Side Story: Cannaria

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timeline: after the main story


Stagnant water reigned my surrounding with hues of gray and thick rays of fog wafted in the air. I stepped forward, causing ripples as I walked with my feet floating above water that was as vast as an ocean.

Seconds passed as I traipsed into the unknown place until the fog became less dense and a figure emerged.

The man was the reincarnation of purity. Snow white skin and lustrous silver strands that dangled up to his feet were paired with impeccable white robes. His whole being exuded the divinity he possessed.

It has been centuries since I saw his human form. The very last time was when he separated my body and soul, condemning me to the abyss.

"Father," I called out but my head bent towards the ground.

It was better than seeing those deep black eyes that always looked like I was a disappointment. I was never friendly and easy-going like my sister. I was arrogant, just like how a certain bastard described me.

A memory suddenly sprang. I still remembered the exact moment I ripped that bastard's tongue and relished the satisfaction of his blood on my hands. He absolutely deserved it after he plotted with that bitch.

A woman that I loathed deep in my bones and her name embedded in my soul. The only irony was I became someone I despised whose mind was full of schemes and greed but I could never compare to her. That woman was a master of deceit in hiding her toxic claws behind an innocent beauty.

So compelling and immaculate that she even enthralled the mighty god in front of me who succumbed to her like a fool in love.

Clothes rustled as Father came near but I kept my gaze on my reflection in the water clouded with smoke. Just like how I hadn't seen Father's form for so long, I hadn't seen mine for ages either.

Platinum blonde hair parted neatly on my temple and cascaded to my feet while irises that resembled frozen icicles stood out in the vibrant blues of the water. The upturned eyes were still the same, appearing fierce as they stared right back at me with an everlasting proud expression.

Many said that Father and resembled each other and I could not agree more, holding it with pride. However, I could say I was blinded since there was no way that was the case just merely looking at our opposite countenance.

I swallowed a sigh. I really could not deny I was an absolute idiot back then. And perhaps until now...

All my memories with Father were sparse and I treasured them all, that even after hundreds of years, I still recalled them. He had told us about this realm before. A place where he was born. It was his territory where the essence of his magic protected and oversaw the whole world.

"Your magic is coming back to me, Cannaria." Father's voice reeled me away from my thoughts but I still refused to look up even if his voice was a touch softer than I recollected.

But then again, the only time the beloved True God, who was widely known for his magnanimity, raised his voice was confronting his unscrupulous daughter who made havoc in the human world. In other words, me.

"Then, what will happen, Father?" I questioned and finally looked up.

Our gazes clashed. Those black eyes had always been unreadable but the day he sealed me, pure rage could be seen but I did not care. If I did not kill them, who would protect my child in such a selfish world? All humans were a threat. They were avaricious that only wished for more power and were never contented.

"Will I die?" I continued.

A long time ago, he had told us we would die once the magic was drained yet I already died twice but my soul was still intact even though I didn't feel any ounce of magic right now. Perhaps this was an exception since we don't have a true soul simply because we were created by him.

That was right, created. Unlike him who was a real god, we were made from his own flesh and blood and only a vessel for his magic. I had already lost my mortal body just like him and it did not take me long to comprehend what he was trying to imply by saying my magic has returned to him.

Nevertheless, this place was a hundred times better than the complete darkness I had stayed in for years. I had no one but myself and could not get out if none of my descendants had completely lost their sanity.

Even if Father didn't like me, in any case, I had someone with me. At least I'm not alone...

"No, Cannaria, you will disappear."

Disappear. I repeated his words. Disappearing meant vanishing without a trace, right? Gone with all the thoughts that I could finally be someone after centuries of solitude. But then again, after I would disappear, I would be void of feeling anything.

I guessed it was better that way. I hated this loneliness lurking deep within. I despised this heart that begged for someone's companionship. It resurfaced every time no matter how hard I buried these useless emotions inside of me.

I certainly could not understand Father, if he decided to make us as the vessel of his magic, just why did he even give us emotions? It would have benefited him if he had made us objects in the first place since he had been treating us like that.

On second thought, I was the only one regarded like that and had always been the receiver of his glacial gaze.

"But I won't let that happen..."

He dragged his sentence as both his hands rested on my shoulder. His eyes swelled with a tenderness that I had only seen directed toward one person. It was the look that I wanted the most but never had.

His grip tightened and sudden exhaustion erupted from my body. I staggered on my feet as both his hand supported me and the last thing I heard was Father's unfamiliar gentle tone.

"I will make you mortal, my dear child."


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