50. The Magic of Ace

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Trigger Warning: This chapter may contain scenes including violence, trauma, or emotional distress. If you are uncomfortable with the following, please skip this chapter.

I stood there frozen as I stared blankly at the scene. Xenon met my eyes. There was no reaction from him even with the fact that I broke free nor when I bore witness to how he killed one of the important people in my life. He merely evaporated into thin air and I dashed towards Cindra.


The helplessness accompanied the coarseness of my voice. I gathered her in my arms as tears dropped one by one. Crimson liquid dirtied her black dress, and the fine lines appeared deeper in the dark, revealing her age that was past her prime. A trembling red-stained hand held my cheek and tried to wipe away my tears.

"Ace?" It was only my name but she spoke in such a fragile tone and blood dripped from her mouth.

It was like reliving my nightmares, only that it was another person who would depart from the living.

"Cindra. Please teleport yourself. You're gravely injured," I mumbled stupidly even if I knew she could not as her eyes were not the color of violet anymore. It was a dark hue of blue. The same as the time from Willow's party.

Her magic was gone.

"Hold on, I'll get Sullien," I muttered but I forgot that I had nothing with me. Not my portier, not even my dagger.

"It's too late, dear. You need to know... Janessa is alive."

"What?" I asked dumbfounded. "This is not time to be jesting, Cindra. I saw Mother dying in my own arms before Father took her away. We need to leave this place first."

I summoned my strength to lift her while she coughed up and the blood on her stomach didn't seem to stop flowing.

"No... She's inside." She raised her hand and pointed at the door across us.

The room had several doors in this open area and two archways on both ends. If Cindra didn't lose her power she could have bolted away through these doors.

"You... You need... to save them..." Her voice faded out as well as her breath. Her body became heavier in my arms. The weight of another life crushed my strength. My legs staggered with her still in my arms.

"Cindra? Cindra? Cindra!" I bellowed, the guttural cry filling the space but there was no reply.

The woman lying in my lap remained motionless as her eyes closed like soft petals falling on the last day of autumn. Cindra was dead. All because of me.

Everyone who became close to me always ended up in tragedy. I was a curse in their life. A walking calamity with all the deaths I caused.

I could not even lament that long when I heard footfalls echoing nearer. Scrambling to my feet, I carried Cindra's body to enter the nearest door. My mind focused and planned how to get out but I needed to become someone else first. I should never parade myself in Father's territory.

"My name is Ace, awaken."

I held onto Cindra's arm and slowly shifted to her. I exchanged our clothes and wore her scarlet-dipped dress.

The person's track stopped but his presence remained there.

"Come out, rat."

The voice of my fear resonated in the stoned walls. I clenched my fist and went out.

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