"Seriously? I'm a prisoner in my own room now?"

"It's only for today. Jungkook said something about Sakura being in one of her foul moods today so she's on a war path for you. I'm surprised you didn't find her yourself wondering around if you were looking for me earlier." Namjoon

Shrugging at him and shaking my head I don't recall ever seeing her and I'm sure if she saw me she would of went for me despite hers and mine condition, I just don't think she would care and let her anger get in the way.

"No I didn't see her and I'm sure if she saw me there would be trouble."

"Very true. Well since we're going to do some studies here I need to go get my book bag from the library. I left it there by mistake but I'll be right back though, Okay?" Namjoon

I nodded and he nodded, sticking up his thumbs and then quickly took off out the bedroom door again and closed the door behind him.

Again I sighed now that I'm alone and laid back down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Just counting the seconds that it takes for Namjoon to come back so I can at least be doing something.

I counted up to 37 when I heard the bedroom door open and close again but no foot steps. Turning my head to the side I quickly jolted up in the bed out of fear to see the bull standing there in the very same room as myself glaring at me with so much hate as always.


"Sakura what are you doing in my room?"

She only scoffed at me, bitterly scrunching up her nose in distaste to my question.

"I'm the queen and this is MY castle, I'm free to roam where ever I please. I should be asking you....no telling you to fucking leave my kingdom but you have my stupid husband wrapped around your FUCKING FINGER!!" Sakura

She stomped her foot to the floor like a toddler having a tantrum and I carefully stepped back trying to make as much distance between us as possible.

"Sakura I don't un-"

"It's fucking Queen to you!" Sakura

Taking one dangerous step towards me she pointed at me, squinting her eyes at me.

"Okay, fucking queen..... I don't understand why you hate me so much? What did I do to you?"

Gritting her teeth together she slowly wondered closer and yet I backed away even more but sadly my back was met by the wall and I couldn't get anymore further away from her as she approached me.

"What haven't you done? You've done everything, fucking everything. Jungkook is so obsessed with you that he wont even look at me the way a husband should their wife. It's me he should be in love with, NOT THE FUCKING HELP!!" Sakura

"But aren't you pregnant with his baby too?"

She stopped a few feet away from me, looking up to the ceiling, shaking her head while she laughed bitterly.

"You stupid fucking girl. Jungkook doesn't even look at me, what makes you think he would actually touch me in that way?" Sakura

Oh my god. I am fuckin stupid.

And that stupid grin on her face just made me feel even worse.

"What makes you so fucking special anyways? I don't get it. You're so plain, you're not educated and yet that idiot would go to hell and back for you. I'M HIS WIFE AND HE SHOULD ONLY LOVE ME!!" Sakura

Quickly she moved to me so fast that I barely saw her coming, raised hand and slap down, palm across my cheek. Head bent to the right feeling the burn on my left cheek. I instinctively brought my hands up to my stomach as if to protect my baby in some way but she only slapped my again across my right cheek.


She kept hitting my head over and over again, I cowered down defenceless, all trying to protect my head and most importantly my baby. I couldn't hit her back, she's pregnant too.


I heard a males voice that was too inaudible for me to tell who the voice belonged too, but the constant hits stopped and Sakuras screaming my name over and over again in rage was fading further and further away.

Someone's hand grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into their embrace, my face to their chest but their body was shaking. I could feel it. Just catching a glimpse of Sakura, trying to claw herself back to me, like a cat clawing it's way to it's prey and dark eyes in hate. Jongin had a hold of her around her shoulders, pulling her back and eventually out the room while Hoseok was there too, but only to leave when Namjoon suddenly appeared at the door watching the scene of Sakura going mental and confused yet concerned to what just happened.

Hoseok grabbed Namjoons shirt just to pull him away from the door and close the door behind him leaving me alone with this person holding me tightly to their body. His body was shaking and yet his right arm would twitch every so often. Only our breathing was heard in the room other than Sakuras fading voice on the other side of the door.

It doesn't take long before I realise this is Jungkook that is holding me right now. I could tell by his scent as I breath it in. It may have calmed me and his presence to make me feel more safe but that doesn't stop the stinging pain in my cheeks and to the back of my head when she began to hit when I tried to hide my face. It's just a good thing she didn't start kicking me.

"She's fucking lucky to be alive right now. Only her condition is her saviour right now." Jungkook

He spoke with so much hatred just like Sakura does with me but Jungkooks voice deepened, almost coming out like a growl.

"Let me see. What did she do to you?" Jungkook

Cupping both my cheeks, not knowing that's where it hurts, he forced my head up to look up at him in the eyes. Only to watch his own eyes scan every bit of my face before he lets out a growl to himself and bites his own lip and look down between us.

"She didn't hurt you here did she? The baby?" Jungkook

To the mention of the baby his voice softened so much, almost like he was whispering.

"No. Just my head and face. I'll be fine though."

Again his angry eyes met mine again. Staring right into my soul with his own.

"Y/n that doesn't excuse what she did. She was beating you whether it be your stomach or face. I told her what would happen if she touches you and she didn't listen. Consequences will be made." Jungkook

"What are you going to do?"

My voice too equally coming out in a whisper, my hands gripping into his shirt balling up into fists just to keep him here with me. I actually want him to stay here with me.

"Don't you worry about that. I'll handle it, but Y/n I need to change things again. For your safety after what just happened." Jungkook

Tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear I cant help but to lean in to his touch when his palm rested on the side of my head staying in place and my hair between his fingers.

"What changes?"

"For now, to come stay in my chambers. Just until I sort out Sakura but I cant tell you how long that will be. If it makes you feel better I'll sleep on the floor. I'd rather have you with me all the time from now on. Work, meals what ever it takes. If I cant then someone will be with you but never will you be left alone with out someone with you. I cant take any risks." Jungkook

I only nodded and yet leaned in to hug him again, wrapping my arms around him not having the will to fight him on this one. No, I'll just agree to this for now. If it means that our baby is to remain safe by hanging around Jungkook every single day then so be it. What else could happen that could possibly make this worse?

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