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Cole: are you gonna tell me who it is that you were torturing yesterday
Senior: your mother in law
He said drinking his tea.
Cole: what!!!
Senior: that bitch....nx
The he chuckled shaking his head.
Senior: yah neh some women
He chuckled shaking his head again and drank his tea.
Cole: baba????
Senior: she’s the one that bewitched you
Cole: ini?? ( what)
Senior nodded.
Senior: yeerrr the hate that woman has for your wife is shocking im telling you
Cole looked at him with a shocked expression.
Senior: she wanted you to abuse her until one day you’d end up killing her
Cole: wh...what?
Senior: all because she’s jealous of her...umona ( jealousy) will make you do despicable things im telling you....
Cole swallowed looking at his father.
Cole: how long have you known
Senior: don’t do that....
Cole: I just want to know how long you’ve known that she’s the one that bewitched me!!!
Senior looked at him.
Senior: anyway your brother’s wife is in jail and your mother is homeless...her lover is being investigated by the Hawks and he’s close to losing everything....hei that wife of his or rather his soon to be ex-wife ukhiphe amafiles ( snitched on him) and dude is in shit
He chuckled.
Cole: what do you mean Vuyi is in jail
Senior: she and her dumbass boyfriend tried to kill Zakhele
Cole: WHAT!!
Senior: hai that brother of yours is weak man....but ozoba right ( but he’ll be fine), life taught him a good lesson the hard way
Cole: is Zakhele ok
Senior: why don’t you call him and ask him haw
Cole: never mind
He sighed and took a sip from his drink.
Cole: you still haven’t answered me baba
Senior: hei uyatefa Qophelo man yeeerrr....i need to go back to my wife so you’ll go back to being a you’re behaving like a spoilt entitled brat man
He said with an annoyed tone getting up and taking his cup with him walking to the door.
Cole: where are you going im still talking to you baba...
Senior: ftshek
He walked out.
Cole: nx
Senior: you gonna pay for that nx....msoono!!!
Cole just shook his head.
Cole: whose father is this mara
He said to himself.
Cole: ...ooh yeah mine mxm
He said again to himself and he sat back and exhaled....he couldn’t believe that Marang’s mother did that to him....why is he surprised..... his own mother treats him like shit “he thought”.



Dineo just woke up from her nap and now she’s just lying in bed thinking about the conversation she had with Kgosi....he told her everything and she couldn’t believe what she was hearing, yes she was told that they suspect him but now his accomplices confirmed that he’s the mastermind to all this....she couldn’t believe Collins did that to her, he took away the father of her child just like that...he hurt her just like that all because of what....she sighed as tears gushed out when she thought about it.....The door opened and Kgosi walked in followed by one of the maids, he heard her sniff and he took the tray from the maid and told her she can go.... He walked to the side she was facing and he put the tray on the side drawer and he sat on the edge of the bed.
Kgosi: I don’t like this’re stressing Gauta too
She sniffed.
Kgosi: I know you’re hurt and its ok to be hurt but think about our princess assomblief
She wiped her tears off and sat up straight.
Dineo: how many are still alive
Kgosi shook his head.
Kgosi: nope you’re not getting involved Mmabontle
Kgosi: don’t you think I fucken know that.....i was away for fucken two years fighting terrorists to survive.... I finally made it out of that fucken country only to come back and fuckers dare me by killing my one and only brother!!!
He said sounding angry then he sighed calming down.
Kgosi: look Mmabontle....i’ll handle them and you take care of our princess.... that baby in there is the only thing that will heal us.....she has Tirelo’s blood running through her veins....she’s a direct link to him...she’s our healer mama so please concentrate on making sure she’s ok and healthy while I deal with those responsible ok
She nodded slowly as tears ran down her tears then she chuckled wiping them off.
Dineo: I don’t even know what I would’ve done in my condition even if you told me their names
Kgosi smiled a bit.
Dineo: im hurt Kgosi...
She said with a sad tone.
Kgosi: come here
She went and sat next to him on the edge of the bed and he pulled her closer and pushed her chin up and perked her lips.
Kgosi: do you trust me
She nodded.
Kgosi: I want you to say it
Dineo: yeah
Kgosi: now trust that I’ll make them pay ok
She sighed.
Dineo: ok....
Then there was a knock on the door.
Kgosi: ke mang ( who is it)
Voice: hebanna Kgosi what are you doing in there
His mother said and Dineo tried to get off Kgosi’s hold but he tightened his hold around her...the door opened and the Queen walked in with a frown on her face.
Kgosi: ma
Dineo: Kgosi let go
She whispered to him but he ignored her.
Queen: I hope holding her like that is all you’re doing in your father’s palace Kgosi
Kgosi chuckled.
Kgosi: she’s my wife mama so relax tuu
Dineo frowned at him.
Dineo:  ”did he say wife”
She thought.
Queen: fotseke...wife ya eng o sa monyala...a reye tswaa ke batla go buwa le ena ( piss off...which wife when you haven’t even married out I want to talk to her)
Dineo’s heart is now beating fast.
Kgosi: bathong just like that
Queen: Kgosi weeeh!!!
She warned him and he raised his hands in surrender and he kissed her forehead and he got up.
Kgosi: take it easy with her please
Queen: ke tla go clapa Kgosietsile ( I’ll slap you Kgosietsile)
He walked out chuckling....she clicked her tongue smiling a bit and she pulled a chair and sat down.
Queen: how are you feeling now
Dineo swallowed a lump stuck on her throat first.
Dineo: much...much better my queen
Queen: mmmmh....and the little one
Dineo: she’s behaving
She said rubbing her belly a bit.
Queen: ok...good....Mmabontle...
Dineo: my queen
Queen: I want us to have a serious talk about you and my son
Her heart beat fast again.


Kgosi: my King what did the seer say
The seer couldn’t make it....he went to the mountains two days before Kgosi and Dineo came to visit and he’s gonna be there for the next four days.
King: firstly is there something you want to tell me son
Kgosi frowned.
Kgosi: ummm not that I can think of my King
King: what happened to you in that country Kgosi
Kgosi looked down and he cleared his throat.
Kgosi: I’d rather not visit that memory my King
King: what did they do to you son
Kgosi kept quiet and the King sighed.
Kgosi: did papa tell you
King: the seer told me you’re no longer the Kgosi who left this country that time....and he said Kabongo know what happened to you...i asked him and he said its not his place to tell me and that I should have an open mind when talking to you about this
Kgosi sighed.
Kgosi: well.... I was in hell... in order to survive i created other personalities in my head to cope with the harsh and dangerous conditions in that country
He said and the King was time he told his father the truth.
King: personalities?
He asked.
Kgosi: yes my was horrible there....there are Islamic terrorists terrorizing villagers and it was worse for me cause I was a foreigner
He sighed.
Kgosi: so I created personalities to cope and to survive
The King kept quiet taking in what his son was telling him.
Kgosi: so things happened and finally I found a way out and now im here
Silence befell the two of them.


Queen: what’s happening between the two of you
Dineo swallowed.
Dineo: I really don’t know my queen....all I know is I feel safe around him
The queen raised her eyebrows.
Queen: aren’t you pregnant with his late younger brother’s child
Dineo sighed.
Dineo: I am but he makes me feel safe and cared for...he loves Gauta as if she’s his...he means a lot to me
She said honestly.
Queen: you do know you’ll be judged and called names if what you two are doing gets out
Dineo: I’ve been judged and called names my whole life
She shrugged her shoulders and the queen looked at her.
Dineo: my queen im not a gold digger...yes I love nice things and im a hustler but I can’t be bought or lured in  with money even Richard knew that....... and also im not trying to replace Richie noo
She shook her head no.
Dineo: even if I wanted to I couldn’t cause Kgosi is a different breed all together.....he’s intimidating, scary and sometimes rude, did I mention scary...yeah he’s scary especially when he’s angry not forgetting he can be a jerk sometimes....Kgosi is not someone you can use cause he’s observant 
She sighed.
Dineo: what im trying to say is im not trying to replace Richard....i didn’t even see Kgosi that way until he made the first move....sometimes I think he’s acting all lovey dovey with me for Gauta’s sake but he keeps calling me his wife or his queen which confuses me cause I know royalty marries royalty
She breathed out she then realized that she was blubbing and she looked down at her hands feeling embarrassed.
Queen: do you love my son
Dineo: huh?
She said looking at the queen surprised by her question.
Queen: o sa re huh ( don’t say huh) re do you love my son yes or no
Dineo swallowed.
Queen: im waiting girly
Dineo: y...yes
She whispered.
Queen: buela kwa godimo mosadi o tlogele go seba seba (talk louder and stop whispering)
Dineo: yes
Queen: yes what?
She sighed.
Dineo: yes I love in love with him
Tears ran down her cheeks...she couldn’t believe she honestly said that to his mother’s face....she just admitted to being in love with his baby daddy’s elder brother.
Queen: that’s all I wanted to know
She smiled at her then she stood up.
Queen: eat up and come join me at my house, the one near the small gate
Dineo: ohk
The queen walked out and Dineo breathed out wiping her tears off her face...she was still shocked she admitted to loving Kgosi just like that....she sighed and bit her lower lip.....suddenly she started getting scared, her mind went to Richard’s mother and Mmabatho she knew they will drag her name through the mud if they ever found out about her and Kgosi.....she was now scared cause being with Kgosi openly will complicate her life more than it was when Richard was still alive.....RICHARD “ she thought” feeling like shit....what is he thinking of her wherever he he disappointed at her or angry....she sighed and sniffed as tears ran down her cheeks.....What the fuck is she doing “ she thought”....right then her phone rang and she composed herself and answered.
