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The following day Marang and Dineo were having breakfast when they heard a knock on the door.....Dineo went to open and found Collins and some guy standing there.
Dineo: hi
Collins: hey, may we come in?
Dineo: ummm sure
She made way for them and they walked in and Collins went to Marang.
Collins: hey kiddo
Marang: hi
He kissed her forehead and turned to look at Dineo.
Collins: hey...damn you’re glowing....pregnancy suits you
She rolled her eyes and went to sit down and Collins chuckled.
Collins: anyway this is my friend Trey
Trey: hi
Them: hey
Collins: Trey this is Dineo and that is Marang
Trey nodded and they both sat down....Trey looked at Marang and he admired her beauty....he asked himself why would someone hurt her like that cause if she was his he would treat her like a queen.....He cleared his throat and looked down.
Collins: it looks like we came at the right time for breakfast
Dineo: shame we’re almost done
She said sitting down and she picked her plate and continued to eat.
Collins: come on Dee you can’t eat while we watch
Dineo: you know where the kitchen is Collins
Collin: are you for real now?
He asked with a frown.
Dineo: dude you left your wife and your chefs back ko Zambia so don’t bore me please
Trey laughed and Collins shook his head.
Collins: so you’re gonna embarrass me in front of my friend huh
Dineo: nope you embarrassed yourself shem
Trey chuckled.
Collins: mxm...anyway I’ll just order pizza for us and you preggy you better not take even a slice from it
Dineo: sa wara ( don’t worry) I’ll just take from Trey’s own share
They all laughed.
Trey: you weren’t lying when you said she’s a special one
Dineo frown looking at him.
Dineo: special one?
Marang: oh oh
She said holding a laugh.
Trey: ummm not that kind of special one..... im talking about the “ don’t dare me I’ll fuck you up” special one
They laughed again.
Dineo: mxm
Collins took out his phone and ordered some pizza.
Dineo: so how long have you two known each other?
Trey: about a year
Dineo: mmmmh so you’ve been to Zambia
Trey: ummm n....
Collins: yeah...we met at a bar when he came to Zambia for a business trip
He interrupted Trey and Trey faked a smile.
Trey: yeah and since then we’ve been good friends
Dineo: ok cool
Marang: how’s Zambia, is it different from South Africa
Trey cleared his throat.
Trey: not really...ummm you know every country is unique in its own way right
Marang nodded with a fake smile on her face.....she could see he was lying and she wondered why.
Collins: so how are you feeling kiddo?
He said changing the subject.
Marang: im better now
She said pulling the edges of her long sleeve shirt to her palms with a fake smile on her face.
Collins: good and about the bail hearing of that bastard.....i got your back ok
She nodded looking down and when she looked up she found Trey staring at her and he quickly looked at Collins when he saw that she caught him staring....Anyway the pizza got delivered and they all indulged on it, after sometime they heard a knock on the door and Dineo got up to open and she froze when she saw Richard and Cole standing there.
Dineo: ummm hi
Richard perked her lips and walked in followed by Cole and they stopped when they saw Collins and Trey inside.
Richie: what the hell is going on here?
Dineo: ummm it’s not what you think ok
As for Cole he was giving Collins and Trey deadly looks.
Richie: what the fuck are they doing here!
Collins: take a chill pill will you.....we came to see Marang
He said getting up and Trey also got up.
Cole: to see her for what!
Collins: look here man.....I knew her before you did so don’t ask me stupid questions!
Cole: get the fuck!
Dineo: woooh .... brikang net daar ( wait....stop right there) and take a chill pill assomblief
Collins: this place might belong to Dineo but I fucken bought it for her so don’t fucken tell me to get out!
Dineo: oooh shit
She whispered to herself and Marang looked away with a nervous look on her face.
Richie: what did you say?
Dineo: ummm Collins please go....please for peace sake
Collins: for real now Dineo?
Trey chuckled shaking his head.
Trey: wow!
He exclaimed.
Marang: please Collins, for peace sake
Collins: fine I’ll come by tomorrow
She nodded which made Cole angry.
Collins: let’s go Tee
Trey: is it safe to leave the girls alone with these guys?
Cole chuckled pissed to the core.
Richie: hierdie bobbejaan maak my kwaad ( this baboon is making me angry)
Collins: let’s go man
Trey looked at Marang first then he followed Collins out.
Richie: you don’t listen do you!
He asked Dineo looking angry.
Marang: stop shouting at her, she’s pregnant for God’s sake......and she tried to kick them out but they said they didn’t come here to see her but me.....she didn’t even eat the pizza they bought cause she was freaking out that you might come unannounced
She lied and Dineo nodded repeatedly.
Dineo: yes
Cole: then why the fuck didn’t you call us heh!
Marang: he said the last time he remembered he bought this place for her and not Richard
Richie: so you have been staying at an apartment bought by that bastard Dineo?
Dineo: Richie please
Richie: please what?....please what?
Cole: go and’re leaving this place now
Dineo: no we’re not
She said with a straight face.
Cole: look here Dineo just because you’re ok with hanging around men you know nothing about doesn’t mean you should involve Marang into all that shit!
He said with an angry voice.
Dineo: o sa batla go nnyela Cole wankutlwa ( don’t piss me off Cole you hear me).....the last time I checked you and Marang broke up so don’t come here and play a protective boyfriend nxa!
Cole: Richie you better reprimand this bitch of yours before I lose it
Dineo: bitch ke mmao le marete nx ( a bitch is your mother you cunt) fact you know what get the fuck out!
Cole: what did you just say?
Richie: Dineo
Dineo: I said get out or I’ll call the cops on you
She said looking angry.
Marang: I can’t believe you called Dineo a bitch Cole
He looked at Marang and sighed.
Marang: Dineo is should!
She said getting up with a frown on her face.
Cole: Ntokazi
Marang: don’t call me name is Marang
He chuckled shaking his head.
Cole: you know what...whatever!
He walked out looking pissed.
Dineo: o emetseng( what are you waiting for).....leave Richard!
Richie: what the fuck did I do?
Dineo: you have no back bone that’s what you did.... how can you stand there and let another man insult me like that
Richie: look Dee i...
Dineo: leave Richard....kopa o tsamaye( please leave)
He sighed and shook his head then he walked out slamming the door behind him.
Dineo: nx
Marang: I cant believe Cole called you a bitch
Dineo: the worst part is Richard did nothing about it.....i always knew Richard is a weak ass but this yhu hai shame
She breathed out and sat down then Marang sat down too.
Dineo: thank you for having my back
Marang: you don’t have to thank me Dee, we’re sisters and you need to calm down for the baby’s sake
Dineo breathed out and a  smile formed on her face and they hugged tightly.



