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Kgosi has been searching for whoever tried to kidnap Dineo and his search has come up with nothing, he and Cole have been cracking their heads trying to find the people responsible but they have hit rock bottom.
Cole: what im curious about is the way one of the guys reacted when he looked at Dineo
He said looking at the CCTV footage again that was closer to the scene.
Kgosi: or maybe he saw something behind her I mean when you look carefully at that footage is like he’s looking behind her but there’s nothing there
Cole looked carefully at the footage and he saw what Kgosi was seeing then he looked at Kgosi with a frown.
Cole: what did he see?
Kgosi: I don’t know but im sure the seer will tell me
Cole: yeah
Then there was a knock on the door and Kgosi shouted for the person to come in and the door opened and Dineo peeped in then she frowned when she saw Cole.
Kgosi: hey you’re awake
He said getting up and going to her as she walked in.
Dineo: yeah
She said with her eyes on Cole and Cole got up and he sighed.
Dineo: hi Cole
Cole: Dee
Dineo: wa phela.....nna ne ke re o swile ebile wa bola somewhere ko skgweng ( you are still alive.....i thought you long died somewhere in the bush)
He gave her a fade smile.
Cole: look i...
He sighed.
Cole: I fucked up, I don’t know what happened Dee it was like I wasn’t in control of my body and mind when I...hurt her and that will haunt me for the rest of my life
She didn’t say anything.
Cole: I love her Dee and you know I do...she’s my life
She looked down sucking on the insides of her cheeks, her crazy hormones where were starting to react.
Cole: im sorry about what happened to you im glad you ok
Tears filled her eyes when she thought about it then they ran down her cheeks and Kgosi pulled her to his chest and held her....Cole swallowed and went closer.
Kgosi: its’s all over mama
Cole raised an eyebrow looking at him but Kgosi ignored his look.
Cole: its ok we will find them I promise
He said rubbing her back then she pulled away from Kgosi’s hold and got closer to Cole, he thought she wanted a hug but instead she kicked him hard between his legs and she pushed him back hard and he fell on the floor with his hands on his privates groaning while his body became stiff as pain was rushing straight to his heart.
Kgosi: DINEO!!
Dineo: That’s for laying your filthy hands on satlo go thuba marete ao....boloi or not o satlo nnyela for hitting my sister nx ( im still gonna bust your nuts....witchcraft or not you’re still  gonna shit yourself for hitting my sister nx)
Then she walked out wiping her tears off.
Cole: Fuck!! Aah She broke my balls.....she fucken broke my balls!!
He said with a shaky voice groaning in pain.
Cole: She broke my balls man
Kgosi: harde man
He helped Cole up and helped him sit on the couch.
Kgosi: let me go get you some ice
He walked out and went to the kitchen and found Dineo drinking some water.
Kgosi: you shouldn’t have done that Mmabontle
He said not pleased with her.
Kgosi: he’s already dealing with a lot of shit he didn’t need that!!
He said with a stern voice.
Dineo: and Marang was already dealing with a lot of shit too she didn’t need to be beaten up
She said looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
Kgosi: o ngwana ga mang mara wena ( who’s child are you)
He asked annoyed with her.
Dineo: o trapile Marang ka mo thupa di dribe ( he beat Marang and I broke his grapes) so let’s let it go for peace’s sake
He just shook his head and proceeded with getting Cole frozen veges from the fridge.
Dineo: I hope you’re not going to give Cole those frozen veges gore a di beye mo di dribeng tsa gae Kgosi ( so he puts them on his private part Kgosi)
Kgosi: emanyana Dineo tuu ( chill Dineo please)
He said walking away.
Dineo: o mmotse he owes me frozen veges tsa ko Woolwords and tsa go tura go feta tse tsotlhe cause tseo di a dustbin nxa!! (tell him he owes me froze veges from Woolwords and the most expensive ones cause those ones are going to the dustbin)
She shouted after him and he ignored her....He got inside his study and gave Cole the frozen veges and he sat next to him..... then his phone rang and he frowned cause it was a private number but he answered anyway.
Kgosi: yah
He said with an intimidating voice deep voice.
Voice: I heard you’re looking for me
He looked at Cole then he put the phone on loud speaker and instructed Cole to keep quiet as he sat next to him.
Kgosi: im looking for many people be specific
He said with an annoyed voice.
