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They managed to put out the fire and an ambulance was called and shockingly Sefako was still alive after being hit by lightning twice and burned alive. After checking on Dineo and his mother and sisters Kgosi left with the King for the hospital.


Kgosi is busy on his phone while uncle Mothusi is pacing up and down looking like his whole world is coming to an end.... His wife and daughters are busy crying and its annoying the fuck out of Kgosi.... His phone rings and he get up and answers it walking away.
Kgosi: bafo
Cole laughed.
Cole: why is that bastard still alive
Kgosi chuckled.
Kgosi: beats me man...i don’t know
Cole: nx... imagine being hit by lightning twice then burning alive but still the wizard refuses to die
Kgosi sighed.
Kgosi: imagine...mara its ok....i have a feeling this is just the beginning
Cole: mmmmh
Cole: Richie will never rest until all the fuckers involved in his death follow him
Kgosi sighed.
Cole: what is it
Kgosi: what if he’s angry at me too for getting with his girl
Cole: technically Dee is yours its just he met her first and still man Richie is gone so who else is good enough for Dee other than you mmmmh.... I believe he’s approving of your thing
Kgosi sighed.
Kgosi: I hope so...i can’t have my brother being mad at me in the land of the dead...i need his blessing man.....i think that’s why I haven’t slept with her..... I want Richie’s blessing some how
Cole sighed.
Cole: I understand but don’t dwell too much on it man....Dee is chosen for you  
Kgosi sighed.
Kgosi: how are things between you and your wife
Cole sighed.
Cole: ai atleast we’re in the same house and I get to see her everyday
Kgosi: nah man
Cole: ngithini mfowethu ( what else can I say bro).....she makes sure we are not around each the one who always tries to start a conversation but she always ends it quickly by excusing herself
He sighed out loud.
Cole: I just...eish its hard mfowethu....really hard
Kgosi: where is the old man
Cole: ahh that one mxm....he went back to his wife.....there’s an emergency there but he said uzobuya ( he’ll be back)
Kgosi: is it something serious
Cole: nah its business wise
Kgosi: for you and your 2 cent advice is fuck her
Cole chuckled.
Cole: fuck her?
Kgosi: yeah fuck her good....find a perfect time or moment  then give it to her good....leave her paralyzed and you’ll see
Cole laughed.
Kgosi: im telling you...things are awkward between you too and sex will fix sure she doesn’t know how to behave around you or what to say to you.....maybe she feels like giving you a second chance will be like betraying your child....maybe she feels like giving your marriage a second chance makes her a could be many things but what I know is she loves you
Cole sighed brushing his head.
Kgosi: find the perfect moment and give it to her....stop with this im giving her space shit man ...i know its still too early but ka Setswana ba re LORE LO OJWA LO SA LE METSI
Cole: sure doctor Phil
Kgosi: voetsek...
They laughed.
Kgosi: anything from fingers
Cole: no but he’s searching
Kgosi: ok
Cole: look I have to go we will talk
Kgosi: sure...say hi to the madam
Cole: sure
They ended the call and Kgosi sighed thinking.....then he went back to join the others.



Voice: ko ko...Joy o teng ( Joy are you in)
Joy: tsena Matlakala ( come in Matlakala)
Her friend walked in and she sat down then Joy walked from the kitchen wiping her hands.
Joy: hei hei hei....e seng ka dust in my house mosadi!!! (not with dust in my house woman)
Tlaks: Bathong tsala ( friend)
Joy: di kokonsune tseo kontle mosadi..areye ( your ugly shoes outside woman...go)
Tlaks: mxm
She got up and went to leave her dusty shoes outside then she walked back inside barefooted.
Tlaks: since o tlogela byala (since you stopped drinking alcohol) some of us suffer
Joy laughed.
Joy: and im glad I did...gape I nearly died tsala ( friend)
Tlaks: I know tsala....diabetes is a scary disease
Joy sighed.
Joy: yah...i never thought I would find myself in a situation like this....gape ne ke botshela trong tsala ( I drank like a fish friend)
They laughed.
Tlaks: im sure Dineo would be happy to see you this sober and clean
Joy swallowed hard.
Tlaks: you haven’t heard anything from her
Joy shook her head no looking down as tears filled her eyes.
Joy: I wouldn’t come back if I were her....i broke my baby Matlakala...i ruined her childhood
Tlaks: I know tsala but se se salang ( the fact is) you are her mother and I know she loves you.....she would be happy seeing you like this
Joy wiped her tears off and she sniffed.
