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She was busy studying when she heard a knock on the door, she got up and went to open only to find an angry looking Richard by the door.
She sighed and reached for the keys and opened for him then he walked in....she closed the security door and the door and when she turned Richard grabbed her by her neck and pinned her by the door with a deadly look on his face.
Dineo: Richar...
Richard: SHUT UP!
She kept quiet looking scared....the grip on her neck wasn’t tight but the look on his face was scary as hell.
Richie: o nyako nnyela Dineo! ( you want to shit yourself Dineo)
She shook her head no.
Richie: KE RE ONYAKO NNYELA NA DINEO! ( I said do you want to shit yourself Dineo)
He shouted at her.
Richie: ke masepa a eng a o a dirang Dineo ( what is this shit you’re doing), keng (what) you want to see the other side of me is that it? you want me to take my father’s teachings about how to treat a woman and show you what im capable of doing especially to people who disrespect me heh?
She shook her head no.
Richie: then why ontlwaetsa ka di bari.... ( why are you giving fools the platform to disrespect me)
She didn’t say anything.
Richie: o batla go bona eng  Dineo! ( what do you want to see Dineo) want to see how heartless I can be is that it?
Dineo: im sorry Richie
She said looking scared.
He shouted and she closed her eyes shaking.
Richie: has he touched you?
She shook her head no.
Richie: you sure?
She nodded quickly and he looked at her for some time then he clicked his tongue and let her go and he paced around trying to calm himself while she just stood there looking at him as she rubbed her neck.
Richie: sit!
She didn’t move, she just looked at him blinking fast trying to fight off her tears.
He roared and she closed her eyes and tears ran down her cheeks then she slowly walked to the lounge area and she sat down, he then went and sat down on the coffee table facing her.
Richie: are you still in love with that bastard
She looked away and she shook her head.
Richie: I want you to say it Dineo!
Dineo: NO!
She snapped at him.
Richie: hey you don’t get to fucken snap at me....otla nnyela Dineo! ( you’ll shit yourself Dineo)
He warned her and she sulked looking away.
Richie: nx
He sighed.
Richie: now listen here.... you gonna stay away from that fucker you hear me
She didn’t say anything.
Richie: DINEO!
Dineo: no
Richie: askies
Dineo:  I said no
Richie: o re no?
She nodded.
Richie: Dineo
Dineo: Richard
Richie: o batla go nnyela nou? ( you want to shit yourself now)
Dineo: no
He looked at her.
Dineo: im not gonna play to your tune Richard cause you’re not mine to begin have a wife that is pregnant.... a wife that is probably carrying your heir so wena you want me to stay away from another man while wena you continue being a husband to Mmabatho hai shem aneva (never)
Richard sighed.
Dineo: you have Mmabatho and I have Collins its as simple as that
Richie: wa’re telling me nonsense have who heh? have who?
He said looking angry and she kept quiet.
Richie: I see you want his blood on your hands right.....that’s what you want right?
She didn’t say anything.
Richie: im asking you a fucken question!
Dineo: no
Richie: yes you do now listen here if you entertain that bastard I’ll fucken kill him and im not playing....i’ll fucken kill him wena dare me and you’ll see!
Dineo: you’re two faced wena Richard, you want your bread buttered on both sides and you get mad when im “hanging out” with another man....o motho o mo yang kganthe? ( what kind of a person are you)
Richie: I have no fucken choice Dineo why can’t you understand that heh....i don’t fucken want my ancestors to deal with me cause they are savage like that......if I had a choice I’ll fucken divorce her but I don’t ok...i don’t!
She didn’t say anything.
Richie: I don’t love her, she knows that and I know you also know that.....i even asked you to be my second wife but you’re refusing, now what the hell do you want from me....what!
Her bottom lip trembled as she got emotional.
Richie: im trying fucken trying what more do you want from me heh? ..... Now my mother knows about you I even told her that even if she calls a family meeting I won’t stay away from you....doesn’t that show you that I love you
Tears ran down her cheeks.
Richie: im a calm person Dee but don’t fuck me over.... don’t take my calmness as me being weak cause im dangerous when my buttons are pushed...don’t dare me like that disrespectful thing called Mmabatho does
She still maintained her silence then a knock was heard on the door and Richard got up to check who it was and Dineo wiped her tears off silently praying that it shouldn’t be Collins.... her prayers weren’t heard cause as soon as Richard opened the door Collins stood there.
Richie: what the fuck are you doing here?
Collins: to see the owner of this apartment
Richard clenched his jaws.
Richard: didn’t I warn you to fucken stay away from Dineo
Collins: I thought you’re married man, now what are you doing here huh?
Dineo: Collins what are you doing here
She said walking to the door then she stood next to an angry Richard.
Collins: hey I came to pick you up so we can go see Marang
Richard: she’s not going with you now fuck off from here!
Collins chuckled.
Collins: Dee?
She swallowed.
Dineo: ummm I can’t go with you im sorry
Collins: wow really now Dee?
He said raising an eyebrow at her.
Richard: you heard her now bounce!
He slammed the door on his face and Collins chuckled.
Collins: I’ll call you later Dee, just send me a “please call me” when he leaves and I’ll call you!
He said on the other side of the door and he walked away.
Richie: son of a bitch
He attempted to open the door but Dineo stopped him.
Dineo: leave him please
Richie: ontellisa ka selo sele wa bona nou Dineo! ( you’re giving that thing the platform to disrespect me you see now Dineo)
Dineo: im sorry Richie
Richie: haai fokof man nx
He went to the bedroom looking angry and Dineo sighed.
Dineo: I swear im cursed
She said to herself and she went to sit down feeling down.



Cole was now in his house drinking like a fish while sitting on the cold floor....after his threesome he gave the ladies some money and he he wishes he didn’t sleep with those ladies cause he feels like he cheated on Marang, even the sex didn’t make him feel better..... He has been talking to an invisible “Shirley” for some time now, it was like he was having a mental breakdown or some sort making the house help scared in the process to a point that she even called Richard to come over...... Anyway he closed his eyes and he swallowed hard as Marang’s words played in his head.
Cole: fuck!
He said and he rubbed his eyes.
Cole: tell me what I should do to get over your death Shirley....just tell me what I need to do to completely move on
Then his phone rang, it was his brother Zakhele.....he clicked his tongue.
Cole: ufunani lo? ( what does he want)
He answered.
Cole: yah
Cole: what is it Zakhele im not in the fucken mood!
He said with a pissed off tone.
Zakhele: I come home from overseas and find mom in my house and she said you had people kick her out of her fucken house....what the fuck is wrong with you Qophelo!
He said sounding angry.
Cole: ooh so KZN is now overseas?
Then he laughed.
Cole: anyway that house is mine name is on the title deed so ungazongibedela wena! ( don’t piss me off)
Zakhele: what did you do you bastard, im sure you forged the fucken title deed!
Cole laughed.
Cole: well I would’ve loved to but guess what.... dad changed the house to my name before he died
Zakhele: you’re loved ma he wouldn’t do that to her
Cole laughed again.
Cole: you’re so clueless I even pity you Zakhele..... your stupid mother is a lying, cheating whore.....she even connived with her lover to kill dad so ungazngitshela ngo love la.....nx love yamasimba! ( so don’t tell me about love....shitty love!)
Zakhele: you know Qophelo, with all the shit you have said about ma before this is the shittiest of them all.... that’s low even for a piece of shit like you nx
Cole: well I don’t care if you believe me or not in fact I don’t give a fuck Zakhele uyangizwa, I don’t give a fuck.....wena just go to your mother and ask her who your real father is and stop wasting my fucken time nx
Then he dropped the call and almost immediately it rang again and it was still Zakhele.....he rejected the call and even blocked his numbers.
Cole: nx 
He gulped down his drink and poured another one and gulped all of it down at one go then he laughed.
Cole: you see Shirley my see how fucked up I am....i even kicked my own mother out of her matrimonial home
He laughed again.
Cole: anyway going back to Marang, I lost her too and this time it’s really my fault.....i can’t find closure and its messing with my head..... She told me to stay away from her and I didn’t even fight her even though I know I love her
He chuckled.
Cole: im fucked up I know
Then he burped.
Cole: she’s different you know..... and I know she’s a bit younger than me but age is just a number right
He drank from the bottle.
Cole: I mean mkhulu Qophelo the first was 18 years older than ugogo and man he loved her....that old dead nigga loved ugogo to death
He chuckled.
Cole: even at old age he still looked at her like she’s some rare jewel.....i mean old nigga still called her “ntombi yam enhle ” even when they were old and wrinkled and ugogo would blush like a teenager each time.... fuck it was an amazing thing to see
He smiled thinking about his late grandparents.