Voice: Ty....Collins’ friend or should I say ex-friend
Kgosi looked at Cole as they both frowned.
Kgosi: why are you calling me?
Ty: well im out of the country, I just wanted to tell you that it will be hard for you to find me so don’t waste your time
Kgosi chuckled.
Kgosi: you’re stupid to think I won’t find you when you’re in the presence of a patient in a coma...i know you kidnapped Collins wife from the hospital and I know which country you went, it’s just a matter of time before I find your fucken ass
Ty kept quiet for some time then he spoke.
Ty: I know who killed your brother
Kgosi: I already know that, anything else
Ty sighed.... this phone call didn’t go the way he thought it would go.
Ty: Collins, your brother’s wife, her mother, your uncle and his son wanted him dead at all cost....each one of them had their own reasons why he should die
Kgosi: what about you
Ty kept quiet for some time.
Ty: I was just an observer, I was there to support my then friend....i had no beef with your brother, the only beef I had was with Cole because of Marang
Cole clenched his jaws and Kgosi instructed him to calm down.
Ty: bona mo ( look here).... Collins held your brother from behind and princess Mmabatho’s boyfriend stabbed him cause your brother’s mother forced the princess to abort the boyfriend’s unborn child
Kgosi and Cole looked at one other surprised.
Ty: as for your uncle and his son they wanted the throne, you were gone and the King was remained with only one son
Kgosi clenched his jaws listening.
Kgosi: go on....
Ty: while Collins wanted Dee....with your brother out of the way he was gonna have her
Kgosi: but he’s married...what? he thought Dineo would appreciate being made the second wife
Ty sighed.
Ty: his plan was to have his wife killed
He said with a pained tone then he cleared his throat.
Ty: yeah so.....but she survived
Kgosi: why are you telling me all this
Ty: for you to let me go, to stop searching for me....i didn’t want your brother dead I just befriended a wrong person that’s all
Kgosi: well you were there when they killed him and you planned for his death with your eye for an eye boy....everyone involved will die a painful your back I might strike while you least expect it
He said with an angry tone then he dropped the call and he picked the cushion and threw it across the room looking angry.
Kgosi: nx the fucken nerve!!!
Cole: he’s got balls I’ll give him that
He said looking angry himself.
Kgosi: now the whole shit makes sense
He stood up.
Cole: yeah....eish...yeeeerr....i can’t believe Mmabatho did that to Richie....hands-ball just like that....and as for Richie’s mother... nc nc nc
He shook his head.
Cole: yah neh.....
Kgosi: I should’ve made her death more painful
Cole frowned looking at him.
Cole: ukhuluma ngobani manje ( who are you talking about now)
Kgosi: Mmabatho
He went and poured both of them drinks while Cole kept quiet a bit.
Cole: Mmabatho is....
Kgosi: yeah...Mfumu happened
Cole: damn!!!
Kgosi smirked.
Kgosi: and this time he let me in on the fun....i should’ve made her suffer like her fucken boyfriend nx....the nerve of that dead bitch
Cole looked at Kgosi and he saw a look on his face that send chills down his spine...then his phone disturbed him by ringing and it was Marang...he panicked cause she’s not supposed to use the phone unless she calls Dineo at night or it’s an emergency....she’s now at the retreat and they also have a rule of no phones allowed until you leave....your therapist is the one that will allow you to make a phone call and that’s if your making progress in your sessions...anyway he quickly answered.
Cole: ntokazi
Marang: h...hi
She whispered, she was inside the bathroom.
Cole: is everything ok
He asked with a worried tone.
Marang: ummm.....Co...Collins was here Cole
Cole: WHAT!!!
He stood up.
Cole: Did he hurt you....what did he say he wants....are you ok....did he try anything stupid.....
Kgosi snatched the phone from a panicking Cole and put the phone on speaker.
Kgosi: Marang its Kgosi what did he say he wants
Marang: he wants...he wants me to talk to Dineo to at least answer his phone calls, he kept on saying he’s worried about her and he doesn’t trust you and that our lives might be in danger cause you’re dangerous....he also said he knows who killed Richard and its someone close to us that’s why our lives are in danger
Cole: uyanya msunu wakhe ....he fucken killed Richie.... ukhuluma amasimba ( he’s full of shit his cunt....he fucken killed Richie....he’s talking shit)
Kgosi: do you feel safe in that retreat now that Collins came to visit you
Marang: I don’t know...ummm....he sounded creepy and he was trying by all means to make me believe that our lives are in danger, to make me believe that someone close to us killed Richard....he kept holding my hands as he talked to....
