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It's been three days since Marang woke up and she hasn't said a word to anyone, her therapist came and she also failed to make her talk and that worried Dineo, Richard and Cole.... she didn't even react when she saw Cole inside her room, she just pretended like he wasn't around and continued to stare into space. Even Dineo tried to make her open up to her but she would just stare into space and not say anything, she even refused to eat but not on Dineo's watch....Dineo forced her to eat by threatening to force the food down her throat literally and because Marang knows how crazy Dee is she ended up eating.....

Anyway now its around 1 am when Dineo walks inside the hospital going straight to the private ward Marang is admitted in with takeaways.....she pressed the bell so the nurses can let her inside the ward and one nurse let her in.

Dineo: sister Mohale

She said smiling at the nurse that was busy on the reception area.

Mohale: hey girl

She replied smiling too.

Mohale: dintshang mogal ( how are you girl)

Mohale: aah ke shap and wena ( im good and you)

Dineo: aah nna im always mojojo girl (im always good girl) so how is she?

The nurse sighed.

Mohale: well she hardly says anything and we have to force her to eat...mara sa wara ( but don't worry) she'll be ok with time

Dineo sighed.

Dineo: let's hope she'll eat the food I brought for her

Mohale: o sa mo omanya like you did maabane hle ( don't reprimand her like you did yesterday please)

They both laughed.

Dineo: Im not promising anything shem....anyway brostro wa Marang o tlile today? ( anyway Marang's man came today?)

Mohale: mmmmh you mean that fine not sure maybe o tlile vroeg ( maybe he came in the morning)

Dineo: hei he's off limits wena... anyway let me go see her

Nurse Mohale laughed and another nurse walked out of another private room.... you could tell that she was like one of those no nonsense nurses and it was the first time Dineo was seeing her ever since Marang was admitted.

Nurse: it's not yet visiting time ausi

Dineo stopped and looked at her with a frown on her face.

Dineo: askies?

NurseMohale: sister Pelotona its ok she can go in

NursePelotona: sister Mohale this is not a tavern where people come in as they please....there are no exceptions here rules are rules!

Dineo: hei ausi weeh kgopela oskan'gata kgonse assomblief ( please don't piss me off) ....this is not your father's hospital wankutlwa....ntatao ga a na dishares mo! ( your father doesn't have shares here)

Nurse Pelotona frowned looking at her while Nurse Mohale was shocked by Dineo's outburst.

Dineo: do you know home much that room Marang is in cost daily and you're busy saying its not yet visiting hour

NursePelotona: bona mo sesinyana (look here little girl) im just doing my job ok

Dineo: o bitsa nna sesinyana wena le go nona e kare o kolobe! ( you're calling me little girl you fat pig)

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