38 - WEEK 7

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Winter arrived at the beginning of this week, I understand that the producers and director were already waiting for this season in the country, to shoot the scenes and bring different scenarios for the movie, in the end everything worked out.

When Jô called me with the others at the casting to see the snow, I already imagined that the outside of the hotel would be cold, snowing, but I just didn't expect that even my eyelashes would be frozen, in addition to my little body. Our producers were already lying in the snow making snow angels when we went down and we met them, we laughed a lot when they got up shaking the whole body.

I look at Jô, all hooded, staring at the snow, without believing:

"It is Beautiful!" I hardly heard it because of the mask:

"Really pretty!"

"I'm talking about the snow!"

"And I talked about you..."

I notice that she smiles, her eyes close, her cheeks, or part of them, rise up, I notice it red because of the cold, she looks at me, almost unable to open her eyes, I feel her arm around me, it would be a demonstration of affection in front of everyone? Without thinking twice, I hug her back. We watch everyone jumping, throwing snowballs at each other, lying on it, feeling their ass and back freeze:

"Can I ask you a question, because I forgot to ask you before?"

"Hmm... I think you can!"

"You were really going to ask the girl's number in the 'Truth or Dare'?"

I look at her wanting to laugh:

"Why? Are you jealous?"

"I don't feel these things!" She rolls her eyes and laughs.

"I know... But... It was a joke! Do you want to know why?"


"Because I had arranged with the guys, I told them I was going to ask for a challenge and if It stop at any of them, it was to ask me to do that..."

"Ah... And if we hadn't changed the game, you would go then?"

"I... I hadn't thought about that... But one thing I know... You are jealous!"

"N.." I put my gloved finger on top of her mask for her to stop talking:

"Yes, you do, admit that, I took a feeling out of this heart of stone..."

"Yours is as hard as an ice piece."

She laughs and she fills her hand with snow and throws it at me, I do the same and a big snowball fight starts with everyone in the cast and production.

The week went by, colder than we expected, the production bought coats, masks, burrows with the logo of the movie, prepared for what was to come. Some actors were already finishing their scenes and packing things up to go home and spend the holidays with their families... It was the case of Mira, Arielle... We went to each one who was dismissed from the set, we said goodbye, took selfies and photos with the whole group, we were really close, after all we were together in another country without family and friends, we only had us and we counted a lot on each other there.

We shot more scenes in "London", scenes in a wedding dress shop, in a Café... The scenes were tiring, but they were good, our chemistry was surreal. Still during the week, we shooted many external scenes and during the night, although we were exhausted, all the scenes during the night result in funny moments with everyone crazy, very sleepy and talking nonsense.

We went back to the hotel and this time Jô didn't let go of my hand until we got to her room, we took a quick shower, I went first while she took off all her makeup, despite wearing the tattoos on my body, they come out even easier than all these products that women put on their faces, and also, there are days that I don't even take off the tattoos because it's easier to touch them up than to start from scratch... When I left the bathroom towel she gave me a peck before going in take her shower, try to pull my towel, but I was quicker and safer, she laughs entering the bathroom, I think of going in behind her, running my hand over her body, but I control myself, instead, I lie on her bed to wait for her. I wake up with the room in the dark, my vision improves a little because of the dark and I realize that Jô is stuck to me, I fit in and we sleep together, I feel the best possible sensations again.

Behind the End - HerophineOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant