Chapter 2

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Bea got on the horse and galloped into the forest,The wind blowing against her face. Normally, she would have screamed in joy and enjoyed, but now she had to flee. Bea kept riding on until the sun set. The forest started getting dark. The more deep into the forest she went, the more dark it became. She finally found a quite and peaceful place near a stream .She slid down the horse and brought him to the stream.

"Here drink this water. I know you must be thirsty and do get good rest, we have another long day tomorrow." She sighed and the horse neighed in response. She sat on the grass and took out her food which mother had packed.

" How I haven't seen this before?" she wondered aloud. It was some loaves of bread and cheese. She quickly ate it, not leaving a single piece.

As she looked around the place she found the place a good hiding spot.

*How come I've never seen this place before?*

*Because you've never been this far in the forest silly!*

*Oh! Do shut up!*

She ended the conversation in her mind and went to sleep.

*Tomorrow is going to be a long day.*


The next day, Bea found a tiny village. Oh! how happy she was! She immediately went to the marketplace and bought bread and cheese that could last for days. Then she bought a knife for safety. She then counted her money. There was still a good amount left.

After roaming in the marketplace and deciding that it was best that she make a move, she lead the horse in the main gate, only to find some soldiers with Alistair's crest on them.
Panicking, she slowly led the horse towards the back gate, only to find a soldier standing near the gate.

*What do I do now?* she thought as she hid behind a house.

*Think Bea think!*

She found a stone nearby. She picked it up thinking what to do with it.

*Aha!* she threw the stone on the soldier who had turned his back toward her. It hit him hard and he fell unconscious to the ground.
Bea lead the horse towards the gate but stopped to check on the soldier. Once she knew he was fine, she got up on her horse and galloped into the forest.
"Whew! that was close!"

*Yes it was. Imagine if you had got caught!*

*Can you shut up!!* she scolded her conscience. It became quiet after that.

She wondered how her parents and brother were. She prayed that they were strong enough to defeat Alistair. Then maybe she can go home and wouldn't have to deal with with this 'destined' search.

*How will my destined be? Will he be kind enough to help me? Will he be a prince, a lord or a commoner? Because any one can be my destined. Anyone. Anyways I'll be able to defeat Alistair with him. Oh where will I find him! He can be anywhere. It is said that he has to be a Dandilian but nowadays there are Dandilians everywhere! Oh God! What am I to do now?*

Suddenly, she felt cold.
The clouds turned grey and then she felt a cold drop on her palm.

*Oh no! Its going to rain!*

Quickly she kicked the horse and it galloped.
She then found a cave nearby. She quickly led the horse in and settled it down. She then ran out and found some wood for the fire . By the time she returned, it had started to rain heavily. She quickly started a fire and sat near it.

After she was warm and her clothes were dry, she stood up and and stood at the entrance of the cave. It was pouring.

Bea closed her eyes and sighed, relishing the rain. She always loved it when it rained. She remembered the times when she would sit on the couch beside the window with a book in her hand and a cup of hot chocolate in another.

She turned back and went to sit near the fire. She watched as the flames danced around.
She took out the bread and cheese from her bag and ate it slowly munching the bread in an unladylike way.

She laughed"Only if mother sees me now, she'll lecture me to death! "

She then went and sat near the horse.
She brushed his hair with her hand.

"What do they call you?"

Seeing no collar on his neck, she thought of a good name to give him.

"Hmm....... I'll call you Augustus. A good name for a good horse."

The horse neighed happily.

"I'll take it that you liked the name then, Augustus." she smiled.

Bea yawned and patted Augustus.

"Good night Augustus."

She then closed her eyes, the sound of the crackling fire, lulling her to sleep.

_ _ _ _ _

The Next Day

Bea woke up. She looked out and saw that it stopped raining. So she went near the entrance and looked up. The sun was above her head. She had overslept.

*I overslept again! Ugh!*

*Now it will take longer for us to reach the next town!*

*Yea, yea thank you for reminding. *

*Sure sweet heart, anytime.*

*Will you stop annoying me, my lovely mind?*

It became quiet after that.
She went out, Augustus trailing behind her and she stretched.

"Good morning Augustus"
She patted him and he went to eat the nearby grass.

"Hungry aren't we?"

Laughing, she went in and came out with her bread and started chewing it down.

She went in the cave again and sat near the entrance with her bag. She took out the magic book and set it before her. Keeping her bag aside she started reading it.

*All the magic is for those of 17 years over here. Isn't there anything for 16 year olds?*

Then a paragraph caught her eye:

A Dandilian when turns 17 will attain all the magic powers himself. However, this book is written for those who want to learn to strengthen their magic.

She closed the book feeling it is useless for now.

"Come on Augustus let's continue our journey"

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