Chapter 16

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Bea sat at the living room. She was reading the book of magic. She still didn't  remember anything. She sighed.

“Why cant I remember anything!” she was frustrated. All the pent up emotions came out. She got up, ran to her room and fell on her bed and screamed into the pillow.

“It has been weeks! Why can't I remember anything! Why!? Help me Lord!” she cried.

Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up and saw Havana.

“What's wrong,Bea? Why are you crying.” she was concerned.

“I cant remember anything, Havana. I can't. What if I have left my home because I had to do something important? What if my family is in danger?”

“Shh. Its okay, Bea. You can't remember everything in a few weeks.”

Bea laid her head on Havana's lap as she gently stroked Bea's head, calming her down. “It will be alright.”

She then heard Bea's soft snores. She laughed softly.“She's asleep.”

She then laid her back on her pillow and covered her with a blanket as it was cold and shut the windows.

She looked at Bea and saw her sleeping peacefully. She slowly closed the door and left.


It was dark. She looked around. It was pitch black. She shuddered, suddenly feeling cold. She rubbed her palms.“Where am I?” she asked herself. She turned and suddenly saw three people. Two men and a woman. They had their backs turned towards her. They looked tried, their shoulders slumped.

“Mom will we see Bea again? ” one man asked.

“I don't know my son. Its really hard to tell.”she replied.

“Come lets go, mom and dad.” he said sadly.

Bea realized that this must be her family. She suddenly started running towards them.

“Mom! Dad! Wait!” she  screamed out of happiness.

She almost reached them, when she felt someone pulling her back.

“No mom! Help me! Dad!” she screamed scared.

But they didn't hear her. They kept on walking. She struggled to break free. Bit she couldn't. She screamed at the top of her lungs. She couldn't see anything due to the tears blurring her vision. She cried.

“Mom, dad come back.” she whispered.

She suddenly felt a pain in her head. She fell to the ground and let the darkness consume her.

She opened her eyes. She looked around and saw that she was lying on the ground. She wanted to stretch her hands but she couldn't. She then felt ropes. She was tied, hands and legs. She suddenly felt scared.

*What is happening? Where am I?!* she thought.

She then felt a pair oh hands lift her.

“What is happening? Where are you taking me?” but the man didn't reply.  She was laid on the ground in a sitting position. Then a cloth covered her eyes. She was frightened. She struggled to remove the knot.

“Shut up and stay still! You're making it hard!” a gruff voice said. Then she was carried in bridal style again.

She suddenly became quiet. She hear voices speaking. She couldn't decipher who.

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