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I never thought I would go to Bulgaria, through the window of the plane I could see a lot of green and blue, I researched some places to visit and it is beautiful there. I was looking forward to meeting the production people in person, I spoke to Castille, the new director, by video call a few days ago, she is a very pretty, redhead, young and seems to be very cool.

One of the new production guys picked me up at the airport. I had texted Jô asking what time she would arrive, but her flight was going to take a long time to leave, so we went straight to the hotel. I arrived in the hall and met with three people from the old production, I sat with them until I found out what would happen to us, they were as lost as I was, we wanted to know which room we would stay in and meet the rest of the production, everyone was eager to meet them. We talked about the "new normal", the fact of wearing masks to go everywhere, or washing our hands all time and using alcohol in gel, me, the guy that only had alcohol in the drinks that I drink... We commented how we passed the quarantine, one of the cameras said that he had never slept so much in his life, and I said that it wasn't too bad for me either...

Castille suddenly appears during our conversation holding many bags with "gifts" from the direction and the hotel for everyone in the production and actors, I was very happy to finally meet her in person. She greets us and it was possible to notice that she was also very happy and excited to start the new project.

"Hero! Much pleasure! I was looking forward to meeting you! Jô is already arriving, I asked for separate rooms for you both to be more comfortable..."

We looked at each other for a moment, I think she was waiting for me to say something, maybe about being a couple and wanting to sleep together, knowing Jô she wouldn't want to tell anyone that we have something so I'm just going to nod and follow the flow... I thanked her and we continued walking around the hotel, which was a big hotel by the way, I did some research when I was at home and learned that there are a night club, swimming pools, whirlpools, restaurants, cafes, spa, gym, everything! We walked for a long time until we reached the corridor of the rooms, which reminded me of the Titanic. The room was also big, the bed, the TV, already imagining a lot of things I will do here:

"I'll leave you here to settle in and get used to the room, anything you need you can call me! As soon as Jô arrives I invite you both to dinner and talk more about everything."

"Okay! Thank you!" I smiled to her, we exchanged cell phone number and she left for me to rest, I put my clothes in the closet, I took my perfumes and accessories out of the suitcase, I wanted to see if I had forgotten anything...

The production of the movie asked us to arrive weeks before starting the shooting to be quarantined at the hotel, to do tests to control our health, to talk to us, and just like Roger, to show the ideas, prepare makeup, clothes, accessories and organize all. We had the script in hand for a few days already, I hadn't decorated all pages yet, I hadn't decorated anything in fact, but I know that Jô will help me with this, she made sure to tell me every scene she managed to decorate, I am very proud of her!

After a few hours, I had already packed my things, I lay on the bed to use my cell phone. I send a message to Jô:

"A handsome guy is lying on bed at the hotel waiting for you... Where are you?"

But I had no answer, so I hear knocking on the door, it could be someone asking me to eat something, bringing some special snack from the house, I was in the room for a while, I get up and when I open it, I am forced to look down, I see very blond hair, beautiful blue eyes staring at me and a big mask covering her smile... It was she!

Behind the End - HerophineWhere stories live. Discover now