It was the day for the bail hearing of Mazwi’s  and Marang was a nervous wreck, her lawyer insisted that she be present for the bail hearing, that her presence might influence the judge’s decision.
Dineo: im here for you ok
Marang nodded and they got out of the car and they walked to the building....then reporters saw Marang and they rushed to them.
Dineo: damn it!
Reporter: Miss Ndlovu care to comment about the bail hearing of Mazwi
Then Collins rushed to them and he pushed he reporters away and he let Marang and Dineo inside the building.
Dineo: are you ok?
She nodded then Trey walked to them.
Collins: don’t worry we’re here for you ok
She nodded.
Collins: you’re ok beautiful
He said to Dineo.
Dineo: don’t start please
Trey chuckled and Collins smiled looking at her....each day he was falling deeper for her.
Trey: hey
He said to Marang.
Marang: hi
Trey: you good?
Cole: she’s fine!
He said pushing him aside and he kissed Marang’s forehead.
Cole: let’s go
He said to Marang and she pulled Dineo and they walked inside the court room.
Trey: I don’t like this motherfucker
Collins: I don’t like the two of them and the sooner they get out of the girls lives the better
Trey smiled.
Trey: you think the plan will work?
Collins: it has to.....i need my girl back...anyway let’s go inside, these walls might have ears
Trey: yeah you’ll never know
They walked inside.


They waited for some time then Mazwi was escorted in handcuffs and Marang’s hands started to shake then Cole whispered to her holding her hand.
Cole: relax please
Vuyi: its ok baby your mother is here, you’re coming home with me today..... The judge will shame the devil you’ll see!
She said to Mazwi.
Lindiwe: hai man thula Vuyiswa ( keep quiet Vuyiswa)
Vuyi: what ma....i want my son to know im here to support him
Lindiwe: whether  you’re supporting him or not the truth is he’s facing charges of rape and attempted murder, now your stupid ranting might cause him to not be granted bail know sometimes I think you bought that degree of yours
She said to Lindiwe and she sulked and she kept for Marang she tried to relax but when Mazwi raised his head and their eyes met and he winked at her she started shaking visibly.
Dineo: Mara... are you ok?
She then started having difficulty breathing with her eyeballs rolling back and Dineo screamed for help.....Cole picked her up bridal style and he walked out with her leaving everyone mumbling things while Buyi and her friends laughed.
Vuyi: hai suka...she’s faking all this, I swear she wants my son to be denied bail so she’s faking all this for the judge to feel sorry for her nxa....nonsense!
Lindiwe just shook her head cause she just warned her and now she’s at it again.....well the judge was told about Marang having a sever panic attack which let her to be taken to hospital and Dineo left with the ambulance while Cole and Richie stayed behind to hear the judge’s ruling about Mazwi’s bail hearing, as for Trey he followed the ambulance while Collins stayed behind.
Richie: where is that other guy?
Cole looked at Collins and he was sitting alone.
Cole: you think he went to the hospital
Richie: we both know that nigga is interested in Marang man so I wont be surprised
Cole clenched his jaws and he took out his phone and send his guys a message and he sat back waiting for the judge.
Richie: you know what, fuck it...i don’t trust that going there
He got up and walked out and Cole huffed looking angry.....he looked at Mazwi and Mazwi at that time raised his head and he smirked at him.  
Cole: what are you planning in that empty head of yours Mazwi
He thought looking at him with a serious look on his face.


Well Marang’s lawyer presented all the allegations against Mazwi to the court and it was time to hear  Mazwi’s plea to the allegations.
Judge: will the accused rise!
Mazwi stood up.
Judge:  how do you the defended plead to the charges raised against you?
Mazwi smirked.
Mazwi: Sir Judge Sir..... First of all this whole thing is a mistake and a waste of tax payers’ money.....Marang and I love each other Judge and evil people who are jealous of our relationship....
He said looking at an angry Cole.
Mazwi: ......are the ones filling all that crap her stupid lawyer said in her head
People started mumbling things and Cole looked at Mazwi with a scary frown on his face trying to read him and what he got made him extremely angry....... as for Buyi, Vuyi and Lindiwe they couldn’t believe Mazwi said all that.....especially Buyi, she had tears in her eyes.
Judge: order in court!
The mumbling died down.
Mazwi: Marang and I love each other Sir Judge Sir so all this is unnecessary
He said with a creepy smile on his face and Vuyiswa looked at his son shocked while Buyi’s tears ran down her cheeks.
Collins: sly bastard
He said chuckling impressed by Mazwi and Cole’s hand shook with anger cause he could see what Mazwi was doing.....he was using the insanity defense card on the Judge.




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