Cole: wrong move.....he shouldn’t have....ooooh that motherfucker shouldn’t have!!!
He said pacing in the room.
Marang: was creepy....he had this look on his face
She breathed out.
Kgosi: do you...
Then they heard what sounded like a knock over the phone and Marang froze.
Kgosi: relax Marang ask who it is
Cole: don’t panic sthandwa sam...please
Marang: who...who is it?
She said in a low tone.
Voice: its Violet one of the cleaners, I was asked to give you something by that guy that visited you earlier on
Cole: son of a bitch
He whispered then he clenched his jaws.
Marang: ummm o..ok give a minute
Violet: ok
Cole: do you know her
Marang: yeah she’s a cleaner here
She whispered.
Kgosi: ok don’t drop the call, go to her and act normal
Cole’s heart is now beating fast, he keeps clenching and unclenching his jaws in a scary manner.....anyway Marang flushed and she hid her phone inside her bra carefully not to drop the call, she fixed herself and opened the door and indeed there stood one of the cleaners.
Marang: hi
Violet: hi
She took out a phone from inside her bra and handed it to Marang but she just looked at it.
Violet: that guy said I should give it to you.....he said you should call him at night and you can use it to talk to a Dineo too
Marang swallowed.
Marang: you do know what you’re doing is not allowed here right
Violet sighed.
Violet: you’re not the only person in this retreat that has a phone in secret girly so take
She shoved the phone to her hand and walked to the main door of the bathroom then she stopped and turned.
Violet: make sure no one sees it or you’ll put both of us in trouble and we don’t want that do we
Then she walked out and Marang quickly went back to the toilet and she closed the door....she took out her phone( the one Cole got for her) and she put it on her ear.
Marang: get me out of here as in now
She said with a shaky voice.
Cole: im coming sthandwa sam im on my way ok
Marang: what should I do with the phone
She asked still with that shaky voice.
Cole: throw it inside the rubbish bin
Marang: ok
Kgosi: relax and wait for Cole he’s on his way ok
Marang: ok
She breathed out and ended the call.


Cole: that son of a bitch is getting on my last nerve...he went to my wife to talk shit wife!!!
He said taking out his phone and made a call.
Senior: Qophelo
Cole: baba
Cole heard someone mumbling in the background.
Cole: who’s that in the background.... don’t tell me you’re cheating on your beautiful wife baba!!
Senior: HEI THULA WENA VOETSEK...VOETSEK!!! ( hey shut up...piss off...piss of!!!)
He shouted at the person and Cole heard as if the person was now crying.
Cole: baba?
Senior: im torturing someone....what’s up
Cole: who?
Senior: I’ll tell you who it is some other time so what’s wrong
Cole sighed.
Cole: one of the fuckers that killed Richie visited Marang at the retreat
Senior: ini? ( what)
Cole: im going to get her baba....i know she needs to stay there and heal but she’s not safe...he even paid someone to give her a phone in secret
Senior: lenja ( that dog) needs to be put down asap.....look I’ll meet you cant go with Kgosi, he needs to keep uDineo safe cause we don’t know what that stupid boy’s strategy is
Cole: ok
He ended the call and looked at Kgosi and he sighed when they spoke with only with their eyes.
Kgosi: Dineo needs to know everything
Cole sighed.
Cole: yeah let’s hope she won’t stress too much
Kgosi breathed out.
Kgosi: I need to go home.....i’ll take Dineo with... I need to see the seer...everything is just a mess and I need the ancestors help and guidance with this whole shit
Cole: yeah I’ll see you when you get back
They fist bumped and he walked to the door.
Kgosi: wait....Marang? said she’s still scared of you, now how will you two stay in the same house
Cole sighed.
Cole: don’t go with Matlhabe I’ll bring Marang here im sure she’ll feel a little safe with someone else around
He said with a sad tone and walked out....Kgosi rubbed his beard and he breathed out then he rubbed his eyes with the tip of his fingers.....he didn’t look forward to telling Dineo about who killed Richard and all the people involved.


The remains of Mmabatho have just been laid to rest and the yard is still filled with people, Queen Bahumi is inside Mmabatho’s bedroom sitting on top of the bed holding one of her dresses with tears running down her cheeks when the door opened and his son walked in.....he walked closer to the bed and stood there with his hands inside his pockets.
Mogapi: how does it feel?
Bahumi wiped her tears and looked at him confused.
Mogapi: how does it feel my Queen?
Bahumi: how does what feel Mogapi?
Mogapi: losing it all
She frowned at him.
Mogapi: you see what your evil and vile heart did to you
Bahumi: hei im still your mother dare you talk to me like that!!!
He chuckled.
Mogapi: and there she is....i wondered where she was hidden, the real Bahumi
Bahumi: ke tla go nyedisa molomonyana oo ka mpama ( I’ll smack that mouth of yours) dare you disrespect me like still your mother Mogapi!!!!
Mogapi: my sure you stole me wena mother will do and treat his children the way you do....Mmane ( aunt) treat her children right and doesn’t force them to do things they don’t want....she even treats us good as if she gave birth to us but wena noooo, you even forced me to marry a girl I didn’t love just because she was from a wealthy family.....i lost the love of my life because of I have to watch from a distance another man make the one that my heart beats for happy!!!
Bahumi: don’t tell me about that poor ratchet have a perfect wife so stop all this nonsense
Mogapi chuckled shaking his head.
Bahumi: and don’t go blaming me for your cowardice are weak im sure that’s why the ancestors made sure that witche’s son come first and not you.....oweak wena even your sister had more balls than you
Mogapi chuckled with tears in his eyes.
Mogapi: where is she now with her balls huh....SHE’S DEAD.....BURNED LIKE A PIECE OF PAPER....WHERE’S YOUR PRECIOUS DAUGHTER MAMA!!!
Bahumi: SHUT UP...SHUT UP!!!
She said crying.
Mogapi: I loathe you mama..... and I wish I had more “balls” to stand up to you....but im glad I never got lured into your evil ways and took your evil words to glad  it’s not too late for me..... Guess what, im getting divorced and im moving to Cape Town and there’s nothing you can do about it!!!
Bahumi: what!
She stopped crying and kept a straight face.
Bahumi: what do you mean you’re getting divorced.....are you out of your mind!!!
Mogapi: good luck on your meeting with the King and the gonna need it
He walked to the door.
Bahumi: Mogapi!!!
He ignored her and walked out.....she threw the dress to the floor and she put her hands on her face and she screamed into them.....she couldn’t believe how quickly things are falling apart....she then pulled her face up and her eyes landed on a male figure standing next to where the dress fell on the floor and she froze with her eyes popped out.
Bahumi:’re’re dead.....
She said with a shaky voice and when the figure took a step forward, she screamed out loud shaking then the figure disappeared.


On his way to the airport Cole’s phone rang and he didn’t recognize the numbers but he answered anyway.
Cole: yah
Voice: eh mokgwenyana ke step father sa Marang
Cole: ok
He said with a bored tone.
Voice....eish go nale bothatanyana mo.... mmatswale wa gao o nyametse monna....a gona motho o a itsing gore o kae....o tshabile le chelete ya makhi ba re o tsamaile ka koloi e kima ya mabaibai le monna e kare ke le Nigeria...Mpatlise yena man, ga pe ga ke so e latswe pila chelete ele....mosadi ole a ka sentire so.....gape ne ke le teng for magadi.....gape ne ke re ko reka stjotjoviyanyana and le go patella papa Marang since ke nyetse mmagae so half ya dai zaka ke ya ka so mpatlise yena man mokgwenyana
( son in law its Marang’s step father...eish I have a problem.... your mother in law has disappeared one knows where she is....  she ran away with the dowry money....neighbors say she drove away in a big fancy car with a man who looked like a me find her man, I haven’t even spend that much of that money....that woman can’t do this to me.... I was there during the negotiations....i wanted to buy a small used car and pay my bills, im technically Marang’s father since I married her mother so half of that money is mine so help me find her son in law)
Cole laughed.... as he waited for the traffic lights to turn green.
Cole: go report her to the police madala I don’t have time for nonsense nx
Then he dropped the call and he shook his head not believing he just listened to that man ranting and vomiting nonsense out of his mouth like that....his phone rang again and he dropped the call and blocked his numbers....the traffic lights turned green and he drove away.

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