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*** wisdom tooth ache is showing me flames guys, I'm even losing weight because of the pain so please bear with me***


Kgosi was inside the bedroom with Dineo explaining to her about how things will go down the following day.
Kgosi: so we will go with you and Marang but you remain in a royal resort in the kingdom
Dineo: ok
She said with a low tone.
Kgosi: alright rest tomorrow will be a long day
She breathed out then her phone rang and she frowned looking at the screen, She then cleared her throat and she answered with a low tone.
Dineo: hello
Collins: hey
Dineo: hi Collins
Kgosi clenched his jaws looking at her then he took her phone and put it on loudspeaker which confused Dineo as to why he did that.
Collin: I heard about your boyfriend im sorry you’re hurting Dee
Dineo’s eyes filled with tears and she bit her lower lip.
Dineo: mmmmh
Collins: where are you, I was at your place and I knocked until I got tired
Kgosi shook his head looking at Dineo and she swallowed hard.
Dineo: umm i...
Collins: I wanna be there for you Dee please let me be there for you
He said interrupting her.
Dineo: i... I don’t think Richard would want that Collins
Collins: come on Dee you need someone right now and you know im the best person you can lean on...just allow me to be there for both you and Kiddo please
Dineo: ummm thanks for checking up on me but I have people im leaning on...shap
Then she dropped the call and tears fell, she got up and went to bed, her phone rang again and she just ignored it and she got inside the covers and faced the other way.....Kgosi also got up and he went closer to the bed and he took her phone and he dropped call and slipped it into his pocket and he bend and kissed her cheek and he whispered to her ear which send Goosebumps all over her body.
Kgosi: don’t stress just rest ok
She nodded then he walked out.....when he got out her phone rang again and he answered it.
Kgosi: I see you’re one of those people who are persistent  neh
Collins: who’s this?
He asked with a confused tone.
Kgosi: it doesn’t matter now does it
Collins: where’s Dineo?
Kgosi: sleeping
He could tell Collins was getting frustrated.
Collins: who the fuck are you and why are you answering her phone.
He said with an angry voice.
Kgosi: like I said it doesn’t matter who I am
He said with a chilled out voice.
Collins: it does matter when it comes to Dineo
Kgosi chuckled.
Kgosi: well you pretend to care for her while on the other hand you just killed the man that meant the world to her, her baby’s father for fucks do you sleep at night man
Collins froze.
Collins: ex...excuse me?
Kgosi: once she knows the truth she’ll hate even your shadow
Collins: how dare you accuse me of that
Kgosi: cause only those that killed Richard will know he’s dead so you just sold yourself
Collins: fuck you...i don’t know what you’re talking about
Kgosi chuckled.
Kgosi: how about I plant a seed in Dineo and Marang’s head and let’s see how they’ll about that
He said playing mind games with him.
Collins: im gonna find out who you are and you’ll fucken pay you hear me
Then he dropped the call and Kgosi chuckled.
Kgosi: got you.... you son of a bitch nx
He went to his room.


Cole and Marang were kissing passionately with Cole on top of Marang finger fucking her.... she was busy moaning whilst giving him a hand-job...he increased his pace and Marang body shook again as she squirted for the second time all over his hand.
Cole: fuck I love it when you squirt
She moaned and started breathing heavily with her eyes closed, Cole then pulled out his two fingers and he took the towel and wiped his hand***
Cole: sit up and make daddy cum ntokazi
***she sat up and Cole told her how she should give him a blow job and she outdid herself...he was groaning and cursing until he came inside her mouth.....she ran to the bathroom and spit out his cum and she used mouthwash to cleans her mouth then she went back and she found him lying on his back with a smirk on his face.
Marang: why are you smiling like that?
Cole: it felt good to come inside of your mouth
She gave him a bored look.
Cole: come here
She went to him and lay next to him with her head on his chest and he kissed the top of her head.
Cole: I want you to do me a favour?
Marang: ok
Cole: I want you to stay away from Collins and his lap dog
She frowned.
Marang: ummm ok but why
He thought she’ll become difficult so he was surprised.
Cole: they are also suspects
She raised her head and she looked at him with a shocked expression.
Marang: wh...what?
Cole: yeah I don’t wanna keep shit like this from you and Dee cause you know them
Marang: but Cole Collins is a good guy
Cole: he’s not trust me....all I know is he’s obsessed with Dee and any obsessed man will do anything to be with the woman they want
She swallowed hard.
Cole: im not saying he killed Richie cause I don’t have proof that he did but him and his lapdog are also suspects including other people that are our enemies
She sighed and she rested her head on his chest again with her mind all over the place.
Marang: I don’t know how to feel about that
He kissed her forehead.
Cole: all I want is for you and Dee to be careful and to not trust anyone especially those two
She swallowed hard.
Cole: ok?
Marang: yeah
Cole: good....i love you
Marang: I love you too

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