08. Twilight Party

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It was already past the declared time but there were still people staying in line outside the Great Hall where the Twilight Party was held.

"Where's Yves?" I asked, trying to spot my brother.

Normally, for events like this, Yves had to escort Willow since they were betrothed but he was nowhere in sight.

"I mentioned it earlier, right? I'm sacrificing my romance for you today. I told him that he could go on his own," said Willow and was smiling broadly.


"Well, I wouldn't have this chance again seeing how overprotective King Enmir was. It was not every day you could leave the palace."

Overprotective, huh? I quickly erased before any thoughts came about my father. I didn't want to dampen my mood.

We fell in line and I could feel eyes watching me. More like I could clearly see them. The men in front of us kept looking back without even bothering to be obscure on what they were doing.

"Welcome, Prince Elyar, the second prince of Gallace," the herald announced with his booming voice that was discernable even with the chatter below the halls.

I stood with no one behind me while Willow was in front. We both waited for our turn to be introduced. It was like this for all royal balls. You can only walk through after the herald announced your name.

I may not have been invited to parties but I snuck into this kind of event many times already. But of course, I was disguised and did not truly enjoy it.

"Welcome, Princess Willow, first princess of Relandey."

Willow headed first. She went down the stairs with much more elegance than any other princess I had seen. Her gown was made of different shades of blue and her hair flowed behind her back. She was like a water nymph coming to life. It was mesmerizing, even the herald standing could not help but keep his eyes on her.

It was then my turn but he didn't notice me and I had to clear my throat for his attention. He crooked his head and his mouth hung open when he saw me. He just stood there in a daze.

"Aren't you going to introduce me?" I prodded and handed him my invitation.

"Pardon me, your highness," he apologized, and read the invitation.

He was frowning yet he continued, "Welcome, Princess Carline, the Fifth Princess of Ezriel."

It was not an exaggeration when all heads turned to me. I could totally read what they were thinking, 'the mysterious princess of Ezriel had finally shown herself'. I could see some of their faces as I stepped down. Some were awed, some were scrutinizing, and I particularly noticed my sisters were contorting their features in their obvious distaste for me.

As soon as I reached the landing, almost everyone crowded around me. They were peering at me like I was an unknown creature. That only showed how intriguing my existence was to these people.

I was somewhat overwhelmed by their attention but I didn't know how to escape. They were all powerful people and I might offend them. But since it was my first time attending a party, they could not strike up a conversation without a proper introduction, unless they were the host themselves.

"Welcome, Princess Carline," greeted a voice from behind.

The people made a way for him. It was the King of Deliora. His crown caught my attention. It was made of gold and ornamented with rare black pearls. It was a treasure a thief could never resist. If he wasn't one of the good rulers I knew, I was sure his crown would definitely be on my mission list.

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