Chapter 20

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Sophie bit her lip so hard she tasted blood. 

"C'mon, Foster! We don't have all day!" Keefe whined.  

Sophie sighed. She felt like she was going to toss her insides out. "Er--," she stuttered. 

"Which one of us gave you the "feelings"?" Fitz asked, trying to be helpful. "It's not that hard." 

Sophie wanted to shout, Oh yeah?! Then how about you try?!  But she didn't. Sophie thought hard about her feelings. She thought of every single detail that happened with her and Fitz, and her and Keefe. 

"Tik-tok, tik-tok," Keefe hummed. He tapped his foot. Keefe crossed his arms. He tapped his foot more. Then he looked at the clock. Keefe couldn't wait any longer. "Foster, are you DONE thinking??" 

Fitz nudged Keefe. "Shhh." 

"'Shh...'yourself, Fitzy," Keefe hmphed. 

10 minutes passed. Then 20. 

"Okay, I think...-" 

"Tell me!" Keefe shouted. 

"Tell us," Fitz corrected. He looked excited/nervous. "Who did you choose Sophie?" 

Sophie took at deep, giant breath of air. "" Sophie tried to say something but nothing came out. 

"HUh???" Keefe asked.  "Who's Er?" 

Sophie reached for her eyelashes. "Ummmmm! I'm not sure if I want to say-" 

"Say it!" Keefe blurted. Then he looked embarrassed. "Sorry for being a little childish." 

Sophie felt like throwing up.  "I choose......


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