Chapter 19

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"Okay, Foster. You ready?" Keefe asked. 

Sophie touched her stomach. It was grumbling and doing flip-flops. "Yeah I guess," Sophie managed to squeak out. 

"Okay. Trial one. Who do you like-like more?" Fitz asked. 

"We need to be alone and whoever gives you tingly feelings is the one...okay?" Keefe said, giving a wink. 

Sophie sighed. "Uhm, I guess...," she said, feeling uncomfortable. 

"Move along to the next room, Foster. We're not gonna wait all day for you to move your butt from your chair," Keefe smirked.

Sophie walked out and went into a room with plaid blue walls and nothing in it except a small wooden desk with two chairs and a grassy-green sofa. 

Fitz walked in, with such a cute smile Sophie almost fainted on the spot. 

"Hey," Fitz grinned, closing the door. He walked close to Sophie, and Sophie was anxious to see what was going to happen next. 

Her stomach tingled, and she looked down at her clothes to make sure there weren't any stains. Sophie also made sure she didn't look fat. 

"Don't worry, Sophie. You look as perfect as you should be," Fitz assured.

Sophie's face flushed and her skin turned into bright red. "I-I do?" 

Fitz nodded. "You're never non-perfect. I could never accuse you or hurt your feelings," he said. 

"You accused me of being the one who broke Alden's mind," Sophie pointed out.  Then after seeing the shock look of Fitz's face, she wanted to stuff those words back.

"Just forget that. I was stupid," Fitz said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. 

Sophie nodded a stiff nod. When is this session over?! 

 Fitz checked his watch. "Ok, 6 minutes until it's Keefe's session," he said, as if he used his telepathy to read Sophie's mind.

"Wait but Keefe can feel my emotions, so how.....-" Sophie trailed off. 

"Oh yeah.....I can't believe I didn't think of that. Keefe probably didn't tell me so he will know the results as soon as he walks in the room with him....," Fitz said. 

"So how....are we going to do this??" Sophie asked, taking out a loose eyelash. (EW!) 

Fitz thought for a minute, then hailed Dex. 

"Wait-Dex is kind of in a bad mo-," It was too late. Dex had already answered. 

"What do you want?" Dex asked harshly. "I didn't know I was important enough for you to hail me." 

Fitz stood there, in shock. "Dex, are you okay?" 

Sophie could tell Dex scoffed. "Me? Okay? Do you THINK I'm okay?! Aren't you a little too smart to ask that?!" 

Fitz looked up at Sophie. He mouthed, What is up with Dex? 

"I saw that," Dex hmphed. "And don't you DARE have a telepathic conversation!" 

"ARE YOU GUYS DONE?! IT'S MY MOMENT WITH FOSTER!" Keefe shouted threw the door. 

Dex narrowed his eyes. "What does he mean done? What does he mean it's his turn?" 

"Dex, I wanted to ask you to make this thing that will block Keefe's ability as an empath," Fitz said, ignoring Dex's previous questions. 

"Why." Dex asked, although it sounded more as a statement than a question. 

Fitz bit his lip. "Er-because Keefe...Keefe keeps intruding," Fitz lied. 

Dex didn't believe it for a second. "Tell me the reason. Now." He demanded. 

Fitz huffed. "Why are you so stubborn today?!" He asked, impatiently.

Sophie covered her mouth, knowing that was the wrong question for a day like this. 


"Of course I care, Dex. Just because I hang out with Fitz and Keefe, it doesn't mean I care any less about you," Sophie said softly. 

"YES IT DOES! YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ME!" Dex cried. "It's not fair...," he sobbed. "Sophie doesn't even like-like me. She had nightmares because of it." 

Fitz raised an eyebrow. "Um, ok.....?" 


"WE'RE NOT KISSING!!" Sophie shouted back, getting a weird feeling. 

"Who's kissing?!" Dex asked, sounding desperate for an answer. "'Cuz if you are, then I will come right now and slash your -," 

"No one!" Fitz yelled. "Jeez, what's wrong with you Dex?! Do you have some curse? Are you damaged?!" 

Sophie's jaw dropped. She didn't know Fitz could say something so...rude. 

Dex was also shocked. He ended the call right away. 

Fitz's face was bright red and he stormed off leaving Sophie alone in the room, until Keefe barged in, smiling ear to ear. "What's up, Foster?" 

Sophie's stomach stopped jiggling. "Nothing, just the fact that today is kind of a terrible day...," 

Keefe sat down on the chair, and Sophie sat across from him. "Maybe I can help?" 

Sophie nodded and told him the whole story; About how Dex ditched Sophie because of her, about what Sophie said to Biana, and about what just happened with Fitz and Dex. 

Keefe nodded, understanding every word. "Whoa, it seems like you have some issues, huh?" 

"Mmhmm," Sophie mumbled. "What do I do?"

Keefe flickered a smile. "Oh, so it's this simple. You schedule a meeting with them, talk about your days and how it's so confusing or whatever, apologize and you will all be friends again! Oh,- and make sure to convince Dex that you care about him, okay? It's not gonna work if you keep telling him that you care, Foster. It just won't work," he explained. 

"You were eavesdropping?!" Sophie hissed. 

Keefe winked. "Yup!" 

Then Sophie remembered about Keefe's ability. "Keefe, aren't you cheating right now?" 

"What do you mean?" Keefe asked. "Cheating?" 

Sophie sighed. "You're an empath. You can feel my emotions!" 

"Oh yeah. I stole crush cuffs from Dex's. I knew he wouldn't make me one since I dunno, he's acting weird lately. It just isn't him," Keefe shrugged. 

"Wait--you stole?" Sophie asked. "Isn't that bad?" 

"Yup-I stole!" Keefe repeated. "And yeah, it isn't the best thing, but then I'll be cheating and if I did, then everything will turn upside down." 

"Everything will turn upside down when Dex finds out that you stole his crush cuffs," Sophie warned Keefe.

"If Dex finds out," Keefe corrected. 

"Whatever. He will find out anyhow," Sophie said. 

"Nah. Anyways let's get out. Time's up. Hope you're ready to express your feeling!" Keefe winked, while standing up. 

Sophitz...or Sokeefe?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang