Chapter 1

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12 years later after Sophie first found out she was an elf.

A/N: If you are wondering why Sophie and Dex are dating, you'll find out soon. Please don't quit reading. I'm not a Sodex fan myself, I ship Sophie and ____. You have to read this book to know who I ship Sophie with. :) 

Sophie woke up sweating. Nightmares has been happening ever since she and Dex started dating.  Fitz and Keefe had gone to a mission in the Forbidden city, and Sophie was worried they would never come back. When Fitz and Keefe had graduated, the Council had prepared a mission to the Forbidden city. Sophie hadn't heard from them in 3 years. By now, Sophie had plenty of things to worry. As the years passed, she and Dex had been close together. Sophie didn't particularly want to date Dex. It just sort of happened. 

At first Sophie thought it was dumb that it just "sort of happened".  But Dex really was a sweet guy.  Sophie thought he made the perfect boyfriend for a girl like her.  "Dex, can you build something to detect why  I'm having nightmares?" Sophie pleaded. 

"Sure thing! Just give me a few minutes," Dex smiled. He got up and started working on the Sophie's "Dreamcatcher" without even changing his clothes.                                                                         

Sophie smiled. This was the sweet that Dex had in himself.  "Are you sure you don't want to brush your teeth first?" 

"Brushing my teeth came come later. Even if my breath stank so bad I could actually taste it," Dex laughed. "Besides, I'm almost done." Sophie heard clinking at buzzing. 

"Oh, you are too much!" Sophie tried to giggle like the flirty girls, but she failed. This was Sophie's way of giggling. "Hehehe!" (She actually said "hehehe") 

"You are terrible at flirting, Sophie," Dex rolled his eyes, but smiled. "And I'm done!" He showed Sophie this black and neon green cube shaped machine about the size of a small rubix cube. 

Sophie was amazed. "How could you be done so fast? This isn't possible! I mean it's you, so of course it's possible," Sophie tried to giggle again, but it didn't work. 

"Let me try it out to see what's making you have nightmares!" Dex pressed the cube onto Sophie's forehead. "Hmmm," Dex rubbed his chin. 

"What?? What? Huh? Tell me!" Sophie whined impaintenly. Dex didn't answer. 
"Dex! Can you please tell me?" Sophie yelled when he didn't answer in the next 5 minutes. Dex looked like he might burst into tears. He stayed frozen in the spot. 


By lunch, Dex still wasn't talking to Sophie. So she called Biana the 10th time today. 

"Whaat? Why do you keep calling me? I'm at the shoe shop trying out for these fantastic shoe!" Biana said, obviously annoyed. 

"Dex still isn't talking to me! Help!" Sophie sighed loudly. After checking if Dex was around, Sophie whispered, "Do you think he wants to break up with me?" 

Biana scoffed. "Why are you even dating him? I thought you had the hots for Fitz or Keefe! I don't know, but Dex! Never knew you like-liked him..," 

"Well, I don't," Sophie admitted. "But Dex is really sweet! And...I haven't seen Fitz or Keefe in a long time!" 

"So? Just because you haven't seen them in a long time doesn't mean you changed feelings!" Biana said. 

"I know, but-" Sophie was interrupted by Biana.

"I said I was size 7 the the 8th time! Sorry for being rude, but, like can you hear anything woman??" She whined. There was shuffling and click and clacks. "Sorry, what, Sophie?" Biana said, turning her attention back to her.

"Ugh, never mind. But please help, Biana! And don't you dare say you have to leave!" Sophie warned. She waited for Biana's reply, which wasn't until a lot of shuffling. 

"Sorry Soph. I have to go on a date with Tam. He's waiting for me! So sorry! Talk to you later! Actually, don't even bother to talk to me today. I'm a busy bee. Buh-bye!" Biana said cheerfully.

Sophie rolled her eyes, and plopped on their massive velvet sofa. "Sophie?" a voice behind her said. 

Sophie jumped, but turned around. Dex was standing there, looking miserable.

"Dex!" Sophie ran to hug him. Maybe too tight, because Dex squirmed. "Sorry!" 

Dex smiled, but Sophie could tell it was fake. "Can we talk?" he asked. He took Sophie and they plopped down on the couch. 

"What is it?" Sophie's eyebrows deepend. "And why haven't you been talking to me?" She sat close to Dex, but he flinched. "Dex, what is it?" 

"Sophie, I found out why you've been having nightmares," Dex sighed.  "That's why I've been avoiding you. I was sad and angry at the same time because of the reason you've been having the nightmares." 

"Well, what's the reason?" Sophie asked. "Please tell me! I want to fix this!" 

"Sophie, you can't fix this no matter what you do! I swear," Dex said seriously. He grabbed Sophie's hand. "We've been in a great relationship, but...we have to end it." 

Sophie's jaw dropped. "What?! Why?" 

"You've been having nightmares because you didn't want to be in a relationship with me," Dex said sadly. "You like me, but you don't like-like me." 

"That's stupid," Sophie couldn't believe that were the first words that came out of her mouth. "I mean, uh. Yeah, that's stupid," Sophie smacked herself. Why did she keep saying that? 

Dex smiled slightly. "I know, but I promise that we will still be friends, Sophie!" 

"Wha-do you really want to end it with me because stupid me has been having nightmares about me not like-liking you?" Sophie fumed. "That's my fault! I'm supposed to be ending this relationship!" Sophie scolded herself silently for saying that out loud. 

"Um. See you later, Sophie. I'll stay in touch!" Dex started to leave, but Sophie yelled, "Wait! What about this house? You bought it! For us!" 

Dex smiled sweetly.  "You can have this house. I'll stay with my mom and dad for now. Bye!" He left their house, and Sophie felt so bad. She ruined their relationship because of her nightmare! This day couldn't get any worse. 


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