But Peter was right once again when he turned forwards, in front of him stood a black-haired woman with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Hiya handsome," she waved him.

Someone gripped his shoulder, he turned back and faced a man. Before he could take out his gun, a blow to his head knocked all sense out of him.

Gary jerked his hand to shake off the pain as Chuck dropped unconscious on the floor.

"Mighty punch," he complimented himself as he searched Chuck's pockets for keycards, "how do you reckon we go in?"

Dawn looked down at Chuck and then back at Gary, a mischievous smile spread on her face as she said, "I have a plan, and it requires you punching me."

"You're Goliath?" Asked Asad, "you came this fast from Kanto?"

Gary hummed in a deep voice, "Was already on my way when I was called, it was a matter of minutes and then—" he forcefully pushed Dawn forward, "—I caught this bitch lurking 'round the den."

Asad was the first person of the team Cipher that they'd caught. It had been Dawn's plan for Gary to dress in Chuck's clothing presenting himself as Goliath, a smuggler's name that Chuck had been saying before he was knocked out.

It was also her plan to act as a prisoner and for effect, she'd asked him to punch her. Gary had of course refused (reluctantly) but then Dawn kept on bugging him, saying mean words and curses, at last, she'd brought up the Unowns dimension and how it was her fault they had to witness the horror because of her.

Gary punched her and out of angst, she did too.

"What to do with her?" He grabbed ahold of her hair and yanked her head around.

Dawn was exasperated in pain.

Asad gave him a weird glance, "Where's Chuck?"

"Went out," he quickly said, "taking to others."

Asad seemed satisfied enough. "Stuff her with the others ahead."

He nodded and disappeared into the hallway.

After making sure that they were alone, Dawn shrugged off his head and hit Gary in the nose with the back of her head.

"Ow!" He covered his nose, "what was that for!"

"Who told you to grab a hold of my hair!" She caressed her forehead.

"You told me to hit you!"

"Just once!" She wiped the blood off her lips.

The two of them made their way towards their friends, of course, they had no idea where they were going but luckily just before he was captured, Calem had sent them their locations, and thanks to the tracking beam which was installed in them, it was all too easy.

His heart caught up in his throat as Gary entered the room, in the corner was Serena all bound and tied until and next to her was Calem, also bound and tied up.

There was no sign of Ash.

"Who're you?" Said a man who was watching the two.

Gary pushed Dawn forwards, she stumbled towards Calem and Serena and dropped on the floor next to them. She winced in pain as Serena's knee hit her forehead.

"Goliath," he said in a deep voice.

Peter frowned as he exchanged glances between Dawn and Gary, a questionable expression was dawned on his face.

"Goliath is a woman,"

Peter took out his weapon around the same time Gary did, luckily Gary was quicker. Peter threw a table towards him to throw him off his game, Gary stumbled backward but quickly regained himself.

"Here!" He tossed Dawn her laser as he ran after Peter.

The good news was, Gary had shot him in the legs before he could run out of the room, the bad was that he'd tasted Gary first. By the time he regained his normal composure, Peter had crawled towards the nearest wall and pressed a weird-looking switch.

The entire collider buzzed red and alarming alarms pierced through their ears. The buzzing was just like the one he'd witnessed in the Unowns dimension, the only thing missing were the screams.

An ominous feeling spread over his face as Gary walked towards Peter and grabbed him by his shoulder, "Where is Ash?!" He asked.

Peter laughed, Gary broke his teeth.

"Where is Ash!"

He laughed yet again. Blood rushed to Gary's brain, clouding his decision completely. He grabbed ahold of his gun. Aiming for his leg, Gary shot him.

The man yelled in pain, "I-I w-won't!"

He shot his other leg, "Tell me!"

The man refused to answer but Gary knew better because this time, he aimed for his crotch. He grabbed the man by his collar and whispered in his ear, "I can end this easy or in suffering," he further pressed the nozzle, "Tell me."

The man still refused to answer and so, Gary aimed. But before he could do so, he yelled, "I'll tell you!" He said, "c-come closer."

"Speak!" He yelled, pressing the gun against his crotch.

"He's on the chair in the east wing," he whispered with contempt, "he'll die before you get there."

Gary hit his head with the end of his laser and Peter collapsed on the ground. A sigh escaped Gary's lips as he wondered whether what he'd witnessed in the dimension was intact true.

We're all gonna die if it is.

"Did he say chair?"

Gary turned back only to find Serena, worry was etched on her face.

"Leave with Dawn, Calem, and save the Pokémon." Gary ordered, "I'll get Ash."

Serena didn't bulge, "I don't take orders from you, Garrison."

He couldn't help but get angry over her stubbornness, but deep down he couldn't help but be pleased with her answer.

You picked a right one, Ashy-boy, he thought, you better not be dead when I get there.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Gary grabbed her hand and together the two of them ran towards the east wing as the alarm blazed behind them.

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