Chapter Twenty

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Natalie and Austin stood by the car. It was time to say their goodbyes. The summer was over. 

After Alycin went home, everything went back to normal. Austin and Natalie started dating again, and Alex found another girl he really liked. Alycin occasionally texted Natalie, since they were still like twins, but it wasn't the same as it had been before Texas.

Natalie and Austin hugged. 

"I'll miss you so much." Natalie said into her boy friend's shoulder. 

"I'll miss you, too, baby." 

"Come on, Natalie. You'll miss your flight." Michelle grabbed the girl's hand. 

"Bye, Austin." 


She got on her flight and waved goodbye to Texas again. Again. And next year, she would be back. She made that silent promise.

Alycin was supposed to be at home. She had heard that her twin went to see her mom but didn't stay. She hoped. She would miss having a room next to her twin. 


Alycin had gone and seen her mom. Everything had worked out perfectly. She was going back to live with her real family. That made her happy, because she knew her mom wasn't a very forgiving person. 

She sighed and looked out the window of her hotel room. She had rented it for a couple nights to stay away from her mom still. She would miss her freedom. She knew that, but it was only a couple of years, then she'd be going to college.

Her phone buzzed. Natalie was calling. 




"Are you still living with me?"



"My mom and I talked about this. You live near me, anyway. We'll still go to the same school, but I'm tired of being pushed around."

"I don't push you around."

"Bye, Natalie. See you at school." She said quietly. She hung up and looked back out the window. Quietly, she closed the shades and walked in the darkness to her bed, laying in it and thinking.

Maybe that would end their friendship. Maybe it wouldn't. 

Harder Than You Know (Austin Mahone and Alex Constancio)Where stories live. Discover now