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Dineo is on her way to the mall with her driver on the driver seat while she sat on the backseat, she left after Kgosi left for a meeting he had with Fingers and Beast....she missed Marang so much it hurt but she understood that she’ll only get to talk to her once they allow her to make a call once she starts making progress.....she does call her Psychiatrist to find out about her progress and she’s happy she’s making one....she talks now and she’s also opening up to the Psychiatrist which is good....She sighed looking outside the window and her mind went to Kgosi, she didn’t want to admit it but she was falling for him and hard and it hurt to know that soon he will get married to a royal princesses and she’ll be left heartbroken....even the guilt she felt every time he hugged or brushed her belly has disappeared, they now even kiss and he does other intimate things to her which drives her insane..... she even wishes she let him fuck her brains out in the morning but her stubbornness and revengeful heart made her miss all that....
Dineo: aarg!!
She clicked her tongue wishing she let him...she sighed and bit her lower lip.....after some time they arrived at the mall and the driver went to park in the underground parking lot then he got out and opened the door for Dineo and she got out holding her handbag.
Dineo: thanks Mr Hunk
The driver smiled shaking his head lightly and he closed the door and he walked behind Dineo as they went towards the entrance which was a bit of a walk since there weren’t parking spaces closer to the entrance.....then all of the sudden she heard something heavy falling from behind her and she quickly turned and she saw her driver on the floor bleeding... she was about to scream when she felt something being put on her nose and mouth and her mind acted quickly.....she held her breath and elbowed whoever was behind her hard and they person loosened his grip on her mouth....then he let Dineo go with his eyes popped out, he looked like he just seen a ghost, he even started shaking........He was brought back to reality when Dineo quickly turned and kicked him between his legs and he groaned bending and holding his privates... she pushed him with force and the guy fell back and she screamed as she began running.
Voice: ei tshwara sfebe seo!! (grab that bitch)
A voice from a car said as the passenger door and the back door opened....Dineo screamed for help as she ran towards the entrance....a white man and woman just got out of their car saw a black woman being chased by two men and another one limping coming behind them and the white man shouted.
Dineo changed her course and ran towards the white man and woman crying.
The men who were chasing Dineo saw more people walking out of the mall  and they stopped chasing her and ran back to the car, they got in and two cars drove away in a hurry....Dineo got to the couple and she ran to the guy while the woman was busy talking to the police on the phone.
Man: are you ok...did they hurt you
Dineo cried pointing towards where she ran from.
Dineo: he...he
Man: what...who’s he
The woman got to them.
Woman: its ok breathe....breathe....
She said rubbing Dineo’s back gently and Dineo started doing breathing exercises.
Dineo: they shot him...he’s...he’s bleeding
The man quickly ran towards where Dineo was pointing and they followed this moment Dineo even forgot that she’s pregnant....they found the driver laying there not moving with his eyes opened and he wasn’t blinking.....the white man felt the driver’s pulse and it wasn’t there he was gone....he sighed looking down and he looked back at his wife and Dineo and he shook his head and Dineo cried out loud.
Dineo: Mr hunk...ooh my God....Mr Hunk nooo
She cried and the white woman hugged her but the she felt the bump and pushed Dineo back a bit.
Woman: ooh my God you’re pregnant
Dineo nodded and she quickly dragged her away from the dead body telling Dee to calm down for the baby’s sake.


