Chapter Two

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Hey guys, its Ariel here! This is my first chapter to this story. The even chapters 2, 4, 6,8 and so on will be mine up to 20! It's hard to believe when I first wrote this chapter it was over a year ago, so I made a couple edits to it without changing too much. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this story a lot it has been one of my favorites to write, besides it's sequel! See you for chapter 4! :) -Ariel (xPricelessBeauty)

Natalie's P.O.V.

Being in Texas for yet another summer, honestly it filled me with joy. I was here with my 3 best friends, of which happened to me my perfect boyfriend.  Although last time I had seen Alex this so called 'Erin' girl wasn't around. To be honest, it kinda pissed me off, Alex had never told me about her. Alex should of known that Alycin was heads over heals for him.

When we had got off the plane and Alycin had saw Alex, I could see the joy fill her eyes. That is, until she saw him with Erin. I knew something was up, for Christ’s sake Alycin was my unbiological twin. We were each other’s other halves. I knew on the inside she just wanted to cry seeing Alex and Erin, she's been to happy that Austin and I have been able to keep our relationship for 8 months. She deserves a guy like him that treats her the way Austin treats me.

To be honest, even I didn’t believe that Austin and I would work being 1,500 miles apart, but Austin’s love and Alycin’s hope in us gave me faith. The Mahomies knew about us, of course we couldn’t hide it forever. They’d grown to love me and the relationship I have with Austin. From the tweets, videos, and sweet things he’s done for me the fans’ excitement never dies for us.

When Alycin stretched revealing a little bit of her stomach from her cami pulling up, tension between Erin, Alex, and her built. It was almost as if Erin felt insecure around my best friend. So she pulled at his arm and offered to grab a spot in line for everybody. Being the type of person I am I knew that Erin was a bitch, a jealous bitch at that.              

It felt so nice to be around Austin again, I’d missed his touch. We haven’t had our first kiss yet because we both decided to make sure that it was going to be special. We had spent a while at Subway just catching up on what had happened in the 8 or so months it’d been since we’ve seen everyone in person before we decided to finally go back to Austin’s house.

"Natalie! It’s so nice to see you again" Michele said wrapping me in a hug.

"It’s nice to see you again. Thanks for letting Alycin and I stay here this summer." I said.

"Oh, it’s no problem. I owed your mother one anyway. Let’s just not let anything happen with you two love birds in here.” She smiled.

"Oh jeeze, Mama. Do you really think I’d do something like that?" I said.

I’ll admit I wasn’t as innocent as I seemed, but I wasn’t about ready to lose my virginity or anything.

"No honey, but Austin would."

Austin must of heard her because he walked in screaming “MOM!” while Alex, Alycin, and I died from laugher.

"Well I'm just saying," Michele laughed. "Anyway,  Austin. Show the girls their rooms."

Austin walked us down to the farthest room in the hallway, the room that would belong to Alycin. I had an idea that my room would be the one next to Austin and well I was correct.          

"Here you go, Love," Austin said opening the door.

  “Austin, it’s beautiful. Oh lord.” I gasped.

  “I wanted to make it special for you.”

"You shouldn’t have.” I giggled.

“Oh, but I did.” He winked. “You wanna know the best part about it?”

"There’s something better than this?!”

"Walk through your whole closet.”              

I did as I was told, there was a door at the end of it. Opening it revealed the room I’d been in several times before, the place I’ve seen in so many videos, skype calls, and ustreams, the bedroom of the one and only Austin Carter Mahone.

Harder Than You Know (Austin Mahone and Alex Constancio)Where stories live. Discover now