Cole: well khehla (old man) died first but he loved ugogo and he even died a happy man
He chuckled feeling emotional.
Cole: gogo said a night before he died he begged her to also search for him in the next life cause he definitely will be waiting for her
A tear dropped and he wiped it and chuckled then he drank from the bottle of whiskey again taking a large sip and he burped and laughed.
Cole: I always wanted that kind of love you first I thought I’ll have it with that bitch Vuyiswa but we both know how that ended then I met you and I thought yeah I finally found her then you decided to leave me too and now I met Marang...sweet Mara as Richard calls her and this time im the one that fucked up cause I know what she’s going through, she’s vulnerable and emotional and broken and all I had to do was be there for her you know...... but I let my issues with you to ruin things with her and now she wants me to stay away from her
He chuckled shaking his head and he took another large sip then the door opened and Richard walked in and the house help rushed to him looking scared and worried at the same time.
Richard: the fuck!
He said as his eyes landed on the trashed lounge room.... the 74 inch flat Tv was on the floor with a cracked screen and the couches and coffee table were flipped upside down, even the vases were broken to pieces.
Richie: are you ok ma....did he hurt you?
Helper: qa he was busy screaming whilst throwing and breaking things and now he’s been sitting there for some time drinking and talking to someone or something... ai angazi( I don’t know)
Richard sighed.
Richie: its ok Ma you can go sleep I’ll take it from here
Helper: let me clean up first...
Richie: no don’t worry I’ll have it sorted out.....just go and sleep ma I’ll handle everything
The helper sighed and nodded then she looked at Cole and walked away....Then Richie went to Cole.
Richie: bro come lets go
He said helping him to get up.
Cole: aow Mricho...i was just telling Shirley about Marang and how I fucked things between us
Richard swallowed.
Richie: ooh ok now get up mfowethu, it’s time for you to go to bed now
Cole: you should call Marang and tell her I love her man and that im sorry
Richard sighed.
Richie: ok I will
He helped him up and he helped him walk upstairs to the main bedroom with Cole busy blabbing about Marang and how much he loves her.


The following day he woke up with a banging headache but luckily Richard was still around and he made him a homemade hangover remedy, he even drank painkillers and went back to bed cause he felt like shit, it was as if he was hit by a for Richard he was worried about Cole cause the last time he saw him like this was when Shirley was raped and she ended up committing he knew that he truly loved Marang but his issues where preventing him from moving on and loving her wholeheartedly.....He sighed and his phone rang, it was Mmabatho, he clenched his jaws and answered.
Richie: yah
Mmabatho: is that how you answer my calls now Tirelo!
Richie: im not in the mood Mmabatho, what do you want
She kept quiet a bit biting her lower lip cause Richard’s “ I don’t give a fuck about you” attitude toward her was getting to her big time.
Mmabatho: you didn’t sleep at home last night Tirelo
Richie: I send you a message telling you I’ll spend the night at Cole’s
She chuckled bitterly.
Mmabatho: we both know you slept at that bitch’s place Tirelo so don’t fucken make me a fool
Richard chuckled shaking his head.
Mmabatho: I get that you’re a man-whore but can you at least respect me..... It’s already 11 am for fucks sake!
Richie: I think it’s time I take you back to your people so they’ll teach you manners and how to be a good wife cause you fail at being one!
Mmabatho: what did you just say..... How can I be a good wife to a man-whore?
Richie: well bra Mmabatho im a man-whore that will never love you how about that nx
Then he dropped the call leaving her hurt by what he said and she dialed her mother’s numbers.
QueenBahumi: my princess
Mmabatho: I hate him mama....i hate him so much!
She said crying.
QueenBahumi: you hate who....what’s going on Batho, why are you crying
Mmabatho: Tirelo....he...he....
She cried.
QueenBahumi: Mmabatho what’s going on?
Mmabatho: im glad I cheated on him ma and im glad this baby is not even his....i hate him and im glad im not carrying his seed, he doesn’t deserve to have my blessed womb carry his useless seed!
She shouted.
Voice: WHAT?
She quickly turned and found Richard’s mother standing there and she froze.
Mmabatho: queen
QueenBahumi: who’s that Mmabatho?
Mmabatho quickly dropped the call.
QueenMotlalepula: what... did... you... just... say... little girl!
She said with a frown on her face and Mmabatho sat there shaking with her eyes popped out and heart beating fast.



The royal traditional healer walked inside the yard and he walked straight to the palace, he walked in now chanting some words and as soon as one of the royal maids saw him she rushed to call the king.....
The traditional healer sat down on the floor by the door and he started humming an ancestral hymn .... The king, Letukile Kgosietsile Kweneng III came with his second wife Queen Boitumelo Kweneng walking behind him and as soon as the traditional healer felt the king’s presence since he was looking down, he knelt with one knee on the floor looking down and he started singing praises;

“ Kwena e ntsho ya  modiane tau
Fifi la mokwena
E e neng etswa e tlhola maimane
E tswe e me ka maroo kwiting
Kgagarapa ya mangana......”

He said all the praises then he remained kneeling like that.
Kgosi.Kweneng: voice of the ancestors is everything alright?
He asked worried cause every time the traditional healer came to the palace and he sat by the door he has a serious message from the ancestors.
Healer: I have a message from the ancestors Your Highness
Kgosi.Kweneng: im all ears wise one
Healer: the great ancestors of BaKweneng said the heir apparent to the throne is on his way back home
The king and his wife frowned looking at the healer then they looked at one another then back at the healer again.
Kgosi.Kweneng: please make me understand wise one, is it Tirelo the ancestors are talking about?
He asked with his heart beating fast.
Healer: the ancestors are talking about the rightful heir apparent to the throne..... the first son to you Your Highness, Letukile Kgosietsile Kweneng IV has found his way back home
The queen gasped, she stood there shocked then her eyes got filled with tears and her hands started shaking.
Kgosi.Kweneng: you mean Kgosietsile is alive and he’s coming back home?
He asked with a shocked voice.
Healer: a big feast should be prepared for his return and the royal family along with the whole villager should celebrate for the return of their heir apparent to the throne.... even other kings from other Kingdoms should also be invited......the ancestors have spoken!
Then he got up and bowed.
Healer: KWENA!
Then he turned and walked out chanting some ancestral hymn.
QueenBoitumelo: son is alive....he’s alive
She said with tears running down her cheeks, she was still shaking.
QueenBoitumelo: ooh the ancestors have heard my cries......they have heard my cries
She said as she got down on her knees crying.....she praised their ancestors crying while the King just stood there not believing what he heard......its been almost two years since his first son from his second wife Kgosietsile disappeared, the plane that he boarded from Egypt where he went for an important meeting with some Egyptian investors disappeared somewhere between South Sudan and DRC and with the war going on in DRC it was believed that the rebels may have shot it down and no one the other hand the Kweneng ancestors were quiet, they were not saying anything with regards to his disappearance until now so no one knew whether he was alive or not they all assumed that maybe he died along with the rest of the passengers since its been almost two years now since the plane disappeared. 


It was now in the afternoon around 3 and Richard was on the phone with Dineo and she was telling him that Marang was discharged and she was getting ready to go pick her up and that the lawyer called Marang and said the date for the bail hearing for Mazwi has been set.......then Cole walked in the kitchen just as Richard was ending the call with Dineo.
Richie: damn you still look like shit but at least you look like a better shit now
Cole: fsek
Richie laughed and Cole took out bottled water in the fridge and he sat down.
Richie: should I make you one too
Cole nodded, Richie was making himself a sandwich.
Richie: I heard the date for the bail hearing for that boy Mazwi has been set
Cole: yeah I was woken up by that lawyer’s call.... it’s about damn time
Richie: I hope Marang is strong enough to face him
Cole: she has a strong support system she’ll be fine
Then he drank some water and he frowned.
Cole: you know I had a weird dream about Kgosi
He said with a worried look on his face.
Richie: he was telling you that he’s in heaven and he’s happy and that we should all accept that he’s not coming back?
Cole: nah...he was actually here
Richie: heh?
Cole sighed.
Cole: mmmh....the was a knock on the door and when I opened he was standing there....he kept on saying it was really him and I wasn’t dreaming......shit I swear it felt real man
Richie sighed.
Richie: well I wish it was real man....i miss him
Cole sighed.
Cole: I miss him too.....that was my nigga partner in crime, my candle holder man
They both laughed.
