Chapter 11

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It was a beautiful day. This sky is blue and a person could hear birds chirping. Keith and Bea sat under a tree. In Havana's garden. It was comforting. Bea had the magic book in her hands. She looks Keith.

“Shall we begin?”


She opened the book.

** This book is about the magic which will be helpful. A Dandilian will get his/her magic by the age of seventeen but these are extra magic that will be useful and handy. But a Dandilian must be seventeen to learn this.**

They read it together. She turned to look at Keith who had a strange expression on his face.
“Keith?” she waved her hand before his face“Are you alright?” she looked concerned.

“Yeah, I'm good.”

Okay she continued to turn the pages. They had various spells. How to grow plants, shoot beams, create fire, change the hairstyle and colours and how to even make magical dresses! Her eyes widened*Okay! Now that's amazing!*

She turned to look at Keith. He was staring at his hands. He had a shocked and confused expression.

“Keith”she called. He didn't respond..

“Keith!”she shook him gently. He jerked, as if she had woken him up at four in the morning. She chuckled at the thought.

“Yea Bea?” he asked, flustered.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“Yes I'm okay now.”

“Oh. What happened?”

“I don't know but— ”

“Bea! Could you come here and help me dear?”

“I'm coming, Havana! I'm so sorry Keith, bit I have to go. Are you staying for lunch?”

“Huh? ...Yea I am staying.”

“Okay” she had a amused expression .


“Coming Havana!”she ran into the house.

Keith sat under the tree. Confused.

*What did just happen!*

He was reading the book with Bea, when he felt a tingling sensation in his hands. He looked at it an almost screamed. His hands were glowing, in the colours of a rainbow. *What is this! Why is this happening!*
Suddenly the colours faded. Then he heard someone calling him and s shoulder. He jerked away. He calmed when he saw that it was only Bea. His heart was still beating faster.

He would go ask mother later. But now he had to—

“Keith come have lunch!”
He slowly got up and went in.

At the table, Bea was picking at her salad when Keith cleared his throat. She looked at him. He stared back at her. “Umm…. I have some news. The Duke of Wellington is sending his daughter Ashley here. I'm to marry her, if all goes well.”

Jonathan choked. He started coughing. Havana got up and patted is back. Bea handed a glass of water to him.

“Keith are you serious? ” Havana asked him.

“I am— he sighed— you know my father promised to give the duke of Wellington any thing he asks for. You know right? ”

“Yes. I do know.”

“The duke of Wellington is sure cunning.” Jonathan said.

“Ah. Yes he is.” Keith replied.

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