Chapter 9

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Sophie woke up with a sock in her mouth. "What the-" Sophie muffled. But since she had a sock in her mouth, it came out like this "Wa hut!" 

Sophie threw the disgusting sock out of her mouth, and she could still taste the taste of it. "Ugh!" She said out loud. Why did I have a sock in my mouth? 

A/N: I don't know why either. I just thought it was boring if she didn't have a sock in her mouth. 

As Sophie started her morning routine, she still felt the sock in her mouth. It was utterly disgusting. Sophie would never own a sock like that. She brushed her teeth 6 times, and drank sweet tea to get rid of the taste.  

The sweet tea made it worse. Now it just tasted like sweet tea plus a dirty sock, which isn't pleasant at all. "Ugh! Am I on a bad luck streak or something?" Sophie wailed. 

Sophie changed into a white blouse and a light blue plaid skirt. Not too fancy, not too boring. Actually it looks a bit boring.  Sophie threw the plaid skirt back into her closet.  She didn't dare touch one of Biana's fancy, poofy, pink dresses. It was just way to girly. Sophie took out light blue jeans and wore it. Perfect. 

Sophie hurried down into her kitchen, but the stiff jeans made her slow. Sophie ignored the stiffness and ate some Blitzenberry Muffins. The cake was smooth in her mouth, and she swallowed, thinking about what kind of complicated day it would be today.   


After Sophie ate her breakfast, she sat down on her couch to lay down. But she was in an uncomfortable position, and when Sophie sat up, her back ache. When she was about to stretch, Sophie's imparter lit up.   It was Linh. 

"Oh, hey Linh," Sophie said. She grabbed her imparter and saw herself in her own imparter.  Her blonde hair was kind of crumpled and her eyes look tired. Sophie brushed her hair, and washed her face. It looked a bit better. 

"Are you, like trying to look good?" Linh had to ask.  She was trying not to sound rude, but it kind of came out rude. 

Sophie blushed furiously. "W-what? No!" She stammered. Sophie had completely forgotten about Linh when she saw her messy face. 

Linh laughed. "I just wanted to y'know. Hang out with you if it's okay," Linh said shyly. "I haven't been with you in a long time, so..." 

Sophie smiled. She was glad that she was hanging out with somebody that wasn't Fitz, Keefe, or Biana. Even if Biana hadn't done anything to her, it was kind of annoying. 

Suddenly Biana's head popped out next to Linh's head. "Hey Soph!!! How ya doing?" 

Sophie groaned. Why with Biana? Again? 

"Sophie?" Linh asked softly "You're kind of spaced out. Are you OK?" 

Sophie snapped back into reality. "Oh, sorry. Sure, I'd love to hang out with you!" Sophie said cheerfully. Then when Linh wasn't looking, Sophie frowned at Biana. Biana shrugged jokingly. 


"So you're living with Tam here?" Sophie gazed at the gold rimmed house with massive gates and beautiful flowers in front. 

"Yeah, do you like it?" Linh asked hopefully. She smiled at her house and waited for Sophie to reply.

"I sure love it!" Biana squealed.  "Anyway, Sophie.  You were trying to look good, this morning right?" 

"I just had some bed hair," Sophie muttered, angry at Biana for mentioning her bed hair this boring. 

"Yeah, I noticed," Linh laughed softly. "C'mon! Let's go inside!" 

Sophie gracefully stepped inside, and instantly loved he house. The air smelled like rose water, and it felt cool inside. 

"Let's do each other's hair!" Biana squealed with delight. "I call Sophie's! She needs some fashion!" 

Linh led them up to her room, and Biana sat down, and braided Sophie's tangly hair. 

"Ow!" Sophie cried. "That hurt!" She touched her hair which was bumpy from the braid.

"At least you look pretty!" Biana said. She smoothed and gelled Sophie's hair, and then swung the braid on top of Sophie's shoulder. 

"You look great!" Linh remarked. She touched her silver tips, and smiled. 

"I know right? Now let's go!!" Biana cried. 

"Go where?" Sophie asked. But Biana didn't answer. Instead, she dragged Sophie outside of Linh's house. 

"We're going to Cress Bakery!" Linh said excitedly. 

A/N: This isn't a real bakery in the elvin world. I just made it up

"What's so exciting about that?" Sophie asked. There was seriously nothing exciting about Cress Bakery. It just had amazing food. That's all. 

"You'll see!" Biana took Sophie to Cress Bakery, and they found a place to sit. 

"Aren't we going to order something?" Sophie asked, confused. "What's happening?? I want to knooow!" 

Just then, Fitz strolled in the Bakery. 

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