27 - WEEK 2

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The shootings for the second week started and right away we shooted at Vance's office, after my weekend exploring caves and annoying an Australian girl, we also shooted Seattle's scenes, fight scenes, kissing scenes, I tried to enjoy every moment of Jô's mouth, I need to accept it, being there with her was very good, even as we are, somehow this feeling of having and not having her, gave me an exciting feeling again, which made things even more intense.

Jô teased me, looked at me differently in the scenes, our kisses became more intense, she held me more, tighter, our breathing in each scene was even stronger and faster, I wanted her, and I felt she wanted me too. We finished the scenes trying to compose ourselves, as we went back to reality we don't stopped staring each other, I imagined what it would be like to get out on her and be just the two of us again, but as I said, we are pridefuls and we are trying something else, which I also don't know still what it is.

I stayed with my friend Chance, who share his time between me and Jô, I felt that he wanted to give attention to both of us, and when he was with her, I talked to the other actors, I got even closer to Stephen, we agreed to watch the game of our favorite London team and we did it, the internet was crazy when he posted a picture of us after our beautiful team won, we were very happy, and drunk...

Still this week we went out together to visit other points of the city, parks, restaurants, meanwhile, another part of the production set up the other scenarios for the next shooting days, now it would be at Carol's house, Tessa's mother, we were looking forward to shooting with Mira, the new actress, she was super attentive and nice, we exchanged ideas on various interesting subjects, she and Jô got along very well, but she got along even better with Louise, who plays my mother in the movie, our in-laws getting along. Other scenarios they were setting up were New York, where Tessa would live for a while with Landon, having a new job and a new future.

During that time away from Jô, I felt it was the best, we both approach the whole cast, something that didn't happenned in the other time, we were doing different things every day, Rob Estes, the Ken, my father in the movie, was quarantined in his room, he had just arrived in Bulgaria, he was almost free to see the cast, I like him a lot, acting with him was a great experience for me and how good that I will live this again.

They decided to create a pizza's night with all the cast and production, rented a hotel lounge, made an appointment. We sat at a round table, laughed a lot and talked about everything that was going on behind the scenes at the movies, and as we were lucky once again to have such an amazing team behind it all, we really enjoyed our night, drank until our fingers were confused of the hands.

Meanwhile, the internet was going crazy with my dearest "friend" Channel who once again used my name in her Instagram lives, she and a friend, who commented on some things about me, but the people who like me and my work, defended me. She is not a bad girl, we were very drunk when we were together, we talked for a short time, I even commented to Jô about her, I felt absolutely nothing but lust at a party... We stayed together, but it was nothing too much... She liked to expose the things she did and she filmed me many times, even though she knew that I didn't like it, so I cut it with her. Knowing that once again she used me for her things made me realize that I did the right thing in getting away.

Still in the lounge eating pizzas of all flavors, I get up to pick up another piece and at the same moment when I look ahead I realize that Jô got up too, none of us give up on going to the pasta table, and to make matters worse the two went to same flavor:

"You can take it!"

"No, please, ladies first."

"Oh what a gentleman, whoever sees it thinks that he does not drive people away without any explanation."

"Is that what you think I did?"

She shrugs after filling her plate with a huge pizza and bites another piece, filling her mouth so she doesn't have to speak to me. He went back to his chair next to Kiana and Carter and I stayed there without understanding and without remembering what flavor I was going to get...

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