Beast: so how much did you charge the fool
Kgosi chuckled.
Kgosi: a lump sum of money.... that’s all you need to know
Beast shook his head with a smirk on his face.
Fingers: dus gaan ons belastingbetalers geld eet  ( so we’re going to eat tax payers money)
Kgosi chuckled.
Kgosi: we all know that he’s not gonna use his own money to pay for this party
Beast: I fucken hate greedy bastards like him but money is money right
Kgosi nodded and he took a sip of his drink.
Fingers: tax payers money or not im gonna chow pa ran away when I was still inside my ma’s maag ( stomach) and I know he’s working out there so in my defense im gonna chow his part of his money not everyone else’s
They laughed.
Kgosi: you’re crazy
Fingers: no im a realist
Beast just shook his head chuckling.
Kgosi: so you’re good with the payment
Beast: yeah and there won’t be a contract between us I don’t want shit coming back to me, you know how this kinda shit gets exposed at the end so I don’t want my name or my company’s name associated with shit...i work with the military so I need to be above board
Kgosi: no need to explain man I understand
Beast: good
He got up and Kgosi did too and they shook on it, that was their contract ( the handshake).
Beast: send me all the details
Kgosi: will do
Beast nodded and he walked away, they were inside his boardroom at his private security company.
Kgosi: I wonder where he got this dark and strong aura around’s like he walks alongside a real beast
He chuckled shaking his head.
Fingers: he’s not called Beast for nothing....maybe he does walk alongside it or its within him
Then he got up and Kgosi gave him the “yeah right” look.
Fingers: ek sal môre oor die ding kom (I’ll come see you tomorrow about that thing)
Kgosi: aweh
They fist bumped and Kgosi’s phone rang as Finger was walking to the door.
Kgosi: hello
Dineo: they shot him Kgosi...they shot him and i...he... they tried but i...he....
She said hysterically crying.
Kgosi: Dineo what’s wrong...where are you....
He said panicking and Fingers stopped and went back to Kgosi.
Woman: hello this is Mrs van Dyk ....Deeneo was almost abducted but my husband disturbed them and they drove off but unfortunately a man she was with was shot and killed and the police just discovered two more men killed inside a white Audi....the ambulance is here and they are taking her to the hospital since she’s in shock and she’s pregnant
She told him the name of the hospital they are taking her to...he told her he’s on his way and he dropped the call and told Fingers what he’s just been told and he ran out with Fingers behind him.
Fingers: I’ll go to the crime scene
Kgosi: thanks man
They both got inside their cars and drove out.


Dineo: hey
She said opening her eyes when she felt someone holding her hand and she saw Kgosi.
He kissed her hand multiple times.
Kgosi: don’t ever scare me like that you hear me
Her eyes got filled with tear and she let them fall.
Kgosi: shhh...its ok...its ok
He said kissing her forehead.
Kgosi: im here now
Dineo: they killed him...they...they shot him Kgosi...he’s dead
She said crying and Kgosi held her as she cried.
Kgosi: its ok need to calm down for Gauta’s sake please
She held on to him tight as she sobbed softly.
Kgosi: its here now...its ok
He said as he stared onto space then he clenched his jaws.


Dineo was now in a private room at the hospital sleeping while Kgosi was sitting on a recliner chair watching her.....He thought of how things could’ve turned out, she could’ve been kidnapped if she didn’t fight them or worst part she could’ve been killed.....he swallowed hard as his chest tightened at the thought of her missing or worse killed with Gauta still inside of her, right then he realized that he has fallen for her and life without her seemed pointless... right then he made a decision, a decision to stop with the games and to stop treating her like he’s doing her a favor by living with her and also protecting her and Gauta....its high time he took the bull by its horns.....His phone rang stopping him from thinking too much and he quickly answered.
Kgosi: Fingers
Finger: its bad
Kgosi: how bad
Fingers: her two other guards are also dead
Kgosi: damn it!
He said getting up.
Fingers: the fact that they knew that she had other guards following her from a distant it shows that she has been tail for some time now
Kgosi went out of the room and he stood outside.
Kgosi: have those two fuckers reacted to their money disappearing
Fingers: no but wherever they are they are feeling the heat....wait you think they’re the ones responsible for this
Kgosi: them or uncle and his son
Fingers: damn...anyway pay uncle dearest a visit or better yet kidnap that useless son of his...he’s a weak ass pussy pretending to be strong im sure he’ll spill the beans and I’ll continue searching for the two fuckers
Kgosi sighed.
Kgosi: thanks man
Fingers: don’t even go there man...what I did that time almost got me killed by Beast if he found out....i put the lives of everyone in danger because of pussy and you coming through for me was....
Kgosi: let’s not go there man.... we’ve got each other’s backs and that’s all that it is
Fingers sighed.
Fingers: ayt let me go..... talk later
Kgosi: sho
They ended the call and Kgosi breathed out looking up then he looked at his phone’s screen when it rang again.
Kgosi: hello
Cole: King
Kgosi: you stupid fuck...
Cole chuckled.
Kgosi: do you know how fucken worried I was
Cole: chill will yah
Kgosi: fotseke..chill ya masepa
Cole chuckled again and Kgosi rubbed his eyes.
Kgosi: you good
Cole: I am getting there
Kgosi: that’s good...that’s good
Cole: you sound stressed what’s up
Kgosi: Dineo was almost kidnapped today
Kgosi: she fought them girl fought...she didn’t want to go down without a fight...she fought them
He said with low voice getting angry again.
Cole: im coming back....I’ll be there later...i need to pass by somewhere first but I’ll be there and we will find the people involved
Then he dropped the call and Kgosi sighed.
Kgosi: fuck!
He couldn’t believe Dineo fought them and got away.....he then thought of the white couple and he knew he had to compensate them for what they did.



