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Richard told him about everything that Mazwi did to Marang and also about Collins and Trey and what happened at the hospital.
Kgosi: and Cole let him live even after the shit he did
He asked with a frown on his face.
Richie: he’s his nephew and he knew if he got him killed then he was gonna be the number one suspect and he didn’t want to give the hawks ammunition to investigate him and your businesses so his plan was to make sure he gets jail time and then have him tortured for all the years he was gonna spend in jail or have him killed in there or he’ll decide to take cowardly way out, but then that fucker Collins came out of nowhere along with his lap dog and messed everything up and now we suspect that they’re the ones that told him to pretend to be crazy and they helped him escape and now they killed him
Kgosi sighed and he rubbed his beard thinking.....then they heard footsteps and Linda walked downstairs.
Linda: oooh hey Richard
Richie: damn you’re still here?
She frowned at him.
Linda: where else would I be
Richie: back to the cave you crawled out of
Linda: mxm
She rolled her eyes and went to the kitchen.
Richie: she needs to go before Marang gets here...Cole booked her into a hotel nearby so she needs to go
Kgosi: does Cole still have a driver
Richie: yeah
Kgosi: call him to be here first thing tomorrow morning
Richie: ok
Kgosi: I see Cole has gotten soft since I’ve been away and that needs to fucken change
He said with a serious look on his face.
Well Richie called the driver and also beefed up security in the yard and after some time he left going to Dineo’s place to get her pjs, toiletries and clean clothes for tomorrow then he drove to the hospital.


She was drinking her sorrows away in the lounge....her only son was send to a mental asylum and her husband was MIA, he hardly spend time at home and four days back before he left to God knows where he told her he wants a divorce and also to do DNA tests on Mazwi and Vuyelwa their youngest daughter cause he suspects that they are not his.....she had been trying his phone but it’s not going through, on top of it all Buyi Mazwi’s fiancé and her family told her that they never want anything to do with the Zulu’s and that whatever Mazwi and Buyi had is over and that they’ll bring back the lobola money that was paid for their daughter.....
Everything was falling apart and she didn’t know what to do....the worse of it all is her relationship with Lindiwe her mother in law, it’s no longer the same. Ever since she heard her son saying he wants to do DNA tests on Mazwi and Vuyelwa she has totally changed towards her.
Lindiwe: have you gotten hold of my son
She said with a cold tone and Vuyiswa rolled her eyes.
Vuyi: no he’s phone is still on voicemail
Lindiwe: I swear on my ancestors Vuyiswa if anything happen to my son he he he
She said shaking her head.
Vuyi: you know what ndikiwe kwaye ndidiniwe nguwe Lindiwe, u bhizi uzenza ungcwele ngcwele kodwa siyazi sobabini ukuba ukude qelele leee kulonto.....ngoku kofuneka ulawuleke okanye ufutseke kweyam indlu! ( im sick and tired of you Lindiwe, you are busy acting like a saint but we both know you are far from it..... now it’s either you behave or get the hell out of my house!)
Lindiwe: unayo inzwa wena mthakathi ( you have the nerve you witch) uthi your house, this is my son’s house you hear me.... my son’s house!
Vuyiswa laughed standing up.
Vuyi: tyhini  im your son’s wife  you old hag and we are married in community of property so whatever that is his is also mine.....i didn’t send you to go and kill your husband......asoze ndi harborishe ngqwirhakazi apha kwam, ngoku kofuneka undihloniphe okanye ufokofe apha! (  I will not harbor a witch in my house now you better respect me or get the fuck out!)
Lindiwe: is that how you talk to me now Vuyiswa.....uthi fuck kimi? ( you are saying fuck to me?)’re even calling me a witch in my son’s house!
She said pointing at her looking angry but Vuyiswa stood her ground.
Vuyi: what will you do huh....
