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Kgosi got by the crime scene and found the guard bleeding  with his gun next to him, Gorata was passed out with blood on her face and Dineo was passed out not far from the car that is parked not far from them with doors opened, she was covered with blood on her lower body and the was a dead guy next to her….he put his hands on top of his head as his heart beat abnormally…..The guards picked Dineo, Gorata and the guard and loaded them on different cars and they drove off in high speed while Kgosi was still standing there with his hands on top of his head….a Guard shook him.
Guard: my prince…my prince????
He blinked and frowned looking at him.
The Guard swallowed when he saw the expression now plastered on Kgosi’s face.
Saddam: where’s Dineo
Guard: they rushed them to the hospital
He looked around and saw all the blood on the ground.
Saddam: how many were there
Guard: the villagers said three….one is dead and two of them ran into the forest but the men in the village and some guards ran after them
Saddam: I want at least one of them alive
Guards: yes my prince
The guard left him there confused at his calm demeanour.
Queen Boitumelo was passing up and down crying with her hands on top of her head…..the King was sitting down with his head bowed trying to hold it in like a man….he needed to be strong for his wife….Kea and Itu were trying to calm their mother down but it was hard cause they too were crying…. Kgosi walked in and the queen wailed louder when she saw him and he went straight his father.
Saddam: father
His father raised his head and his eyes were red but he wasn’t crying.
Saddam: any news
He looked angry…..his father shook his head.
King: what happened
Saddam: I don’t know but I’ll find out soon
The next thing Mothusi and his family rushed inside the ICU section and went to the receptionist and the receptionist told them to wait there and she’ll let the doctor they have arrived, when they turned they saw the royal family and Mothusi frowned…..his wife ignored them and sat down with his daughter and Mothusi cleared his throat and sat down too not even greeting them or acknowledging them…..he wondered who died since he heard the gunshot and screams….he wished it was Kgosi or his father but they are here…..The doctor went to the receptionist and she pointed at Mothusi and his family
The doctor went to them and after he spoke Mothusi’s wife and daughters wailed while Mothusi just looked down defeated.
Saddam: finally!!!
He said to himself and he took out his phone and made a call walking further away from everyone.
Voice: yah
Saddam: he needs your help
The person kept quiet for bit.
Voice: what happened
Saddam: his girl is in hospital and its not looking good….he’s restless and making it hard for me to do my job
The person sighed.
Voice: let me consult and I’ll get back to you
Saddam: I’ll be waiting
Then they ended the call and his phone rang.
Saddam: yeah
Cole: your other father just called me what’s going on
Saddam: this is not him
Cole: look man i….
Then he kept quiet.
Cole: I need to talk to him
He said with a serious tone.
Saddam: right now he can’t
Cole sighed.
Cole: how bad is it
Saddam: the girl is in hospital and she’s not looking good im still waiting for at least one of the motherfuckers
Cole: fuck!!!
He sighed.
Cole: we are on our way
Kgosi then dropped the call and went back to everyone and whilst he was walking to them his father kept looking at him and the look in his eyes send chills down his spine.
The.King: Kgosi???
Saddam: he’s not available right now
He said and the King swallowed….he knew this wasn’t his son.
King: what the hell is going on
Saddam: not now King….not now please!!!
He said through his teeth then he got up and walked away.
Cole and a crying Marang are on the way to the Northwest and Marang keeps wiping her tears off as they fall.
Cole: you need to calm down Ntokazi….you need to be strong for Dee
Marang: ba re what happened
She asked sniffing.
Cole: Im not sure….i’ll get all the info when we arrive for now please try and calm down ngiyakucela ntokazi
She just looked out of the window.
They saw a doctor walking to them and they got up.
QBoitumelo: how are they doctor
She said wiping her tears off.
Doctor: my King…my Queen
She bowed a bit.
Saddam: she asked how they are doctor
He said with a serious look on his face and the doctor swallowed.
QBoitumelo: Kgosi!!!
She reprimanded him.
