Chapter 22

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Havana and Jonathan came out of the medical room, their faces sweaty, their bodies tired and their eyes sad.

“What happened!?” Keith ran to them.

“She's fine.” Havana said. Keith sighed in relief.

“But she's hurt her knee badly. The wound is deep. And she is unconscious.” Jonathan said.

“We don't know for how long she will be asleep. But we have to tend to her knees everyday and make her drink the herbal tea so that she doesn't feel weak when she gets up. And pray.” Havana tells them.

“I'm staying here till wakes up.”  Keith declares.

“No! You wont!” Havana scolds him.

“Keith we know how important Bea is to you. But you have duties too! And there's Ashley too!” Jonathan exclaims.

Keith clenched his teeth. He wanted to scream. He wanted to stay next to Bea. But they were right. He's the Crown Prince. He has a lot of work to do. He has to spend time with Ashley and learn his magic too. He sighed.

“You're right. But I'm still staying here! I will finish my work and cone back here.”

“Me too!” Nate chimes in.

“Then it's settled. Jonathan will take care of Bea in the mornings, I will take care of her in the afternoon and Keith will take care of her in the night. Nate will have to make the tea at all the three times. Guys you can use the guest rooms.”  Havana instructs.

“Okay” they agree.

Then Keith carries Bea to her room and places her on her bed. Havana, Jonathan and Nate all depart to their room. They were very tired and the incident lowered their energy. It was kinda gloomy without Bea.

He covers her with a blanket. He then closes the windows and  sits on a chair next to her bed. He takes her hand in his. It fit his perfectly. So small.

“Please wake up Bea. I miss you.” He kisses her forehead and soon ends up sleeping on the chair.


Jonathan woke up. It was still dark outside. He looked and saw Havana sleeping peacefully beside him. She looked beautiful, even thought she had a hard time last night.

It had rained last evening when he and Nate arrived home for dinner. His heart broke into a million pieces when he saw her standing at the door,crying. Her eyes were puffy and red. She ran to him and hugged him as soon as she saw him. Sobbing, she told him about Bea. His breathing stopped for sometime. He was in danger. Apparently Havana and Bea weren't in the market so they didn't hear about the wolves. Oh no!! Bea could be in danger! He still didn't dare to tell her about the news or Havana will sure faint. He comforted her and  then he and Nate took off to the forest.

Then they saw Keith carrying Bea in his arms and running. His stomach turned at the sight of Bea. Her dress was stained with blood  and both of them were drenched. He felt tears falling down his cheeks. But no one could notice it due to the rain. His little sister was hurt! She was unconscious.

Without wasting time they all ran back to Havana, Bea still in Keith's arms. He wanted to carry her. He loves her and Jonathan could see it clearly.

They ran not caring who saw them. And we neared home he screamed at the top of my voice for Havana to get the medical room ready.

Her face paled when she saw Bea. But she stayed strong. She didn't let Keith in but Jonathan went in as he knew she won't be able to do it alone. They cleaned Bea's  wound and he stitched it. He learnt it from Havana. After he finished, Havana got one of Bea's nightgowns and she dressed her up and bandaged her minor wounds. Then Jonathan dried Bea's hair using a towel.

After everything was done,  Havana cried into Jonathan's shoulder, unable to hold it in anymore.

“Its all my fault Jonathan!! If i hadn't let her go, she would have been alright! I'm so stupid Jonathan. Because of me, she's lying there, unconscious! We don't know if she'll wake up again!” she sobbed.

“Its alright love, Bea will wake up. She's a strong girl. She will overcome. You have to be strong for her!” he calms her, running circles in her back. He kisses her forehead. “Come on let's go.”

Then Keith carries Bea to her room and everyone dispersed to our own rooms.

Jonathan now looks at Havana sleeping. He bends down and kisses her forehead. She squirms under his kiss, being woken up.

“Where are you going? Its not even sunrise yet!” she asks in a sleepy voice.

“Well I have to dress up Bea's wound. And make her drink the tea.”

“Okay.” she murmurs and goes back to sleep.

He leaves their bedroom and heads to the kitchen. He sees Nate.

“What are you doing so early in the morning Nate?”

“It's my duty to make tea remember?” Nate tells him. He then pours the tea into a cup and hands it over to Jonathan.

“Havana taught me how to do it. That's why I opted for this duty. Now I'm going to sleep for a while until everyone gets up. Good night!” Nate tells, sleepy.

“Good night!” Jonathan chuckles. Nate can surely brighten up anyone's day without even trying.

He took  the tea and the bandage and went to Bea's room. He gasped at the sight in front of him.

Keith was asleep in his chair and was holding Bea's hand. He was never so caring. Bea had changed him. Jonathan smiled. He set the things on the night stand and gently nudged Keith awake.

“Keith? Get up!” he softly called out.

“Uhh…… what happened?” Keith's voice was hoarse.

“I said, go and sleep in your room. I'll take care of Bea.”

Keith nods and slowly gets up and leaves.

“Get well soon, Bea. Everyone of us need you. Especially Keith. He loves you. He didn't tell me, but I know.”



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How was your weekend? Have an amazing week ahead!!

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See y'all on Wednesday!

Loads of love,

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