Motlalepula was in the kitchen making tea, she was edgy and it started a few days after the reading of Richard’s will, she has been receiving calls and she would go and answer them in private, she looks stressed and she keeps on checking her phone every second.....she even lashes at anyone who dared to ask her what’s eating her up...she looks horrible with eye bags under her eyes, the king even went to consult with the seer and the seer just told him to let her be that the ancestors are dealing with her.....She has been having dreams, well more like nightmares of Richards standing in front of her drenching with blood without saying anything.....the nightmares started few days after the reading of the will and she thought it’s just dreams but now they are getting worse cause now he looks angry like he’s ready to attack her or something, so she sleeps at the main house cause she feels scared sleeping in her own house alone since the king doesn’t bed her these days.
Voice: you walk around in pyjamas even at this time Motlalepula?
She frowned getting disgusted by his presence, she poured hot water into her cup and turned to face the King.....Queen Boitumelo saw her walking around in her pajamas in the royal house and when she advised her against it she lashed out at her so she went to tell the King to go talk to her cause many dignitaries from around the country and even outside the country come to the kingdom to see the king so imagine them finding the first Queen walking in pajamas at 2pm looking like she was hit by a train.
Motlalepula: not today Letukile please
She said with an annoyed voice.
King: what’s going on with you Motlalepula...why are you acting like this these days
He asked with a concerned voice...even though the seer told him the reason for her sudden weird behavior he was still concerned about her, she’s his wife after all...... all he wants is for Motlalepula to confess so that she can ask for forgiveness from the ancestors so there’s peace.
Motlalepula: can you just let me mourn my son in peace Letukile, Tirelo didn’t mean anything to you that’s why you just moved on just like that but with that bigheaded son of yours you looked like a hobo after he disappeared which shows who’s your favorite, so let me mourn my son tuu...just leave me alone to mourn my son in peace!!
King: how dare you say I don’t care about Tirelo and the fact that he’s gone!
Motlalepula: nyaw dare you...nyaw dare you nxa...ofcourse you don’t!!!!
She took her tea and walked out.
She ignored him and went to the bedroom she uses in the main royal soon as she got in she closed the door and locked it for just in case the King is following her......when she turned she froze on the spot with her eyes popped out...the cup slipped through her hand and fell to the floor breaking with the tea spilling all over....she tried to speak but her voice refused to come out.
Voice: why???
It came out as a whisper and her eyeballs rolled back and she fell on the floor and it was lights out.



