Chapter 8

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Bea slowly recovered, with the help of her new friends. During the days she was in the infirmary, she helped Havana with the other patients. Keith and Nate frequently visited her,  getting her sweets and yummy food from the castle. She got to know that Keith was the crown prince of Wyesteria. Bea had fun with Nate and Jonathan. They were cool and funny. They were like brothers to her. Nate was the second son of Lord Hemsworth and so he stayed here instead of his home. Jonathan was a soldier.
Right now, she was helping Havana with sorting herbs in their jars.

“Hey Bea, how are you feeling now?”

“I'm okay.” she said looking down.

“Whats wrong Bea? You're looking sad. In fact you've been down this week.”

She couldn't hold it in.

“I don't remember anything Havana! I don't know anything. It hurts me every day knowing that I  might have a life, a family who miss me and I don't know anything about them. — tears fell from their eyes, rolling down her cheeks— I try hard. I really do. But, I feel dizzy. I just get frustrated Havana. I don't know what to do.”

Havana leaves her work and immediately hugs her.

“Shhh. It's okay. No one is forcing you, Bea. No one is. Take your time. You don't have to force yourself okay? Were all here for you. — she says rocking her back and forth — And come to me when you feel dizzy, you're still weak!”

“Okay” Bea laughed a little.



“Can I ask you something?”

“Sure!” she smiled.

“How are you friends with the crown prince? I mean….. How… ah! Forget it!”

“Its okay, I'll tell you.” Havana laughed.

And so the girls were engaged in a deep conversation, at times laughing.

Suddenly the door burst open and  Nate entered along with Keith both carrying a lot of things. The girls jumped in their seats.

“Keith! Nate! You scared us! You were lucky nothing happened to us or the herbs or I would have sent you guys to the forest.” Havana exclaimed angrily.

“Sorry mother.” both of them said, like little kids.

Bea put her head back and laughed.

Both of them looked at her.

“What's wrong with her?” Nate asked.

“Oh its nothing. I was just telling her our childhood stories.” Havana waved it off.

“You told our childhood stories.” Nate asked her,serious.


“Even the funny ones?”

“Even the funny ones.” Havana confirmed.

Both the men face palmed, embarrassed, their faces red. Havana and Bea laughed.

“Bea, I got you some books.” Keith told changing the  topic.

“You got me books!"

“Yes. One of each type.”

“Wow. Thank you Keith! I'll be sure to read them later.” she hugged him and ran to the books, picking up and looking at  each one of them.

“He made me carry most of these books.” Nate stated.

Bea looked at him.

“Aw! Thank you Nate.” Bea went and hugged him too, Nate looking satisfied like he had accomplished something.

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