Chapter 11

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Sophie felt a huge leap in her stomach. I can't believe I'm going on a walk with Fitz! 

"Ready?" Fitz held Sophie's hand. 

Sophie blushed beet red. She straightened her blouse, and took a deep breath. "Now I'm ready!" She and Fitz walked to the sidewalk, and looked at the birds and trees before either of them spoke. 

"How are your days going so far?" Fitz asked. He flashed a big smile. 

Sophie smiled, and said, "Very good! It's going great! Especially since you're in my life!"  Sophie couldn't believe she said that aloud. "I mean-" 

Fitz laughed. "I get it. I'm great." Fitz smiled at Sophie and she blushed. 

Sophie looked down at her shoes. It was kind of awkward for a few minutes. " are your days?" Sophie asked Fitz.  She wanted to let go of Fitz's hand because it was sweaty, and also a little weird. 

FItz shrugged. "So-so. I mean, it got better when you said you were glad that I'm in your life!" He looked proud of himself. "Hey, look! It's Marella!" 

Marella ran to Sophie and Fitz. "Eeeeek! Sophie and Fitz are dating!!" 

Sophie's face grew hot. "What?! No we are NOT!" She immediately let go of Fitz's hand. "Marella, we are NOT dating! I swear," Sophie protested. 

Marella shrugged. "Sorry. Word's out!" Marella walked away, leaving Sophie with shock. 


Sophie crumpled in her bed. It was the worst day ever. Why am I even mad that there's a rumor that me and Fitz are dating? Why am I disappointed?  Sophe thought. 

Sophie thought for a moment. Then she realized. I'm not into Fitz. 

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