Joy: I just hope I find her before I die
Tlaks: die ya eng suka....
Joy laughed.
Joy: diabetes kills tsala
Tlaks: if you not taking good care of yourself and skip your medication....o tlogetse byala (you stopped drinking alcohol) eat are even exercising Joy and you inject yourself on time
Joy sighed.
Joy: I just wish she could just come back so I’ll apologize to her
Tlaks: she will comeback don’t of these days she will see her photo on the internet or one of her friends will see it and she will contact you or even come back home
Joy: lets hope so
She got up and brought a cold drink and glasses on a tray and some cookies and she put them on top of the coffee table
Tlaks: mmh I have juice for you tsala
Joy: talk mosadi ( woman)
Tlaks: heeeh tsala ke re slay queen sa mokekolo ( heeeh friend that old slay queen) was chased out last night
Joy: o maka ( you’re lying)
She said with her eyes all out.
Tlaks: im telling you tsala
Joy: why...don’t tell me it’s about goriboga ga gae ( her pregnancy)
Tlaks: apparently pregnancy ga se ya moguy ( that pregnancy doesn’t belong to the guy)
Joy: I knew it
She pushed Matlakala laughing and Matlakala laughed too.
Tlaks: heh ke re moguy ( the guy) was busy shouting calling her all sorts of names....apparently he caught her with that guy we always see her with....the worst part moerskond oo was parked outside the yard le slay queen in the passenger side....Guy came home early and TLAAAA he caught them kissing inside the car
Joy clapped her hands laughing.
Tlaks: kere o mo kubile ekare mpya ( he kicked her out like a dog)
Joy: what about her pregnancy
Tlaks: who knows maybe ke ya moguy( maybe it belongs to the guy)
Joy: yho
She clapped her hands dramatically.
Tlaks: serves her right....remember she used to call you names and look down on us just because she scored herself a rich dick nxa...wa layega ( serves her right)
Joy: Andrew is not that rich Tlaks
Tlaks: hai suka in our neighborhood he is rich...he even smell rich....he’s old but ga a na monkgo wa botsofe....monkgo wa go bontsha gore o gaufi le lebitla ( he doesn’t have that smell of old people...a smell to show that he’s closer to his grave) 
Joy laughed.
Tlaks: I mean even my husband o na le ona monkgo oo ( does have that smell) so I know what im talking about
Joy continued to laugh.
Joy: leave rangwane alone wena
Tlaks: mxm oo yena ( that one)
Joy: what did he do now
Tlaks: o nagana gore ke le gosha la gae ( he thinks im his prostitute)
Joy: bathong...
She said shocked.
Tlaks: tsala ke re mabaane he came home le diaparo tsa....a re ke tsa a naughty nurse imagine ( friend yesterday he came home with clothes of....he said they are clothes of a naughty nurse imagine)
Joy: eng ( what)
Tlaks: ke re serokwana sa teng sentsha kuku ge ke inama ( the tiny dress shows my pussy when I bend)
Joy laughed out loud.
Tlaks: mpya ele e bogela porn and a re o di bone ko teng( that dog watches porn and he said he saw them there)
Joy continued to laugh out loud with tears coming out.
Tlaks: imagine me ka jojo tank le disilver stripes ke apere serokwana sele....after that e be a re jika o lebelle kwa o etse e kare o topa something and oska koba sa re ke yetsa byalo cause im trying to keep my man happy then ka utlwa ka fotlho....a e tsenya tsala...ka goella ka re MMAWEE....mpya ele didnt stop.... a re busy a re “call me daddy”.... ( imagine me with a jojo tank and stretch marks wearing that tiny dress...after that he said turn around and look that side and pretend as if you’re pick something up and don’t bend your knees.... while im busy following instructions cause im trying to keep my man happy I felt Fotlho....he was sliding it in....i screamed and I said MMAWEE....that dog didn’t stop....he was busy saying “call me daddy”
Joy continued to laugh like a crazy person cause Matlakala’s man is not someone you would picture doing things like that.
Tlaks: kere kuku le motete waka dia baba ebile dia fisa tsala...i can’t deal....yho ke shap ka mpya ele ( my pussy and ass hole are in pain and they are burning up friend...i can’t deal....yho im so done with that dog)
Joy: tsala woooh mala a ka a botlhoko ( friend wooooh my tummy hurts)
She said still laughing out loud.
Tlaks: mxm...anyway o kae moguy wa gao ( where is you man)
Joy: he went to work
She said still laughing and Tlaks joined her.
Joy: shem tsala omompyeng....Stompie o satlo go bontsha masepa ( shame friend you’re in trouble...Stompie is gonna show you flames)
Tlaks: I have to start watching this porn thing gore ke tephrephere ( to prepare myself)
Joy continued to laugh.



Kea: mama what is it that you wanted to talk to us about
Itumeleng: please don’t tell us you are dying mama
Queen Boitumelo laughed.
Queen: of course not Itu haw
Itumeleng breathed out.
Gorata: so what’s wrong
Queen: nothing is wrong I just want to talk to you about Kgosi’s chosen one
They frowned at each other.
Kea: he has already found his chosen one
The Queen sighed.
Queen: you know her
Itu: who is it
Queen: Dineo
They all frowned.
Kea: which Dineo?
The Queen looked at her and Kea’s eyes popped out.
Kea: nooo
Queen: yes
Kea: Abuti Tirelo’s side dish
Queen: don’t call her that but yeah
Gorata: how mama...i mean why would our ancestors do that
Queen: she was supposed to meet Kgosi first but things happened and he disappeared so for her to end up with someone who might have even married her before Kgosi could come back they made her to cross paths with Tirelo...unfortunately things happened and she fell pregnant
They all gasp in shock.
Queen: I want you three to accept treat her like a sister....she’s the future Queen of this kingdom
Itu: but she’s not even from royalty can she be the future Queen...this doesn’t make sense and does abuti know and how is he taking it
The Queen sighed.
Queen: she doesn’t know her father Itumeleng so she might be from a royal family and yes your brother knows and I think he’s in love with her....the way he’s so protective of her...the way he looks at her....i can see it in his eyes
Gorata: wow...i didn’t see this coming
She clapped her hands once dramatically.
Queen: neither did I but what I know is our ancestors are never wrong
Kea: yho mh mh
She clapped her hands still shocked.
Itu: maybe they are wrong mama
Queen: hei never say that you hear me....never ever!!!
Itumeleng sulked.
Queen: my worry is the twins, Keletso and Dipuo
Kea: yeah she’s in for a lot mama yho
Gorata: they are gonna show her flames.....more especially since she’s carrying abuti Tirelo’s child
Kea: she’s lucky mmamogolo is bedridden or else all hell would break loose
The Queen sighed.
Queen: so I can count on you girls to have her back
Itu: why should we mama....she must earn her place here
Gorata: bathong Itu
Itu: leave me alone.....that girl slept with brothers se se salang and boKeletso have a right to show hostility towards her for that
Kea: didn’t you hear what mama said
Itu: she a hoe se se salang ( the fact is she’s a hoe)
She warned her and Itu looked away not bothered.
Queen: nxa


Dineo: Marang I swear if I stay one more day here I’ll lose it....difebe tsa mo di busy dimpha evil looks ekare ke dijetse banna ( bitched here are busy giving me evil looks as if I fucked their men)
Marang laughed.
Marang: why do they give you evil looks 
Dineo: I don’t know but im not surprised cause ke Richie’s sisters
Marang: mxm oho
Dineo laughed. 
Dineo: but at least Kgosi’s mother seems like she might like me
Marang: what about Richie’s mother
Dineo: I haven’t seen her since I got here
Then Kgosi’s younger sister Gorata walked to where she was sitting.
Dineo: my person let me call you back
Marang: oh ok
Dineo: shap
Marang: shap
They ended the call.
Gorata:  hi
Dineo: hi ummm......
Gorata: Gorata
Dineo: have a lovely name
Gorata smiled shyly.
Gorata: thanks....ummm can I join you
Dineo: sure
Gorata sat down and she cleared her throat.
Gorata: umm im Gorata, prince Kgosi’s younger sister and the last born of the family
Dineo chuckled as they shook hands.
Dineo: ok im sure you already know me
Gorata: yep
Then silence.
Gorata: umm mama told us about you and abuti Kgosi
Dineo bit her lower lip looking down.   
Dineo: ooh umm ok
Gorata: and I must say you gonna have a tough time here
She chuckled lightly and Dineo sighed looking at her.
Gorata: well not from me but elder sister Itu and my half-sisters are gonna be a nightmare to you
Dineo: well im not here for them
Gorata: yeah but abuti likes you and you’re carrying a Kwena in there so
She shrugged and Dineo sighed.
Dineo: I haven’t seen Richard’s mother is she away or something
Gorata sighed.
Gorata: nope...she’s sick...bedridden
Dineo’s eyes popped out.
Dineo: wait what
Gorata: one knows what’s wrong with her....even the doctor a re its some new form of stroke science haven’t encountered... well he said something of that nature
Dineo: yho
She said shocked.
Gorata: yeah so you’re from Petori ( Pretoria)  mmmmh
Dineo: yeah
Gorata: mmh that’s where I want to study after matric
Dineo: what grade are you doing
Gorata: grade 9
Dineo: mmmmh
Gorata: wena are you working or studying
Dineo: studying but I think I’ll rewrite some modules....well my sister and I will....this semester was just too much and we’ve been through a lot and we already missed two exams so
She shrug.
Gorata: and your parents are cool with you failing like that...yho mine would give me the worst punishment even right after being beaten to a pulp by abuti....papa and abuti dont play around when it comes to education
Dineo laughed and she looked at the innocent Gorata smiling ....she was kindhearted and sweet....she the first and only sibling to Kgosi and Richard to interact with her ever since she started coming here.... “she must take after her mother and Richard” she thought........but before she could answer her they heard someone clapping their hands and they turned only to find Keletso and Mphonyana ( Richards sisters) and Gorata rolled her eyes.
Keletso: look at this betrayer....this backstabber
She said looking at Gorata.
Mphonyana: mxm can you imagine Keletso selo se  ( this thing) laughing and hanging out with this home wreaker...this witch that broke my late brother’s marriage
Keletso: and now it looks like she’s fucking Kgosi....going from one brother to the other...whore sure even that things she’s carrying is not our brothers
Dineo: le tla nnyela lena mesoono
She said getting up and Gorata gasped.
Keletso: askies
Dineo: wena le go nona ekare kolobe ya go preventa.... ke tla go tlhaba ka mpama soos nou mafura ao a go fang makoko to talk to me like that a tswa ka kuku ekare wa rota wankutlwa ( you with your fat as if you’re pig that’s taking contraceptions.... I’ll bitch slap you right now and that fat you have that’s making you feel like you’re the shit will come out through your pussy as if you’re peeing you hear me)
Gorata looked at Dineo with her jaws dropped shocked by her outburst.
Dineo: le tla nnyela la nkutlwa....le tla nnyela nx ( you’ll shit yourselves you hear’ll shit yourself nxa)
Mphonyana: ebile o nale molomo ( you even have the mouth to talk) you even fucken know who we are....o nale sebete neh (you have the guts right)....the liver to talk to us like that in our father’s kingdom!!!
Dineo: fotsek ( piss off)...father’s kingdom ya masepa....
Keletso: you fucken bitc...
She tried to slap Dineo but Dineo grabbed her hand before it could land on her cheek and she twisted it and Keletso screamed.... by now Gorata is standing there with her eyes popped out.
Dineo: o batlo bonang wena sfebe( what do you want to see you bitch)
Mphonyana: leave my sister alone wena you witch
Dineo let go of her and she pushed her away from her and Keletso stumbled back but she regained her balance.
Keletso: you gonna pay for that you gonna fucken pay
Dineo: bring it on bitch
Mphonyana chuckled looking angry.
Mphonyana: watch your fucken back
Dineo: le lena watch your backs nxa
Keletso: wena I’ll deal with you later nxa
She said to Gorata then Mphonyana spat on the floor and they walked away looking angry with Mphonyana shouting at the maids asking them if her father is back yet....Dineo breathed out heavily trying to calm herself and she brushed her big bump and she sat down.
Gorata: are...are  you ok
Dineo: yah...nxa waitsi difebe tse ( these bitches)
She chuckled angrily.
Dineo: they don’t know me nxa....shem ba ( shame they are) lucky im pregnant or else both of them ne ba latela that cousin of them to the hospital if not the ba nkitsi ba ( they don’t know me)...they don’t fucken know me...hehehe
She chuckled shaking her head.
Dineo: they don’t know me shem
Gorata just looked at her shocked.....she didn’t imagine Dineo as this crazy person...she thought she’s as sweet as Botlhale, Kgosi’s ex...she thought her brother liked them sweet since Dineo has been reserved ever since she first set her feet in the kingdom.....Now she needed to tell her mother about the scene that just happened so she does something cause Keletso and Mphonyana are as conniving and dangerous as they come, they might do something to Dineo or the baby.
Gorata: ummm don’t stress yourself....they say stress is not good for the baby
Dineo: ke tla se strese byang ke nnyela ke ditonki tsa Bophuthatswana tsa go poka tsa Mangope ( how can I not stress when ghostly donkeys  of Bophuthatswana that belonged to Mangope are shitting me)
Gorata couldn’t hold herself...she busted out with laughter and Dineo joined her.


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