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Yeah... It was a mechanical bull... I took a deep breath, she doesn't really want me... I'm going to get on with my life! I went to live with some friends from school, I took Diesel with me. We haven't spoken for almost a week, without news of her. I'm hanging out with the guys. We went to a horror park of a friend of ours, it was insane, we drank, we smoked, we talked to some women, but everything was normal.

In my professional career I was on the list of the rising stars of PEOPLE magazine, my family, my friends and I were very happy for that. Just as they helped me, I also helped them, Evan Mock a great friend, model, artist and skater, an incredible guy that I consider a lot, had a painting on display in Los Angeles, a painting with a picture of me in the center, I helped in its promotion and the fans of After loved it.

The other days of October were used in many parties, drinks, women, my friends and I enjoyed a lot, as if it were the last day of our lives, some girls flirted with me, but I was not into them, despite finding the girls hot and having a crazy desire to have sex with any of them. The last time I had sex was with her, about 20 days ago, I was already exploding with lust! But just thinking about another woman... I don't know, the lust passed...

Another day, it was Jennifer's birthday, our producer, an incredible woman, who helped us through the shooting process. They had a party for her, some of the cast were present: Khadijha, Inanna, Sam and his girlfriend, Anna and Jô, who still spoke the least to me. I texted Jen, thanking her for all the help and wishing her years of life.

Jô was still going out with his friends in LA and after days she sent me a message asking how I was... The conversation didn't last long... I feel that this distance was making it easier to forget a little what I feel for her... It could be easier in the next party that I go with the guys.

Sure enough! The next meeting of M-BOYZ was in a bowling alley, at the entrance I took a picture with some fans. It was Miriam's birthday, one of the girls in the group, very cool by the way, but it was her friends that caught my attention, one of them. Elify, was there too, I stayed with her in almost all parties that we meet, we have caught ourselves a lot and it is always very good, but this time, I want something new, who knows as good as with Jô...

Alex came towards me with drinks, put his arm around my shoulders:

"Hey Hero, who's the next?"

"I liked that blonde over there..."

"Blondie? Are you sure?"

"Yeah! I liked her, I will talk to her."

I drank some more and went towards the hot blonde who was also holding a glass.


"I do not believe! Aren't you the movie guy that everybody are talking?! "

"Hum... Mayb..."

"Cool! Can you take a photo with me?"

"Only if you give me something in swapped..."

I stared at her, and she stared back at me without blinking, for a moment I thought she was paralyzed, I leave my drink on the counter, I take hers and do the same, I run my hand behind her neck, tangling her hair in it, she gives a low moan, I smile and kiss her. The kiss is delicious, she has full lips, she is thin and tall, pretty, I pull her closer to me making the kiss even more intense. While I kiss her, I couldn't relax, I keep thinking about each part of her body I touched with my hands, each movement of our tongues, so I separate us:

"What's it?"

"Nothing! Hmm... Shall we go there with everybody?"

Pulling by the hand, the guys were in our direction a little further away, while we walked towards them, they were staring at us, clapping their hands and laughing at my "conquest" of the night, I don't like this but pretend to be normal, I sit to see my friends throwing the ball in the direction of the pins and the girl, I don't even know the name, sits on my lap, roll the hip on me slowly and turns her head to make sure I'm looking at her, and I was, so she approaches my ear:

"I want to be with you today..."

I felt my cock jump, took a deep breath, I held her again on her neck and kissed her with the greatest desire in the world, but after a few seconds I separated us again:

"Hey... Hmmm... Sorry baby but today it's not going to be possible... You are pretty but I need resolve an issue before fuck you..." Fuck! Why Hero! What happens to you man! For the first time I don't know what to do! I want this girl but just think about her...

"Is the movie girl, isn't she?"

I remain silent, I caress her face, staring at her, and I nodded.

"Okay... Write down my number then... When you resolve the issue... You call me to I show you another issue."

"You can be sure."

Behind the End - HerophineWhere stories live. Discover now