Chapter 37

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Keith opens the front door and walks into Havana's house.

"Bea? Where are you?"

"She's not here. She went to the forest." Havana says, coming out of the kitchen, wiping her hands with her apron.

"When did she leave?" Keith asks, feeling anxious.

"Just fifteen minutes ago. Whats wrong Keith? Why do you look like that?"

"Keith, Nate, you came." Jonathan smiles as he comes out of the bedroom, fresh. His smile soon fades away as he sees their expressions.

"What's wrong?"

"Bea. I have a bad feeling about this." Keith says as he walks up the stairs.

"Nate what happened?" Jonathan asked, now beginning to worry.

"I don't know. Keith's been having a really bad feeling. So we came as soon as we could."

Jonathan turns to Havana.

"Did she confe-"

"She didn't. She couldn't. So she invited them here. She left fifteen minutes ago to get some ingredients for her cake. She hasn't come-." she takes a deep breath, her body shaking.

*How could I be so dumb! How could I let her go! Why am I so stupid!* tears formed in her eyes.

"Guys! Come up fast!!" they heard Keith's shaky voice. They immediately ran up to Bea's room.

As soon as they reached the door, they saw Keith sitting on the windowsill, his eyes red from crying and a paper in his hand.

Havana runs to him.

"What happened Keith? Whats wrong?!" she cries, seeing Keith like that.

Keith, unable to speak past the lump in his throat, hands her the paper. Havana reads it with shaky hands.

Jonathan and Nate go to Keith.

"Keith what's wrong! What is in the paper?!" Jonathan asks, placing a hand on his shoulder.


"See for yourself.." Havana says, handing the paper to Jonathan. She then goes to Keith and hugs him, whispering that everything will be alright.

Jonathan begins to read the paper as Nate pulls it closer to him so both can read at the same time.

Hey Family,

I'm so sorry I have to do this. I love you all and didn't want to put any of you in trouble because of me. That's why I didn't tell you that I am going.

I'm so sorry Havana and Jonathan. I know I lied but I had to do this. My family is in danger and I don't know what Alistair has done to them. Bryan sounded so weak that I couldn't wait any longer. I saw Keith so I have most of the powers I need. I promise to cone back after this is solved. And when I went to the castle I saw Keith. But he was with Ashley. He was so happy. That was why I came home. I lost my courage but I have it now.

Keith, I'm sorry. I love you. I really do. With all my heart. I want you to know that you are my destined. I wanted to tell you after dinner but I need to leave. I'll come back soon. I promise.


"She ran?! Why?!" Nate asks, sad.

"Nate she said that she went to her family because they needed her. She didn't run from us." Jonathan said, trying to comfort Havana who was crying.

"Jonathan how will she survive! She just got her memories back! She's just seventeen!" she exclaimed.

"Wait! She got her memories back?" Nate asked.

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