Chapter 6

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"K-Keefe! Whatyadoinghere?" Sophie babbled. Her brain was mushed up and couldn't think. 

Keefe smiled. "May I come in?" he asked, if nothing had gone wrong between them. "I brought some custard bursts." 

No! Sophie wanted to say. But her mind was in control of her now. "Sure!" Sophie stuttered. She wasn't in control of her brain right now. Sophie didn't know where her mind was. It was like she was hypnotized. 

Keefe sighed in relief. "Whew! Thought you were going to say no!" He came in, and sat on the table where he set down the box of custard bursts. "So can we talk?" 

Nope. I don't even want you in my house!  Sophie's mind shrieked.  But, her stupid mouth replied, "Whatever you want!" 

"Are you suddenly, like happy now?" Keefe grinned. " You seem happy. I like that." 

I'm not happy, you stubborn little monster! Get outta my house now!  But instead, "Yeah! Yeah. I'm super happy. You are totes right!" Sophie squealed. 

"So I really want to say I'm sorry for what happened. I really am. You don't know how glad I was to come back and meet you! I just didn't expect you to be all Roar! and Gah! "  Keefe laughed nervously. 

Sophie felt her mind come back to her. It swirled around, and then she was back to reality.  "Do you not know the reason why I was angry?" Sophie snapped. 

"You're suddenly Miss. Grumpy again! And I, in fact, do know the reason you are angry. You told me already," Keefe said matter-of-factly.

Sophie put her hands to her hip and glared at Keefe. "Then what is the reason?"

"The reason is because you drank a potion that makes you hate me."                                                                                                  


Sophitz...or Sokeefe?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora