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Cole: Im gonna ask you for the last time Marang where the hell is that piece of shit....where is it?!

He asked with an angry tone and Marang sighed.

Marang: and like I told you a million times I was playing I don't have a dildo Phelo

She said with a low tone.

Cole: then why did you say you have it!

Marang: cause I was angry at Kgosi

She said sulking and he looked at her for some time with an intense look.

Cole: if you have it Ntokazi you better get rid of it before I find it....that's all im saying

Then he walked out leaving their bedroom upside down....he searched the entire bedroom looking for it and found nothing.

Marang: yah neh.... go jola le bakgalabe ( dating old men)

She shook her head and started cleaning the room.



Guy: so you won't tell that guy Collins about your plan bozza

Scarface: nxa why would I do that....I don't report to his kwerekwere ass ( foreign ass)

He said with an angry look on his face.

Guy: haarde (sorry) boss I was just asking

Scarface just drank his beer.

Scarface: I got what I wanted from him now he can voetsek ( piss off)

Guy: sure bozza

The guy chuckled.

Guy: I know you like that bossman ..... fuck bana ba baloi ( fuck children of witches)

They both chuckled.

Scarface: I want a clean job Lebby....I want that bitch and the thing inside her stomach dead....rautlwana? ( do we understand each other)

Lebby: sure bossman

Scarface: take Tibi with you....he needs to prove his loyalty and grow some balls....he's too weak for my liking

Lebby: sa wara ( don't worry) I'm gonna turn him into a killing machine once I'm done with him

Scarface nodded and he drank his beer

Lebby: so how do you want it done?

Scar: I want them tailed for three weeks tops and once you know their movements then you strike...i want it to look like a hijacking gone wrong.....that bitch should be shot on her stomach and forehead, also shoot the foolish prince but don't kill him, we still need him

Lebby nodded.

Scar: I want that bitch dead Lebby no mistakes

Lebby: you know me bozza....i never make mistakes

Scar: good and I want proof

Lebby: sure

They continued to drink.


Collins: what are you doing here?

He asked his wife.....his wife and child now live with him permanently even though that's not what he wants, courtesy to his "mother" who forced him to....ever since they started living with him he's been annoyed by her to a point that her presence pisses him off.

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