Lindiwe: you’ll regret it you hear clearly don’t know me ntombazana (girly)....once Zakhele finds out that Mazwi and Vuyelwa are not his you better prepare for a nasty gonna leave this house with nothing I’ll even sell my soul to the devil just to see you suffer!
Vuyi: Rhaaa! Fokofa apha ngqwirakazi ndini.....ofcourse you’ll sell your soul to the devil cause its in your blood that’s why Qophelo hates you....your own son hates you that he even kicked you out of his father’s house nja ndini!
Lindiwe slapped her and Vuyiswa slapped her back.
Lindiwe: you are fighting me back now Lindiwe he he he...... now know this girly you’re gonna curse the day you met my sons wena mthakathi...once im done with you suicide will be the only way out for you nxa!
Vuyiswa: Rhaaa, suicide my round sexy’re the one that’s gonna commit suicide nxa!
Lindiwe just stormed upstairs fuming with anger.....she got to her bedroom and she paced around not believing that the same Vuyiswa she used to defend and treat like her own daughter is the one that insulted her like that and even slapped her....she took off her shirt and was only left with her bra and skirt cause she was sweating like crazy.
Lindiwe: heh! This girl doesn’t know sure ufunda ngami  emaphepheni ( she reads about me in the papers)
She said still pacing up and down fanning her face.
Lindiwe: athi I killed my.....heh!
She continued to pace around fuming with anger while fanning her face.



Marang and Dee woke up and they had their supper quietly.
Cole: he’s dead
Dineo quickly looked at him and so did Marang.
Cole: he’s gone and he’ll never bother you ever again
Dineo swallowed hard cause she remembered telling Richard that she wants him dead.
Dineo: Ma....Mazwi?
Richie: yeah
He cleared his throat.
Richie: he was found hanged and it looks like suicide
The girls kept quiet a bit.
Dineo: well good riddens to bad rubbish nx
Marang just kept quiet letting it sink in that Mazwi is actually dead.
Cole: you ok
Marang: yeah
He pulled her hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it.
Cole: it’s over, he’ll never bother you again
Tears rolled down her cheeks.....she couldn’t believe it.   




Linda woke up and she made the bed and went to the bathroom to take a bath, after she was done with everything she took her phone and went to the door, as soon as she opened it she jumped with fright.
Linda: THE FUCK!
She found Kgosi with the house help waiting in front of the door.
Kgosi: ma you can go in.....pack everything that you think belongs to her and take it to the car
Helper: yes sir
Linda: excuse me what?
The helper went inside.
Linda: do not touch my things you old hag!
Kgosi: ma please be quick
Linda: who the hell do you think you are!
She shouted at Kgosi and he raised an eyebrow at  her.
Kgosi: I know im Kgosi Kweneng, I don’t “think” that I am.... I fucken know that I am.... now take your shit and get the fuck out before I embarrass you any further!
Linda: this is not your house so...
Kgosi: ooh shut the hell up!
He shouted at her and she got startled.
Kgosi: Cole doesn’t want you in fact im sure you annoy the hell out of him now stop acting like a desperate bitch and take the fucken hint woman!
She looked at him with an angry look on his face.
Helper: im done mnumzana
Kgosi: please take it to the car
He said that to the helper but still looking at Linda and the helper walked out with the travelling bag and handbag.
Kgosi: there’s a car waiting for you outside to drive you to the hotel
Linda: ooh I fucken hate you!
Kgosi: join the queue missy I couldn’t care less whether you hate me or not cause you don’t mean shit to me
Linda: Cole will hear about this
Kgosi: who do you think asked me to do this?
Linda: im Shirley’s sister so Cole would never...
Kgosi: are you bipolar or just retarded?
He said interrupting her.
Linda: don’t.... insult me!
Kgosi: you’re insulting yourself, now get the fuck out of here or I’ll drag you out myself!
He said taking a step forward and she took a step back getting scared.
Kgosi: leave!
She swallowed hard and she walked out.
