Chapter 12

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Keith rushed home. He climbed up the stairs to his parents room. He pushed the doors open.

"Mother?"he called out.

No response.

"Mom?" he called a little louder.

A maid rushed to the door and bowed before him.

"Your majesty, the queen isn't here."

"That's okay Sarah. Do you know where she might be?"

"She said she was headed to the library your majesty."

"Thank you."he ran to the library.

He entered the library. He saw his mother reading a book near the window.

"Mother you're here!"

"Yes son I arrived an hour ago. What brings you here?"

"I wanted to ask you something."

"Tell, I'm listening." she closed the book and looked at him.

"Umm..... Today I was next to Bea and we both were reading a book. About magic. And as I read it, I felt a tingling sensation in my hand. Believe me I am not lying, I looked at my hand and saw it glowing in the colours of the rainbow. I'm confused mother I don't know what is happening to me. " he tells her.

What he didn't expect to see was his mother's eyes were wide and she was astonished.

"Mother. Is something wrong?"he asked a little afraid.

"Oh My God! Oh my God!" she laughed, stood up and ran to the bookshelves.

*What did just happen now?* he thought. He felt strange, seeing his mother like that.

She came back with a black and purple book. *What is that?* he looked at it, his gaze never leaving the book.

She set it on the table and sat down. She opened the book to the first page and passed it to him.

"Here Keith, read this page." she pulled her chair close to him. She took his hands and looked at his palms.

"Keith, read."and she looked at his hand.

"Okay" he started reading , it was the same as Bea's book. He read all the words. He started getting the sensation again. He wanted to look but his mother had a strong grip on his hand.

"You're right! It really does glow." she looked happy and excited.

"Why does it glow mother?"

"Its a long story son. Are you ready to listen?"

"Yes mother."

She sat up straight and took a deep breath.

"Do you remember Grandma Tiana? "

"Of course mother. I do."

"Well she is actually a Dandilian. And as you may know they have magic powers. They find their destined using colours and-"

"But mother what if there are many people with the same colour of magic? Then?"

"Then my son they will try the love spell. This spell will shoot a weak laser beam at the person with the same colour of magic. If the magic hurts the person, then he or she will not be your destined. But if it doesn't hurt the person, then they are your destined. You will know by the way you feel when you're near them."

"Oh. But how did I get this magic?" *I have magic! I'm half Dandilian? Oh my God!*

"You're grandma is a Dandilian. She was a duchess. She had actually found her destined. But he died in war. He was a soldier. Grandma Tiana went into depression for almost a year. She didn't want to live there. Everything reminded her of him. So she left. She came to Wyesteria and caught the eyes of your grandpa. He fell in love with her. He was seventeen then, just a Prince. So he could roam around. He somehow became friends with her and grew to love her. She however remained distant. But one night he found her crying beside the river. He sat nest to her all night and comforted her. She then told him everything about her past, her destined and how he died. The day she told him about her was the memorial day of her destined. Hearing Tiana's story your grandpa Ben fell in love with her even more. The next week he confessed to her and told her he will be there for her and protect her. She then grew to love him and loved him till her last breath. So did grandpa. That is why my son we let our children to find their love themselves. And I'm really sorry Keith. If I had known earlier, I would have definitely not let your marriage happen. I will find a way to send her back without-"

"No mother! Its alright. We need to honour father's promise. I'm fine mother. Its okay."


"It's alright." he cupped her cheek.

"Okay son. If you wish. Go and sleep now. You have a big day tomorrow. And i will help you to master your magic. Okay?"

"Alright." he kissed her forehead and bid her goodnight.

*I have magical powers!* he was shocked and confused. *Maybe I have to ask more about this to Mom. She is the only one who can actually help me. Maybe I'll ask her tomorrow. Yea tomorrow. For now I have to sleep.* setting all his worries and confusions aside, he went to sleep.


The next day Keith waited with his family and friends. Bea was also there. She stood next to his mother talking to her. They laughed about something as Havana joined them.

Nate came and stood at his side.

"How are you feeling man?" he asked shaking Keith's hand.

"Nervous and a little excited I guess?"

"You're doing great Keith,don't worry." he grinned at him.

"Nate! Come here." Havana called.

"Coming!" he nodded at Keith and ran to them.

Keith felt nervous. How is Ashley going to be? Is she younger than him? Will he be alright. Now that he has powers. Is she his destined? No. She is a proper Wyesterian. No Dandilian blood.

"So.. How is it going?" he turned to see Bea.

"It's okay I guess?"

"Don't stress out Keith, it makes you look ten years older."

He laughs out loud.

"Thank you Bea, I'm glad you're here today. I guess that's what I need the most. To laugh."he gave her a side hug.

*Hmmm she smells of blueberries today. So mesmerizing. Oh God! Not today! I have to control myself.*

She let's go. She then takes his hand in hers."I feel this Ashley is going to be a good one."

"You think?"

"Yea. Just give her a chance."

"Okay."he smiled at her.

He then heard someone announcing.

"The Lady Ashley has arrived!"


Hey everyone!
Chapter 11 is done😊
Hope you like it.
Its finally Friday! We all made it. Enjoy the weekend everyone. See you on Monday with another chapter!😄

What do you think Ashley is going to be like?
Let me know in the comments below!

With loads of love💖,

✓The Secret Princess✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant