Carlos looked at her a bit confused and turned to see what she was seeing. He noticed it too then. A door that he'd seen closed last night now stood ajar. They looked at each other, then headed toward it.

Once inside, Carlos flipped on the light. The office was clean and looked basically un-used. Sadie immediately saw the desk was completely bare except for a Manila folder and keys sitting in the middle of it. She walked up and peered down at the label on the folder and saw that it read "Annabelle Nalick".

They smiled at each other as Sadie snatched the items up. They quickly took it to the living room and poured through the contents. It was everything they needed. Annabelle's address and house keys, everything. The items stated she was dead, but they both knew better.

As Carlos continued to sort through the items, Sadie ran up the stairs and leapt into the middle of the bed, jolting Pennywise awake. "Guys! Guess what we found!"

Pennywise grumbled angrily and bear-hugged her, pulling her onto the bed next to him and closing his eyes again. She stared in disbelief for a few moments then struggled to free herself of his grasp, but to no avail. He simply pulled her closer and nuzzled his face into her hair, then proceeded with trying to go back to sleep.

"I'm serious! It's about the witch!"

His eyes snapped open immediately and he sat up. "What did you find?"

She smiled knowingly and leapt off the bed. "Come on!" She urged them and ran out of the room.

He chuckled a bit at her excitement. He was glad to see her so happy to get Nera back. Maybe things really would be different this time. As long as the well-being of Nera and Ezra outweighed her jealousy, it should be fine.

He leaned over Santiago then, sliding a hand up his chest and brushing his face against the Demon's neck, causing him slowly awaken. "Hmm?"

"Come on. They found something." He mumbled softly to Santiago as he tenderly kissed and nuzzled his neck, enjoying the pleasant scent.

Pennywise then slid from the bed and transformed into a fresh suit, with Santiago following close behind.

Moments later they came down the stairs to see papers spread out across the coffee table. "Her name is Annabelle Nalick." Sadie began. "These papers say she died but-"

"She's not dead." Pennywise interrupted with a sly smile. Sadie dropped the papers in her hand and glanced excitedly at Carlos.

"We doubted she was. You can feel her?" Carlos asked.

He nodded. "When she's close. Yes. True Witches aren't completely mortal. They are able to harness a very unique energy from the Earth that eventually becomes a part of them, when they're skilled enough. Not just anyone can do it. There's a few of them here in town but I know of this one. She's actually been here before. Also, she's been going by that name since she arrived here in Derry. Her energy comes and goes. It's not here right now though, but she's alive. It disappears completely when they die. Even residual energy is absorbed back into the Earth, and leaves no trace." He explained to them. "I say we start at her house." He suggested.

Carlos shrugged arrogantly. "That was the plan."

A lopsided grin spread across Penny's face at that. He liked this Demon much more than that puny sadist Isaac. At least Sadie picked a good partner this time, not that Santiago had been a bad choice but the Demon was pretty obsessed with Nera. It was hard for him to focus on anyone else.

"Anyone need to eat? Do it now before we head out." Pennywise mentioned. Personally he'd snatched a delicious little chunky boy just before finding them at the house last night so he was fine. The others seemed content though.

Immortal Love - #2 (Pennywise x OC x OC)Where stories live. Discover now