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"Hero, I'll kill you! You talked about my spring onions!!!! Call me as soon as the live is over!"

I leave the message to him and minutes later I feel my cell phone vibrate:

"I can't believe you told them Hero! No one needed to know about my onions!" I said laughing and I hear his laugh.

"Jô, they needed to know about your gift! Why did you told us?! Dylan was crazy to talk about this too!"

"Now there are several memes of ours on plantations!"

"I know!" Hero laughed even more and I melted with that laugh. "Hey, what is this story that I read on a website, where you said 'I also lost my mind about the wrong guy'... You didn't tell me about this..."

"Oh, He was a guy I related to a while ago..."

"Did you related? But like... Like dating?"

"I was with him, it was kind of serious, but we never officially dated..."

"But... Do you still have contact with him?"

"He's my friend... But nothing more than that..."

"And why didn't it work?"

"He was kind of complicated, stubborn, he didn't like my profession, he was jealous, imagine if I needed to play a role... Like this one in After... It would never work!"


"So I cut it before it went wrong..."

"Is that why you are not so excited about having a boyfriend now, Miss 'single and happy with self love'?!"

"Only me? Sir 'I have never dated, I have time'!" I said laughing. To prevent people from asking more about us, and wanting details about our personal lives, we always imply that we have nothing, or that we are alone, it is easier that way, we do not need to be giving explanations about anything other than what we said!

"But at first it was difficult, I think I was confused about him... I didn't really know my feelings..."

"I know how it is..." He laughs, "but what now?"

"Now? I am happy, meeting someone who makes this happiness overflow and who makes me forget all the past, believe me?"

"Yeah! This guy must be really nice! I would even say wonderful and irresistible!"

"Convinced!" We both laugh.

Besides the subject of the vegetable garden, he talked about several other things about me in the interviews we did by video call, released in August, how I fell out of bed in several scenes in the second movie, but I swear it was in the script, and how he broke the door kicking to get 'Fucking Trevor' out of my bathroom... From the bathroom where Tessa was...

I miss him, every day I get more irritated by this disease, it was for us to be traveling the world together promoting our movie, meeting different people and places, I would hiding in his room and he in mine... In addition to these problems, Roger had stopped following me, I defended Anna in a discussion that the two had, and I didn't even know why, he just walked away and never followed me back, despite having returned to talk to me normally when everything got it right again... He's weird...

After 2 was getting closer and closer to coming out and the fans were going crazy. We had watched it months ago, it was amazing, funny, dramatic, romantic and very sexy. It is difficult to admit, but I really liked how I became like this "new Tessa", safer, stronger. Despite saying the opposite in the interviews, I like to be ironic, sure that it will not be a movie that I will watch with my family and friends, just like the first one, I don't like to see myself acting, despite learning a lot when I see myself, thinking about the things that could be better on the scene... But I felt more confident and much closer to him than the other time, and that was one of the best parts for me.

Still in August, the fans got me a photo session with Damon Baker, simply an amazing photographer who takes sensational and very different photos.

During the pandemic I stayed at my home in Los Angeles, sometimes I saw some friends, sometimes my sister, who was also here on business, used and abused video calls. On August 18th, it was my birthday, and as soon as I woke up I received several messages of affection, from my family, from my friends, from him, from the cast of After, from the fans...

"Happy birthday to the happiest and funniest person I was lucky enough to meet. You mess with me, with my feelings and my way of thinking, besides being very important to me, I miss you! Enjoy your day, beautiful <3"

Reading that, coming from Hero was very special for me, it made my day start really well! I talked to my parents by phone, with some friends, I saw some videos that the fans made for me on social media, I still can't believe that I deserve so much love, I feel very lucky for all this! The cast of After also made a video call with me, the last two years we celebrated together and this year would have to be like this, but I was very happy to spend this time with them, they were all there. And before sleeping Hero called me, also by video, to talk a little, he was with his friends, nothing new, but even so, we talked for a while, he told me everything that was going on in London and I told him what I was feeling, I thanked him for the message and we just didn't do anything else because his friends called him, I miss him so much...

Still at the end of August, my interview for Los Angeles Magazine came out, it was a show! I did some interviews and rehearsals for other places in the following months. The video calls to the channels and magazines of different countries came out daily, and with them, many surprises about the movie, moreover, we had no idea of ​​the great news that would come soon...

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