Doctor: ummm the baby is in distress because of the blood loss and an emergency C-section needs to be done or we might lose both of them
QBoitumelo: ooh my God!!!
She said putting her hands on top of her head.
Doctor: a nurse will bring….
Saddam: I’ll sign what needs to be signed just do the damn C-section and SAVE BOTH OF THEM
Kgosi said the last part in a threatening tone and the King just shook his head.
King: what about my daughter the other girl that was brought in with the pregnant woman
Doctor: she’s not my patient but I’ll find out for you
The King nodded and the doctor called the nurse over and Kgosi signed the papers….after the nurse and doctor left Kgosi attempted to walk away but the Queen called him and he clenched his jaws but then composed himself and turned around.
Saddam: my queen
QBoitumelo: where are you going
Saddam: I have things I need to take care off
They gave him the “wtf” look except the king.
QBoitumelo: things to take care off while your younger sister and woman you claimed is the chosen one for you are fighting for their lives
King: let him be
QBoitumelo: but my King
King: I have spoken!!!
She frowned looking at him as Kgosi walked away.
Itu: wow!!!
The King went to his wife and whispered to her.
King: I’ll explain later
She still looked at him confused then a doctor walked to them.
Doctor: my King…my Queen im doctor Mofokeng, princess Gorata’s doctor
Q.Boitumelo: how is she…please tell me my daughter is fine
Doctor: Fortunately the knock on the side of her head didn’t cause any serious damage….she suffered a serious concussion but not too serious to cause any major damage….
Itu: so she’s gonna be ok
Doctor: yes…she’s gonna be ok but she’s gonna suffer from migraines but as time goes they will stop
They breathed out relieved.
QBoitumelo: can we see her
Doctor: yes ofcourse follow me
King: Doctor
She stopped.
King: what about the guard that came with them
Doctor: I just spoken to his doctor and he’s in a critical condition
The King sighed and he followed them as they went to see Gorata.
Saddam: tell me good news
Guard: they found them alive my Prince, the other one tried to put up a fight and he didn’t make it while the other one surrendered
A creepy smile formed on his face and the guard swallowed hard.
Saddam: good….make sure he doesn’t escape I’ll deal with him later
The guard bowed a bit and left…. Kgosi’s phone rang and he answered.
Saddam: what are the bones saying
Voice: they’ll both survive….a life was sacrificed for that child to live but…
Saddam: but what
Voice: he hurt her and his brother is not happy …..he has turned into an angry ghost and anyone who messes with his woman and child will get what’s coming to them
Saddam: well tell him that, that girl now belongs to Kgosi and he can go fuck other ghost bitches in hell
Voice: Kgosi said you are the sane one amongst all his personalities but I think ya’ll are just the same
Saddam: fuck you bones boy
Voice: and you just had to ruin things before I tell you how to appease the ghost
Saddam: talk I don’t have all day
Voice: makende a wena san….good luck with dealing with an angry ghost….you should’ve asked Richard’s mother and mother in law how that’s like…..xe ta ko minyiseni xepoko!!! ( the ghost will show you flames)
Then he dropped the call.
Saddam: nxa
He put his phone back in his pocket and he saw Botlhale walking to him and his eyes were on her chest….Saddam loves them boobies.
Botlhale: thank God you’re ok Kgosi
Saddam: follow me
And she confusedly followed him and he went to his room….she got in and he closed the door and went to sit on the chair.
Saddam: I see how you look at him….i mean me
Botlhale looked at him confused.
Saddam: I don’t like beating around the bush… guy has been going hungry for some time now and he needs… release some steam and some old sperms so my question is do we fuck or I should look somewhere else
Botlhale looked at him shocked to the core…this wasn’t the Kgosi she knew.
Saddam: I don’t like to be kept waiting mamasita…so what is it gonna be
Botlhale: ummm….are you ok Kgosi I mean….
