Chapter 22: Sophie

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A/N: sorry for not updating in soooooooooooooooooo long! 

"Okay, Foster. It's time for who you TRUST more," Keefe told Sophie, once Dex was out of sight. 

Sophie's insides jumbled. Seriously, when was this test going to END?! "Keefe, Fitz, you guys are great friends and all..but do we really have to do this?"

"Sophie, I'm really sorry for causing you stress and trouble in your life, but that's just how the world works. Nothing's perfect, and nothing's going to get solved right away," Fitz told Sophie.

Sophie nodded. "Okay, then, I'm ready for the test," she said. 


"Do you already know who you trust more, or do we need to give you a problem?" Keefe asked. 

Sophie looked at each of them for a long time. She thought about every single journey with Keefe, every single trust exercise with Fitz,  every single adventure together. The moments she needed most help on, Fitz has been there for her. When she was kidnapped with Dex. When she was healing and concentrating on going into minds. When she was in the hospital, lonely and bored.  Did she trust Fitz more, or did she trust Keefe more?

"Foster, we don't have all day," Keefe said to her. "But if I'm rushing you, I can definitely stop talking." 

"Yeah, take your time," Fitz added, flashing a grin. "We-"

Sophie interrupted him. "I made up my mind. I know who I trust more. "

"Say it," Fitz said eagerly. Keefe and Fitz looked very nervous, as they waited for her answer. She thought about her answer some more, then decided that her decision was right. 

"I trust....." Sophie began. 


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