pregnant again?

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it was a week since jaehyun returned and lisa has been feeling nauseated. she has been throwing up and reacting differently to the things she normally like. jaehyun was worried but lisa on the other hand knew that maybe she could be pregnant since thee are usually signs of pregnancy.



jae:baby are you ok?
ls:yes...dont worry about me just go focus on work.ill be fine.ill just have a medical absence.

jae:ok baby.please be ok

ls:dont worry i will

after jaehyun left,i headed to the nearest pharmacy an bought a pregnancy test to test

i put isaac down for his nap and went to the toilet to do the test.

i waited and waited and when the time came i checked the test and it was....

positive going to be a mother again

i hid the test in the toilet's cabinet and went on with my day.

when jaehyun came back,i showed him the test and he excitedly hugged me and gave me lots of love.

we facetimed to others and told them the news.

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