Saddam: you can leave I see you’re the type that like talking and I hate it…..fucking some pussy time is fucking some pussy time and talking time is talking time now for the last time what is it gonna be
He said taking out his semi hard manhood and he stroke it and that got Botlhale’s clit twitching…..she hasn’t seen it for quite a while and it always drove her crazy cause nikka knew how to fuck period…..she bit her lower lip and walked towards him and knelt in front of him, grabbed it and licked it then slowly put it in her mouth and Kgosi groaned…..
They have been going at it for some time now to a point that Botlhale came three times in a row…..the last time she came like this was before Kgosi left for Egypt, she didn’t want him to stop but Kgosi was ready to release so he moved in and out of her in a fast pace chasing his own release….he then out of the blue slammed into her hard and he filled the condom with his sperms and slowly pulled out.
Botlhale: gosh that was amazing babe…..i knew you still felt the same way…
Saddam: hei hei hei….felt the same what…..listen here girly, this was a fuck and pass…..he doesn’t want you anymore and he never will
She frowned looking at him as he went to the bathroom and she followed him.
Botlhale: Kgosi what….
Saddam: get out
Her eyes popped out.
Botlhale: wha…..
Saddam: out!!!
He said flushing the toilet and he washed his hands and wiped them as she stood there shocked….she could see something was off with him even the sex was rough and he didn’t even kiss her but him treating her like this was just uncalled for “she thought”.
Botlhale: Kgosi I thought this…. Look I know I messed up by not waiting for you but im willing to rectify my mistake….im willing to divorce him for you and….
Saddam: are you deaf?
He asked getting close to her with a scary look on his face.
Saddam: I don’t like you and never will and he doesn’t love you anymore….the only thing that made me fuck you is your breasts….im a breast man and I was horny, you’re not even my type
Tears ran down her cheeks.
Botlhale: Kgosi you’re hurting me with your words….
Saddam: get out lady….you’re acting desperate now and its fucken annoying
More tears gushed out, she tried touching him and he grabbed both her hands and squeezed them looking into her teary eyes with a murderous look on his face.
Saddam: I said fuck off lady!!!
He roughly let go of her hands and she walked out of the bathroom crying….she got dressed and picked handbag and quickly walked out and Kgosi just shook his head and he went back to the bathroom to take a shower.
The queen, Marang and Cole got up when they saw the doctor walking to them.
Marang: please tell me they are both ok Doctor please
She desperately said and the doctor sighed.
Doctor: well the baby is ok, the C-section was successful and she’s a healthy baby, no complications whatsoever
They all breathed out relieved then Marang frowned.
Marang: what about my sister….she’s…she’s fine too right
The doctor sighed.
Cole: Doc?
Doctor: it was a close call…we lost her for a sec but I can say a miracle happened and she came back….we thought we lost her but then she came back
Marang cried and Cole pulled her to his chest…this were tears of joy at least God heard her prayers this time “ she thought”.
Queen: so she’s going to be ok
Doctor: yes and she’s stable, she’s in ICU because we wanna monitor her closely for the next couple of hours….if she remains stable for those couple of hours then we will know she’s out of the woods….she lost a lot of blood so we’re definitely keeping a close eye on her
They nodded.
Cole: can my wife at least see her
Doctor: yes but only for 5 minutes
Queen: well can I see the baby
Doctor: ofcourse….the nurse will take you to her
Then she looked at Marang.
Doctor: as for you ma’am you can follow me
Cole: I’ll wait for you here
Marang nodded and he kissed her forehead and she followed the doctor while the queen followed the nurse and Cole breathed out loud and he sat down taking out his phone and dialling Kgosi’s numbers.
Saddam: Kgosi’s phone hello
Cole: I need to talk to him
Saddam: well now is not a good time im busy
Cole: busy with what….look this is fucken important….bring him back
He said sternly.
Saddam: like I said im busy I’ll call you back when im done
The Cole heard a voice of a man crying and begging for mercy in the background before the call was dropped and Cole rubbed his face….he didn’t like this personality at all cause he’s full of himself and does what he pleases….he’s scared that he might get too comfortable and refuses to go back and bring back the real Kgosi.

IF ONLY.....Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz