Chapter Three

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Hey, everyone! It's my turn now. Muahahahaha! Bree, here, writing your odd chapters. Just so you know, I spell Alycin's nickname Alie and Aly so, they are the same person. Okay, love yous!


~Alycin P.O.V.~

Natalie and Austin walked off, and I finished unpacking. I sighed and walked down the hall, downstairs, and saw Alex and Erin sitting together on the couch. 

Alex saw me and blushed. "Hey, Aly." 

"Hi," I walked past him and went into the kitchen. I heard him say something to Erin and he followed me. 

"So, where do you live?" 

"Now?" I asked, opening the fridge, looking for something to drink. "With Natalie." 

"Not your parents?" He was watching me, I could feel it. 

"I was kicked out two years ago." 


Must he be so persistent? I sighed and spun to look at him. He raised his eyebrows. 

"Because I don't deserve to be loved." I said. I shoved past him and walked back upstairs. 

"Hi," Erin said sweetly. She was almost like Chelsea. And I came here to avoid her. 

I closed my bedroom door and sat on the bed to cry. 

I heard a knock on my door all of a sudden. "Yeah?" I asked, strengthening my voice. 

"Are you okay?" Alex called. 

"Leave me alone." 

"No," He came in, followed by Natalie, and low and behold, Erin. 

~Natalie P.O.V.~

Alycin was crying. I could feel it. I turned from Austin's almost-kiss and walked downstairs. Alex was standing in the middle of the living room, looking confused. 

"What did you do?" I asked him. 

"I don't know...." 

"She's crying." I looked at Erin, giving her a dirty look. 

"I didn't do a thing." She said, innocently. 

She made me want to puke.

I stormed back up the stairs and Alex followed me.  

He knocked on the door, and I heard Alycin crying, confirming my feeling. Already? I gave Alex a dirty look. He did this. I just knew it. 

He opened the door and Alycin threw a pillow. He ducked, I ducked, Austin ducked, and Erin was smucked in the face. I restrained from laughing only because I knew when Alie chucked a pillow that hard, she was that upset. 

"GO AWAY!" She yelled. I pushed the others out the door and closed it, giving the lock a push. I knew we weren't supposed to lock doors, but to hell with that. 

"Aly, it's okay, I'm here." 

"It's not okay because your here." She was crying really hard. She only said this when she was really upset. 


"I told you he wouldn't like me." 

"He does!" 

"He's with that Erin girl, which you 'forgot' to tell me." 

"I didn't know!" 

"I hate her." 

"She's a bitch." I closed my mouth hard over my tongue. She didn't like swearing. 

She shook her head and buried it into a pillow. "They are probably making out." She yelled into a pillow. She kicked the bed. 

"No way, no how."


"Alycin," I sat on her bed and rested my hand on her back. She hit me. 

"Don't touch me." 

"I'm your twin." 

"No, your my friend. Who dragged me over here. Who led me to believe that I stood a chance with Alex, that I would be loved. And here I sit, in tears, not three hours into being here." 

"I'm your twin," I said. I patted her head and took the pillow out from under her face. "Now, clean up. Mama Mahone is taking us all out for dinner." 

"Even Erin?" 

"No, she's going home. If you aren't with Alex by the end of the summer, there will be an issue." 

She got up and I left the room. Erin was gone and Alex sat on the couch. When I saw him from the steps, he looked up at me hopefully, but his face dropped when he saw I was me. 

"Hi," He said.

"If you like her-"

"I have a girlfriend." 

"You like Alycin. Don't lie. Now, as I was saying. If you like her, I'd advise you to be a little smarter here, boy. I'm not going to have you break her heart," 

"No, I wouldn't do that. I just want to be her friend, not her boyfriend."

"Then why were you lookin' when her shirt came up?"

"I wasn't. I-"

"Don't lie to me, boy." 

"I'm not!" 

"You know what?  Fuck you- or has Erin already done that?"

He jumped up out of his seat. "NO! She's not like that!" 

"Well, she certainly seems WILLING."

"You are such a bitch!"

"ALEX!" Austin came over when he heard that. "Natalie is NOT!"

Alex shook his head and stormed outside. I stormed back to my room, locking my door, and getting changed into a skirt and purple tank top. Had to look nice for Mama Mahone. Even if I wanted to slaughter the people in the house with me.

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