Chapter 3

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Sophie was woken up by Biana shaking her. "I've been shaking you for the past 3 hours while taking a break to eat and y'know. Use the restroom. Eat some snacks. Take a nap. But still!" 

"Biana! Why did you wake me up?" Sophie mumbled. She opened her eyes. Biana was a blur. 

"Um. Because I was bored. And I had to know why you took that sedate!" Biana replied. She pulled Sophie up, and she stumbled to walk. "I thought for sure you would've left by the time I had woken up! Which isn't for 12 hours, but you woke me up!" Sophie growled. 

"Fine, fine! I'll go! But-" 

"No buts allowed in this house! Shoo shoo! I need to be alone!" Sophie interrupted. 

Biana made a face at Sophie. "If there's no butts allowed in this house, then I might as well cut up your butt and mine!" she snapped. 

Sophie rolled her eyes, and replied, "Biana. I just need you to get out of my house! Is that a problem, dear?" 

"Since when did you call me dear?" Biana asked. She looked suspiciously at Sophie.

"I just didn't want to get in a fight. I mean, I thought if I used the word "dear", it would make you, I don't know. More calm?" Sophie shrugged.

"Pfft. You're right. It made me more calm!" Biana chuckled. 

Ding! Sophie's got a text from....

"Keefe?!" Sophie gasped. "K-keefe! He texted me!" 

"What?!" Biana looked over Sophie's shoulder. "He said to meet him at Yummy Grum Grums. The bakery on the corner!" 

"It's a date!" Sophie squealed. "I wonder if Fitz is back too! Holy cheese! I can't believe they're back! It's going to be so awkward!" 

"Calm down, Foster," Biana imitated Keefe's voice. 

Sophie shrieked. "Biana! You scared the daylights out of me!" 

"Well no wonder you've been so gloomy. There was pure darkness and no daylight!" Biana laughed. She shook her head, and dragged Sophie to her closet. "You have to wear something pretty!" 

Ding! It was another message from Keefe. Forget about wearing anything pretty for me. Meet me now! 

"Wow! Sophie, you better go!" Biana said. She pushed Sophie out the door into the outside world. 


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