Kgosi: nx
Soon after two cars parked outside and after sometime the door opened and Cole, Richie, Dineo and Marang walked in then the helper walked in from the kitchen and she rushed to hug Marang and Dineo and they hugged her back.
Helper: ooh nkosi yam it’s good to see you both
Marang: it’s so good to see you too ma
She said smiling at her.
Dineo: yeah it is
She said with a half-smile then Kgosi cleared his throat and they all turned to look at him.
Cole: bafo good you’re here
He said going to him and they hugged briefly so did Richie.
Cole: come and meet the ladies
He walked closer and he smiled at Marang and Cole put his arm around her with a raised eyebrow at him.
Cole: im prepared to go to hell for her
The guys chuckled and Kgosi shook his head.
Cole: ntokazi this is my long lost brother from another mother Kgosi
Richie: well they are more like the bad twins if you ask me
Kgosi: he’s the good twin
The guys laughed.
Dineo: Richie I...i need to lie down a bit
She said with a low tone and that’s when Kgosi paid attention to her....he turned to look at her and he froze and Cole saw that.....he then cleared his throat and faked a smile.
Richie: this here bro... is Dineo the one that stole my heart and babe this is my elder brother Kgosi that I told you disappeared about two years ago
Dineo: it’s nice to finally meet you
Kgosi cleared his throat again with a look on his face Cole couldn’t decipher.
Kgosi: same here....ummm can I asked you something
He said frowning.
Dineo: ummm year sure
She said looking at Richie.
Kgosi: what is your other name, if you don’t mind me asking
She looked at Richie again.
Dineo: ummm Mmabontle
He swallowed hard looking pale instantly but he quickly faked a smile looking at his brother.
Richie: why?
Kgosi cleared his throat.
Kgosi: ummm I met some woman at the airport yesterday and she looked like her but she looked a bit lighter and she had short her and said her name is Julia.... I just thought it was her
He lied.
Richie: ooh ok
Dineo: I don’t know my father so maybe it’s one of her daughters
Kgosi: yah could be....and sorry for not knowing your father
“you’re fucken stupid can you say that” he thought.
Dineo: umm sure...thanks I guess.....ummm it was nice meeting you
She then looked at Richie.
Richie: let’s go tuck you in.....
Kgosi made way for them still faking a smile and they went upstairs.....Cole raised his eyebrows looking at Kgosi and Kgosi looked down avoiding eye contact while clenching his jaws.
Cole: let’s go tuck you in too ntokazi
Then he looked at Kgosi.
Cole: I’ll be right back
Then he picked Marang up bridal style and walked upstairs with her.
Kgosi: damn it!....oooh shit! No no no you can’t do this to me.....please don’t do this im begging you....
He said pacing around then he sat down and brushed his head roughly.......after sometime Cole came back and found Kgosi lost in thoughts and he sat down next to him.
Cole: where is Mr KK
Kgosi: busy revamping the backyard garden
Cole: what?
Kgosi: he loves and shit.....ka ne what do they call it.....landscaping or shit like that so yah be prepared to have a beautiful garden once he’s done
Cole: ok so what was that all only fake smiles and clear your throat like you have a sweet potato stuck on your throat when you’re lying
Kgosi sighed.
Kgosi: let’s go talk somewhere private
They got up and went to Cole’s study room.
Cole: im listening
Kgosi: I hate that you know me like that Qophelo
Then he sighed and rubbed his beard.
Cole: you also know me like why did you seem shocked when you saw Dee but Dee didn’t seem shocked to see you
Kgosi: well we’ve never met before earlier on
Cole: then why did you seem shocked, and don’t tell me that lie you told about meeting some woman at the airport that looked like her
Kgosi: well im not gonna insult your intelligence twice so chill
He sighed and sat back.
Kgosi: you know about my ancestors’ they operate and how much they speak to me through my dreams and that all the times they have visited me in my dreams and told me something or even showed it to me it always comes true....always
Cole nodded.
Cole: and them warning you in your dreams has saves us a couple of times in our other line of work so yah I know how good they are
Kgosi: yeah and im glad you trusted me enough to also believe in my dreams but this time im not pleased that they did
Cole: what do you mean?
Kgosi: well the thing is after I regained my memory I became troubled by a dream that wouldn’t let me be each and every night.....i would dream of myself siting on the throne and besides me was sitting my queen...
He sighed.
Kgosi: and that queen looked like Tirelo’s girl and everyone hailed her as queen Mmabontle
Cole: wh...what?
He asked with a shocked expression on his face.
Kgosi: yeah....the entire kingdom of BaKweneng and other neighboring kingdoms were there including the late queens and kings of BaKweneng...they were also hailing for Mmabontle and they all looked happy..... so seeing her today just....i didn’t expect to see her and I surely didn’t expect to see her as the woman that stole Tirelo’s heart.....
He brushed his beard looking down and Cole breathed out still looking shocked....he got up and brushed his hair.
Kgosi: I didn’t expect to see someone like her today and she’s pregnant for my bro and he wants to take her as his second wife and im happy he’s found love, I really am but knowing my ancestors im in big shit
Cole: ooh shit!
He said sitting down.
Kgosi: im fucked big time man
Cole: shit...shit....shit!
Then the door opened and Richard walked in and frowned.
Richie: what’s two look like someone died
Kgosi cleared his throat and faked a smile.
Kgosi: nah I was just telling him about my plane crash and everything i went through
Richie:’s still hard to imagine all that you went through man
He said sitting down and Kgosi and Cole looked at each other and they sighed worriedly.



The royal traditional healer woke up panting from a terrible dream sweating like crazy....he quickly got out of bed and he wore his clothes and rushed out going to his hut...when he got there he wore his traditional healer’s cloth around his waist and he kneeled down and took his small goat skin bag that had the ancestral bones inside and he blew inside and emptied the bag on the goat skin mat and he looked at them trying to understand what the ancestors were trying to show him in his dreams....he shook his head and he picked them up and put them back inside the bag .
Healer: BaKweneng mpontsheng tsela enngwe ya go thusa Kgosana ya lona ( BaKweneng show me another way of helping your prince)
He emptied the bag on the goat mat again and he read them again and he got the same message.
Healer: ka kopo BaKweneng mmagwe ke yena yo a leng molato e seng kgosana ya lona, tse yang yena e seng Kgosana ya lona ga a na itsi sepe ( im begging you BaKweneng his mother is the one that is at fault not your prince.... he doesn’t know anything)
He picked the bones again and held them all on his hands and he threw them again on the goat mat and he read them again and still the same message.....he sighed painfully looking down while shaking his head.


The following day at about 7 in the morning Kgosi was in the Kitchen drinking some coffee lost in thoughts, he couldn’t sleep the previous night due to thinking too much.....he didn’t understand why his ancestors would do this to him, they know how much he loves his brother so he wondered why they would want to create a feud between them.... he got disturbed from his thoughts by Dineo walking in.
Dineo: hey
Kgosi cleared his throat.
Kgosi: hi
Dineo: ummm have you seen Richie?
Kgosi: no I haven’t seen him since I came downstairs
She sighed worriedly.
Kgosi: did you try his phone since this house is too huge to go to every room looking for him?
Dineo: yeah but it doesn’t go through
Kgosi: maybe he went home to take some clean clothes or something
He said getting up and he took his cup.
Dineo: i called his home landline praying that the house help answers instead of his wife and the house help said she last saw him yesterday before lunch time
She said looking worried then Kgosi took out the phone he’s using and he dialed his numbers but it send him straight to voicemail.
Kgosi: damn it..... it goes straight to voicemail
Dineo: I have a bad feeling Kgosi..... I just hope he’s ok
She said rubbing her belly with a worried look on her face then she turned and walked away without even knowing where she was going.




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