Dineo woke up screaming and Kgosi quickly got up and rushed to the bed as she sat up breathing heavily.
Kgosi: its ok you were just dreaming
Dineo: they killed her Kgosi...they killed Mr Hunk in cold blood
She cried shaking and he frowned at the “Mr Hunk” statement but brushed it off.
Kgosi: its ok..i need you to calm down
He said taking off his sneakers and he joined her in bed, she rested her head on his chest and she listened to his heartbeat as it calmed her down while he held her in a protective manner....he kissed her forehead and they kept quiet for some time.
Kgosi: mama
Dineo: mmmmh
Kgosi: who is Mr Hunk
She frowned then she rolled her eyes.
Dineo: my late driver
She sniffed as her eyes got filled with tears again when she thought of him.
Kgosi: you called him that?
Dineo: yeah he was a hunk moes
He kept quiet a bit.
Kgosi: mama
Dineo: mmh
She said wiping her tears off.
Kgosi: it should be the first and last time you call another man a hunk rautlwana ( do we understand each other?)
She tried to raise her head to look at him but he stopped her.
Kgosi: I said rautlwana?
He said sternly and she sighed.
Dineo: why?
Kgosi: Dineo!!
He said firmly.
Dineo: ohk geez I hear you
She sniffed again.
Dineo: .....mara why?
Kgosi: otla swaba Mmabontle!! ( you’ll regret it Mmabontle)
He warned her and she giggled......she was amused by a jealous Kgosi, she turned and Kgosi held her from behind and he rubbed her belly gently and Gauta moved which made him smile.
Kgosi: my heart melts every time she does that
Dineo: mine too
Then he sighed.
Kgosi: you know I went temporary insane when I receive your call
She swallowed.
Kgosi: im glad you’re both ok
Dineo: will you be here when the police come to take my statement tomorrow?
Kgosi: I wouldn’t be anywhere else mama....I’ll be here with you
Dineo: thank you
Then they kept quiet a bit....Dineo couldn’t believe she was witnessing the gentle part of Kgosi, she preferred it to that macho and egoistic part.
Kgosi: you should’ve heard Matlhabe crying over the phone when I told her you were almost kidnapped and that you’re would’ve swore I said you were dead or something....hai women
Dineo: ncooo....she’s a sweet heart that one
Kgosi: mmmmh you should pray that if she gets married she marries a man that will be fine with staying back at the kingdom and a man who will allow her to remain your personal maid
Dineo: huh?
Kgosi: mmh
Dineo: my what?
Kgosi: shhh go back to sleep....Gauta needs to rest
Dineo: but....
Kgosi: Dineo!!!
Dineo: mxm
Kgosi: askies?
He said with a serious tone.
Dineo: ummm......something is stuck between my teeth...i was mxm mxming it out
Kgosi laughed and Dineo elbowed him gently.



Marang was sleeping but her mind was wide awake thinking about the following day, her doctor told her during her session that she’s now permitted to make one phone call per day from tomorrow and she slept excited to speak to Dineo....she has missed her so much and she couldn’t wait to hear her voice......She heard the door open then she turned cause night duty nurses have already passed and she has even drank her medication......who she saw made her freeze on the spot.
Cole: don’t scream Ntokazi....please im not here to hurt you
She looked at him with her eyes popped out....she sat up quickly and moved to up the bed looking scared.
Cole: I love you so much Marang....i love you so much it mean the world to me Ntokazi
Marang looked at the cctv inside her room hoping the security are watching this and Cole saw her.
Cole: I paid them to take a break and it’s switched off
She swallowed hard.
Cole: you’re getting out of here in three days’ time to a retreat in Cape Town for a month...i want you to use that time to find yourself again and to.....heal Ntokazi
She swallowed hard.
Cole: I know i....i know I hurt you and im sorry sorry i.... I killed our baby
Tears ran down her cheeks as his did too.
Cole: I know evil forces are what forced me to do what I did but I don’t care....i did hands are the ones that hit you and I killed...
Marang: stop...
She said with her eyes closed and Cole wiped his tears off.
Cole: but there’s one think you should never giving up on not losing you.....i’ll fix us Ntokazi or I’ll die trying
He moved towards the bed and she curled into a ball  hugging her legs as she looked at him scared, she was scared of him and that broke his heart..... he just kissed her forehead putting a phone next to her and he whispered to her.
Cole: call Dee she needs to hear your voice
She quickly raised her face with a frown on her face.
Cole: she was almost kidnapped today but she’s ok
Her eyes popped out.
Cole: she’s ok but a little shaken and make sure you make that call tomorrow cause she’s resting now and make it in the bathroom because of...
He pointed to the cctv with his head.
Cole: hide it and make sure they don’t find it
He then perked her lips then he quickly stepped back with his hands raised up in surrender.
Cole: I love you and I’ll see you after a month
Then he walked out..... she quickly turned giving her back to where the cctv camera was wiping her tears off then she received a  message on the phone and the number was saved as hubby....she opened it and it read “ or not....i love you Ntokazi kaQophelo”..... She closed the massage quickly and she sighed....her heart was still beating fast and she still felt scared.

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