Chapter 97 - Breakup message

Start from the beginning

And then she stood there dumbfounded.

What did she just read?

She double-checked the sender of the message. Huuuh? This tear-jerking essay was actually sent by her baby brother??


Did his account get hacked?

How could Levi possibly be hit by this accident hard?!

Softhearted and sensitive?!? Her iceberg of a fiancé?!?

Pitiful and miserable?? Levi who?? Were they talking about the same person?!

In need of comfort?? The last time she showed concern to him over a dangerous incident, he answered her call with "What do you want?" and then treated her like she had brain damage for even considering he might need mental support!

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Could it be? Her baby brother... he... did... did he hit his head?! 😱

She needed to have him take a head scan ASAP!!!

Bewildered and worried out of her mind for her little bro, but still inexplicably feeling guilty towards her fiancé for reasons unknown, she went to check the message her fiancé left her.

"The engagement is off. I won't marry you. From this moment on, we are over and done in all ways possible.

P.S. I'm changing the bride of the arranged marriage to your brother."


Astar Levi's now ex-fiancée blankly stared at the breakup message for a good couple of minutes.

At first, the shock and disbelief made her eyes widen into saucers, and her heart skip a beat.

Then she couldn't help but rub her eyes vigorously, but when she put her hands down, the message was still the same.

She eyed her light screen skeptically, then slapped herself. Ouch! ...definitely awake.

The slap stung, but at least it made her fully wake up. The stalled cogs in her head started to function properly again. Her eyelid started twitching, and she grabbed her head in misery.

So that's why her little brother made a big deal in his message!

Her man-child of a fiancé was throwing a tantrum again!! And she was nowhere to be found, leaving her pitiful baby brother to handle her unreasonable man-child of a future husband! No wonder she felt that the message her baby brother had left her was filled with outrage and indignation! No wonder her baby brother so pitifully and desperately encouraged her to "hurry back home to comfort her hubby"!

Oh, her pitiful baby brother!! Not only did he have a terrible accident, but he had even been left all alone to deal with this unexpected catastrophe that was Astar Levi! QAQ

And what was her fiancé unhappy about this time? The fact that she didn't rush to him when he asked to see her earlier? Or the fact that she "stood him up" on that lunch appointment?

She should have seen it coming! She had forgotten how self-absorbed her fiancé could be!

Astar Levi had trouble empathizing with people and always put his own needs before the needs of others. If one inconvenienced him or did him wrong, he wouldn't magnanimously shrug it off. No, he'd throw a tantrum and most certainly get payback. An adult man in a position of power, yet as petty as a child! ಥ‿ಥ

And the worst thing about it– stifling helplessness rose up in her chest –was that she could do nothing about it!

Astar Levi couldn't be reasoned with while in the middle of a tantrum. The only course of action anyone, including herself, could take was to leave him to cool off by himself.

Now she couldn't even go back home knowing that one wild Levi was waiting for her there! If she came back now, before he had the time to sleep off his grouchiness and get over his tantrum, she'd just be asking for abuse. And not only would she not help her bro in any way, but she'd even curse everyone in the manor to be unable to have a good night's rest!

Noah's sister let out a bitter smile, looking very wretched.

'Sigh~ When you get yourself a husband, you are not actually becoming a wife but a mother...' 〒▽〒

The precious daughter of the city lord stood in the empty employee lounge, with unshed tears in her eyes, looking forlorn.

She bitterly gazed down at the sofa.

'Hello, sofa. We meet again.' ಥ‿ಥ

'Thanks, Shaw, for the blanket... 👍 I owe you one...'

Soul Shard Captor [BL] - Volume 1: Aris the SootherWhere stories live. Discover now