Skye cute little chuckle made me face her again, she hadn't moved from me, not like on her birthday "You should go"

"Probably" I wished I didn't "See you later. Partner" I winked making her roll her eyes in a playful way. She shouldn't have let it slip if she didn't want me to use it, but I'm glad she did. It was clear she hated me at the beginning so the progress over a few months is incredible.


The drive was tense to start with. I didn't know what to say, normally I'm fine but Axel's a little touchy.

"So, you and Skye?"

It's like Blake read my mind and did exactly what I didn't want "Yep, me and Skye" I looked out the window avoiding eye contact

"If you hurt my sister just know I will happily kill you, slow and painful" Axel wasn't joking either I could practically see the flames in his eyes. This is the Red side of his personality.

I chuckle quietly "I have a feeling your sister would do it before you get the chance"

"That's where you have her wrong" I tilt my head confused "The only reason Tyler is still walking this earth is because Skye forbid us from killing him" Blake's words caused Axel's grip on the steering wheel tighten.

"It didn't stop us from hurting him" he smirked

"Well, from what I heard he deserved it. Skye shouldn't be treated like that" knowing what Tyler and Jessica did to her still pisses me off. His loss is my gain I suppose.

"Aww, look at him all loved up" Blake coos staring at me, I roll my eyes holding myself back from hitting him "Don't worry, soon you'll be as whipped as Axel" that was a stupid comment. Axel punched Blake's arm causing him to groan, I could feel the pain. I pretty sure Axel has an iron fist, it's unnatural. I chuckled at Blake's despair and surprisingly Axel even laughed.

"Even so, Skye would never kill someone who meant something to her at some point. Her morals sometimes piss me off" knowing that only made me admire her more.


I stepped out the fanciest dressing room I've ever seen feeling the smartest I've ever been. It felt strange but fitting. The suit gave me confidence and since I'm going to be having Skye on my arm I need to look some what worthy. No doubt she's going to look stunning, she takes me by surprise every day.

"Looking good lover boy" I roll my eyes at the nickname waiting for Blake to come next to me.

The three of us stand straightening up in the main mirror in the tailors.

"Our tailor is the best money can buy, let's hope Ava pulled through for our girls" a smile grew on my face when Axel referred to them as our girls. Is Skye my girl though? I have a feeling she doesn't like the whole belonging to someone else label. I faintly remember Skye telling me Ava made their suits sparkly one year and that's when they decided to go back to their tailor.

"I'll go settle up" Axel turned without letting me argue. Blake reassured me he always does it and I should take it while I have the chance. I swear I'll never get rid of the money, who knew it would be so hard?


After being lightly threatened and then gifted it was time to wait. A thing I have realised takes forever when it comes to girls getting ready. I was at home for an hour before I drove over to the Red residence and there was still no progress.

Since we are all driving we couldn't even pass the time with a beer. I had become more comfortable around Axel and Blake. Blake was never a problem it was more getting used to his puppy like playful manner.

"Looking dapper boys" Mr Red said strolling into the living room. He too was suited and ready.

"I assume you're taking my daughter" suddenly all eyes were on me.

Axel patted my back "If you thought I was intimidating you better buckle up" his smirk was haunting. He dragged Blake out the room with him.

"Like any Father I don't like boys around my daughter but you Grayson, seem to be good for her" I try to hide my surprise

"But don't get it twisted, I am still your worst nightmare"

"Yes Sir" I say with my chest, I appeared confident, I know he can smell fear but I wasn't that scared. He clapped his hands together and left the room.

It's like a split personality with this family. I guess this is what I get mixing business with pleasure. It wasn't exactly a choice, I can't help it, I didn't know Skye would overtake every thought and feeling I have.

The nerves from waiting upon Skye's arrival was doubled from the club night. I stood exactly where I was before except this time is so different than before.

I catch the glimpse of blue and my eyes were fixating on her. She looks better than I could imagine. Everything was in slow motion and before I knew it she was just one step away.

"You look... well... breath taking" I seem to have lost the ability to string a sentence together but it didn't matter, she knew

"You clean up rather nice too handsome" whether she calls me that for sarcastic purposes or not I still enjoy it.

Her hands rose to my tie straightening what I thought was perfected, obviously not to her standards but I should have suspected that.

"I was expecting you to come back with a black eye" her concern is sweet and going by this morning I would have thought the same

"It was close but I think your brother may like me"

But of course, his voice talked over us once again invading our moment "Tolerate. I tolerate you" Skye's frustration had begun to grow "I might start to like you if make sure none of the animals touch my sister tonight"

The surprise change of transport brought a smile to Skye's face. I know she isn't materialistic but I don't think she gets a lot of happy surprises apart from her birthday. The surprises she encounters normally includes weapons and danger.

Speaking of danger when we made it to the hotel which is immaculate, Axel is also impressive in the business manner. I see a lot of people who don't belong.

"Why is there a gunner here?" I whisper in her ear causing less suspicion

She takes a sharp breath, replying "It's a charity ball, all the mafia's attend. Relax" I wish I knew before but it's not like I can't deal with it.

I adjusted my cufflinks and took possession of Skye's hand again. Now I realise what Axel meant by protecting her.

Axel pushed the double doors open making the clicking sounds of the girls heels on the marble floor apparent. The whole ball room turned to us

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