Dineo: hello
Marang: so vele vele you left ( so you really left)
Dineo giggled.
Dineo: Marang....le fitlhile? ( you have arrived)
Marang: yeah and yho Cole’s father is something else
She said with her sweet voice and Dineo chuckled.
Dineo: what did he do
Marang: telling Cole shit...can you believe he said once im healed he’ll tie Cole to a pole naked and he’ll give me a sjambok to hit Cole with until im satisfied
Dineo laughed.
Marang: he kept on saying if Cole messes up again he’ll help me divorce him and marry me off to his rich friend’s handsome son
Dineo continued to laugh.
Marang: he’s just too much Dee
Dineo: I think I like him (he’s a ) straight talker and I like that about him..... so are you fixing things with hubby
Marang sighed.
Marang: I don’t still scared of him Dee
She said with a low tone.
Dineo: did he tell you ke mo thubile marete ka lengwele ( I squashed his balls with a knee)
Marang: eng? ( what)
Dineo: lengwele mmata mo di drebeng.....GHUUU, ka utlwa poo e bopa e re MMAWEEEH ( a knee friend on his balls....GHUU, I heard man screaming with a deep voice saying MMAWEEEH)
Marang laughed.
Marang: no you didn’t
Dineo: don’t pretend like you don’t know me....he messed with you and he paid the price
Marang giggled.
Dineo: I don’t play around nna
Marang: I still love him
She said out of the blue with a low tone with her voice cracking.
Dineo: I know nana...i know and it’s ok to still love him he’s your husband after all and whatever decision you decide to make I’ll support you..... Don’t do what you think is expected of you just do you Marang, do what your heart desires...if you want to give him another chance do it but only if you want to and if you want to leave him go right ahead I’ll still support you....monna ke wa gao sweety and le decision ke ya gao ( he’s your  man sweety and the decision is also yours)
Marang sighed.
Dineo: o tloba right sa wara ( you’ll be fine don’t worry)  

They heard someone praising the King and the family’s clan names and Kgosi clenched his jaws when he recognized the voice.....his uncle walked in with his son and Kgosi gave them a deadly look.
King: aow Mothusi
They greeted the King and the prince and they got sited.
King: I heard you went away for business when did you come back
He said with a straight face.
Mothusi: yesterday Kwena
King: aow Sefako I didn’t know you came to visit
Sefako: I missed my mother’s cooking
Mothusi and his son laughed while the King smiled a bit and Kgosi just kept a serious look on his face.
Mothusi: my prince when did you arrive
Kgosi: I just did
The king looked at him cause he just lied.
Sefako: we should go to the cattle post while you still here
Kgosi: for what
He said with an annoyed tone.
Sefako: haw broer to catch up
Kgosi: or to set me up like you did with Tirelo
He said out of the blue and the room became quiet and tense....Sefako looked at his father then back at Kgosi.
Sefako: what do you mean by dare you accuse me of such
Kgosi: Scarface...remember him....Ty and they ring a bell
Sefako swallowed.
Mothusi: my King speak to your son.....i don’t like what he’s doing!!
He said with an angry voice.
Kgosi: you see you two I won’t do anything to you....our ancestors will deal with you for me....
He stood up.
Kgosi: Tirelo is not resting in peace and he’s gonna come at everyone responsible for his death one by one
Mothusi: o batla goreng wena mosimane ke wena ( what are you trying to say boy)...wa tella wena, o nagana gore osomang ( you’re disrespectful, who the hell do you think you are)
Sefako: I will not sit here for this nonsense nx
He got up.
Sefako: my King excuse me
He bowed a bit then he walked out clicking his he was walking out of the palace lightning hit out of nowhere striking him and he fell to the ground....everyone inside the palace and yard screamed as the loud and terrifying sound caught them off guard.....the guards ran towards Sefako who was lying on the ground not moving but stopped and they ran away when lightning hit him again this time he caught fire and his body started burning.....



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