Chapter 18

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Sophie couldn't sleep that night. She tossed and turned. She wondered what kind of tests there will be. Sophie's stomach did flip-flops. 7:00 sharp. What time was it? Sophie turned over to look at the clock. It read: 2:15. 

Sophie groaned. She realized that she wasn't going to sleep no matter what, so she got up and tried to contact Silveny. She wouldn't answer. It was silent. 

Next, Sophie tried to do a handstand to get her mind off of the test. But she wasn't algile  enough to do it. Sophie couldn't help it. She hailed Keefe with her telepathy. 


Foster, go back to sleep. Don't tell me you're trying to do handstands and cartwheels to get the nervousness out of you.

Sophie blushed. Well, it's kind of close to that.....

I can't do anything that will calm you. Jeez I can feel your emotions by just listening to you speak in my head. 

Why do we even have to do the test?! 

Because, Foster. You wouldn't choose.


Because, Foster. We want you to. 


Because, Foster. I'm Keefe Sencen. 


Because, Foster. I'm not Fitz Vacker. 

Ugh. Never mind, Keefe. Go back to sleep. See you tomorrow. 


Sophie rolled into her bed. She thought about what Fitz and Keefe would do at the test, and slowly drifted off to sleep. 


"Rise and Shine!!" Sophie opened her eyes  to see Dex. "D-Dex? What are you doing here?"

"I am here to hang out, y'know, I haven't see much of you lately," Dex responded, showing his dimples. 

Sophie nodded awkwardly.  How was she going to tell about the test with Fitz and Keefe? "That's cool! But, um, I have plans....," she said.

Dex's smiled faded. "Can't I join?" 

Sophie winced. "Well, this is kind of private.....," 

Dex crossed his arms. "This is with Keefe and Fitz, huh?" 

All Sophie could do was to nod. "But-" 

"But you don't want me to join, right? You don't want me to hang out with you. You don't want to see me anymore," Dex said, trying not to cry. 

"Dex, don't jump to conclusions," Sophie said, slightly annoyed. 

Dex sniffed. "I get it. You would rather hang out with boys who have a strong taste of humor. Boys who look good. Boys who make you happy," he said, wiping his eyes as tears streamed down his cheeks. 

"That's not what I mean! Dex, -" 

"Forget it, Sophie," Dex ran away, leaving echos of sobs.

Sophie's two best friends. They were now gone. They weren't by her side anymore. All because of her.

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