of puke. I felt a little bit better but my stomach was still killing me.

"Kill him, duh." That one came from Declan.

"We need to find him first. I can imagine he isn't anywhere near us now." I nodded at Jess and rubbed my forehead.

"Rose do you have any possible idea where he could be?" She nodding at me and grabbed a pen from the counter.

"I have a few places. Some of them he doesn't know I know about so we can start there." She grabbed a sheet of paper from our counter and pulled a pen out from a drawer.  Rose started scribbling down places as Jessie and Declan made out some type of battle plan.

I sighed and went to retrieved my weapons from my closet.

It's time to start hunting.


So I haven't exactly been updating this. At all. Sorry! I'm still not sure if I even want to keep up with it? Thank you sooooo much to anyone reading this! Love ya!

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 25, 2013 ⏰

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