Richie: I wonder how he would’ve reacted with this Dineo and Mmabatho shit
Cole: he was a serious motherfucker but I bet he would’ve found humor with this shit about your two baby mamas
They laughed.
Richie: you know, I remember him telling me before he left that I should keep checking up on you and I thought he meant that I should make sure you don’t fuck too many women not that I should make sure you’re ok after his disappearance....gape you two were the bad twins
Cole chuckled.
Richie: the shit you two did
He chuckled.
Richie: if the King ever finds out I swear he’ll have a heart attack
They both laughed then they kept quiet a bit as Richard was busy slicing some polony for Cole’s sandwich.
Richie: now let’s talk about the huge elephant in the room.....what happened to you last night man?
Cole sighed.
Cole: I don’t wanna talk about it man so let it go
Richie sighed.
Richie: ok as you wish..... anyway last night Dee told me you and Mara are done for real this time
Cole didn’t say anything he just clenched his jaws.
Cole: will you just finish up with that sandwich
Richie chuckled shaking his head.
Richie: anyway she said the doctor that is treating Marang was flirting with her, remember the dude is one of those young doctors and she thinks he likes her
He lied and Cole looked at him with a serious frown on his face.
Cole: what?
Richie: mmmmh
Cole: that’s absurd, she’s his patient he can’t fucken do fact who the fuck does he think he is!
He said sounding angry.
Richie: I just talked to Dee now and she said Marang is discharged from the hospital so now she’s not his patient anymore meaning anything can happen
Cole: uyanya uMarang is not like that she won’t fall for some stupid doctor!
He said sounding worked up.
Richie: why are you and Marang are done so....
Cole: will you just shut up!
He got up and walked away looking angry leaving Richard looking amused.


Cole’s phone rang as he sat down and he answered.
Cole: yah
He said still angry about what Richard told him.
Voice: hey Cole
Cole frowned.
Cole: who’s this?
Voice: its Linda, Shirley’s sister
His eyes popped out.
Cole: Belinda?
Linda: yeah
She giggled.
Cole: ummm wow I haven’t heard from you since....
Linda: since a few days after Shirley’s funeral....yeah it’s been long
Cole: ummm have you been?
Linda: I’ve been good.....I was out of the country for some time but now im back
Cole: ooh ok
He was still surprised by her call.
Linda: ummm I have a favour to ask....i hope you don’t mind
Cole: ask away
Linda: ummm im coming to Pretoria for a week and I was wondering if you don’t mind I crash at your place, hotels are expensive and my business is still new so every cent counts
Cole cleared his throat.
Cole: ummm said a week
Linda: ummm yeah I have to attend a workshop there for a week
Cole: ok so when will the workshop thing start
Linda: Monday, look I know its short notice but I wanted to book into a hotel then I checked my financials and they said yeah you can afford it but you’ll eat macaroni with tin fish for the next couple of weeks to recover so I swallowed my pride and called you
Cole chuckled.
Cole: you don’t have to explain Linda its ok you can stay here I don’t mind
She breathed out.
Linda: ok thank you so much I swear you won’t even know im there
Cole: ok
Linda: ummm ok then I’ll see you on Sunday
Cole: alright shap
Linda: bye
She ended the call and he sighed.
Richie: who’s that that’s making you worried like that or keng you’re still mad about Marang and the doctor
He said giving him his sandwich with a smirk on his face.
Cole: fsek....... its Belinda, Shirley’s sister she asked for a place to stay for a week
Richie: she’s gonna stay this house with you in it?
Cole: why do you have that look on your face?
Richie: well we both know that chick had a crush on you Cole and that crush didn’t fade away even when you were dating her younger sister and now you’re single and im sure she’s single too and she’ll be here and you’ll be here getting where this is going?
Cole: no I don’t
He said with a serious look on his face and Richie laughed.
Richie: mmmmh yah neh, Collins is busy trying to steal my girl, Marang is fancied by a young good looking doctor and now your ex’s sister that had a crush on you and im sure she still does is coming to stay with you.... kurough straight
Cole: you’re not funny you know that and I said Marang is not like that....she’s still dealing with shit so she doesn’t need some stupid doctor to disturb  her healing process!
Richard chuckled.
Richie: are you sure?
Cole: nx you know what, you can have your stupid sandwich I’ll order  pizza for myself
He said getting up and Richard laughed.
Richie: order with extra cheese daar
Cole: fsek!



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